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Neopets: The Rebellion

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Yes, bad title I know... creative juices not flowing correctly today. (I wrote this yesterday, if you were wondering).

The Prophits knew it was coming… the moment THEY took over Neopia. Tired of being ruthlessly beaten, tirelessly made fun of, their plushies never bought… the Chias of the Neopia Central had a plan. And oh, plan they did.


Neopia was a peaceful planet, its existence well, general existence. They had one moon, Krueledor, the home of the orange Grundos. Prophits predicted trouble on the horizon however, and they saw the whole thing happen before it even did. Neopia grew in number and species, one disliked by many, the Chia. Neopet owners would find their Lupes and Gelerts trotting happily home, a dead Chia in their mouth. Some of these Chias, they were extremeists. They plotted to take over the whole of Neopia, from Terror Mountain to the Lost Dessert, Neopia Central to even Krueledor. The Chias upheaved one area after another, beginning at Krueledor, the easiest and least populated, no one hearing the news. It wasn’t until Faerieland suddenly began acting funny, making strange laws and acts that sane Neopets would never make, that people knew something was wrong. And boy was it wrong.

Days later, an unsuspected upheaval of Chias and their supporters appeared on the horizon of Neopia Central. Both Kiko Lake and Roo Island had smoke curling ominously above them, a sign of what was to come. Not even the small army of Neopets could stop the Chias. They went down with barely even a battle. Almost all the pets in this battle died, the ones that didn’t were taken prisoner and ruthlessly thrown in the dungeons of the Castle of Chias, which had been raised just beyond the limits of Neopia central by the Chias.

Now, years later, Neopia lies on the brink of rebellion, normal citizens of Neopia now in an angry flurry, prepare to rebel.


The Neopets of now called “Chia Empire” are finally, after many years, ready to rebel. And they will rebel hard. Angrily. Fearsomely. Most owners of Neopets were killed off by the Chias, though very few remain that haven’t either abandoned their pets or whisked them away into hiding, never to be seen or heard from until they hear news of Neopia being restored.

Main Charris:

King Chia: The King Chia, he simply goes by King George III (haha, American Revolution much?), was almost eaten by a Lupe known as Chilan, whom he had beheaded the moment he gained control. Since then, he plotted secretly and somehow gained control of a vast army of Chias and Chia supporters, but no Lupes. None. George III is a Mutant Chia, he thought it looked “manly”.

Queen Susannah: A royal girl Shoyru by the name of Susannnah is married to George, his royal queen. She gets half of their wealth, which they aquire by their plundering pirate pets, but she barely does any work. She is lazy and horrifically mean to all of her servants.

Princess Lillian: Princess Lillian is a spoiled Royal Kau who has nothing better to do then get the trust of servants, then betray them utterly.

General Lupee (pronounced Loop-ay): Lupee is a simple Fire Lupe, without much else to say for him. He was an esteemed Military general in the Grand Neopia Army before the Chias took over. He leads the rebellion against the Chias.

Sign Ups:
Name: duhr, I wonder what this could be.
Age: 15-50 (for plot purposes, no one would be fighting at the age of ten or twelve)
Gender: Male. Or. Female. Period.
Species: You may be any species you want, and any color except: Any food color, baby, invisible (I’d like to be able to see you), or snot (though I don’t know WHY you’d want to be that anyways)
Description: 4 sentences minimum. Personalize your pet. Describe it as though you didn’t know what a Neopet WAS. (gasp)
Personality: 4 sentences minimum. I want to feel like I know your character.
History: Optional. Mine’s a secret.
Weapon: Bow and Arrow, Dagger, Sword, Claws, ect.
Other: Anything Else?

My sign up:
Name: Lilac
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Faerie Shoyru
Description: Lilac is like a lilac colored dragon, with a single horn jutting out of the top of her head. She has four large wings, each a sort of a blue-teal tint to them. They have darker, bluer spots speckled around them. She has deep, purple eyes, always shining and full of light. Her tail isn’t long, and it isn’t short, it’s the length from her chin to her feet, which isn’t that long. She’s only about four foot five. Shoyrus aren’t the tallest species in the book you know. She has a slightly pudgey stomach, normal for her species and two ovaular hands and two oval-ish feet, each lilac with a deeper purple on the tips. These are usually covered by a pair of shoes that resemble moccasins, to keep her feet from making noise when she’s in the woods and not flying. She also wears a black cloak when they go to do stealthy missions, other times she simply wears Shoyru armor. Usually she just wears a blue bandana.

Personality: Lilac is bold and outgoing, never afraid to speak her mind if she thinks it will make someone’s life better. Despite what you might be thinking from reading that sentence, she’s not self-centered and prefers not to think about herself, she finds it too complicated. Lilac then forces herself to help others, even if it means that she has to help someone she doesn’t like, to keep the focus off of her own problems. This causes her to be messy and sloppy, her things are lying all over her room in the secret rebel base, which has lost her quite a few roommates. Despite all this, she has the courage to pull through her problems, giving her her trademark spunk and sarcastic comments.

History: a secret, but it does have something darkly to do with Queen Susannah…
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Other: Lilac utterly loathes the royal family, for reasons she doesn’t want to go into.


1. Lilac, Charmed Band-o
2. Kyrouge1234, Torkie10
3. Sai, Literate
4. Fugari, Cdra1617
5. Furfront, Xtra
6. Tamara, Chaotic Pink
7. Ishandra, Kiruia
8. Mila, flareon tamer
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black cat, black cat
*pokes thread* Hello, I'd like to sign-up, so please reserve a spot for me. Please and thank you.



Not a Seadra
Ooh. I like Neopets RPGs, gives you some freedom with characters...

Reserve for meh pleases~ =D


Busy at the moment
Name: Kyrouge1234
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Christmas shoyru
Description: Ky is a deep shade of forest green with white speckles on her wings, like all Christmas shoyrus, but she also has scars on her wings, arms, and tail from fighting in several wars. Her coat used to be a deep shade of red, but the effects of exposure to excessive sand, water, snow, sun, and mud has left it slightly stained and a faded color, also with extra inside pockets and patchings. Ky has huge, HUGE eyes that have pupils that are almost always dialated. Ky is extremely strong for someone her size and age, due to the number of years she spent cooped up on a mountainside. When she goes out for a party, she wears her new coat, at home she wears he casual cloak, but when she goes to fight she wears her weather-worn coat, mostly because it easily blends in with anything...
Personality: Kyrouge1234 loves history. She knows almost the entire history of Neopia, and is studying the vanished myths of the Shoyru Heroes of old. She loves a good fight, merely because she was raised by a belligerent red... "lenny" (CB, guess who that is. :D) but actually can not find it in herself to do anything more than debilitate her enimies. She can, however, hold a very nasty grudge when she loses. A large dreamer, she plans on having an extensive mansion built and buying all the books in Neopia. Once she befriends someone, she sticks by them. If she wants to be alone, she can go off and her absence remain unnoticed for at least two hours.
History: Raised with stories of heroics from another world, she felt compelled to go fight in the Merridell War against Kass. Ill prepared, she had no weapons nor skills, and lost miserably to the first and weakest wave that was sent out. Before the war ended, she bought a Bronze Short Sword. When the war was over, she recived no prize, and became furious. She was intruiged by the mystery of Darigan, and looked into the Citadel's history to see if this had happened before. What she found appalled her; King Skarl had stolen the Orb that kept Darigan's land prosperous, blamed Darigan for trying to "steal" it back, Darigan's people wasted away and died, and Darigan was killed. The next war, Hannah and the Ice Caves, was the beginning of her prime. She got sick from fighting the first wave of disease-ridden snowbeasts, but through a waiting room for the healing faerie, she met her best friend- Yuri_Yomei the yellow poogle, who happened to be fighting on the opposite side of the war. The two became fast, inseperatable, happy friends. They remain friends, even though Yuri is now a Pirate Shoyru. In the next war, in Maraqua, Ky battled and defeated over 100 pirates, even though some of them were nearly twice as strong as she was. Throughout the next few puzzles, wars, and plots, she became stronger and gained more knowledge. She knew almost right away when the rebellion was going to start, and took her family and her friends with her into a the most secluded, devastated, cruel part of Terror Mountain. During the war of Hannah and the Ice Caves, she had built an inn deep into the mountainside exactly half-way between the two opposing camps. It was almost forgotten by her, and was forgotten by the rest of Neopia, because Terror Mountain was changed several times. The inn remained, but not even the hardiest of beasts dwelt near the inn. (Ky and the group that she brought with her traveled ther on the hottest day in Neopia, whn some parts of Terror Mountain had melted snow, and they nearly froze to death by the blizzards.) Ky's brother, a Darigan Eyrie that had been part of the Eyrie Guard on the Citadel, was frequently in contact with another guard through the uses of magic. When there was news of a rebellion, Ky decided to learn what was going on. Ky had grown much, MUCH stronger through her years cooped up (even in the extensive inn/mansion) by fighting the monsters and training with Yuri.
Weapon: Ky owns a Shoyru Sabre, a Bronze Short Sword (like a dagger), a Fire Spear, and can perform the move Shoyru Inferno. When given only one weapon, she chooses her Broze Shrot Sword, but ussually fights with her sword in one hand, her dagger in the other, and spouting flames.
Other: Ky is a wonderful musician and an excelent cook. In addition, she can tell very good stories. Her owner, with an alias of Arwen, was a teenager, grew up in her home world, and went to college to major in veterinary study. When she attepted to see Ky on break, she was not let in at first. When she got her..."lenny" and asked, they let her in, but Ky was gone. After searching the house, she found a coded note in an ;201-o;;201-l;;201-d; language.It described the situation. Arwen let the..."lenny" go and take care of Ky. The lenny simply melted any snow it came across, and thus came to be with Ky and the group that came with her to the abandoned inn. The inn that she currently lives in also is inhabited by some of her friends and family. They are as follows; Shriek the Darigan eyrie, Tiger the Pirate Kougra, Rayquaza the Blue bori, Lupae the Checkered Lupe, Diamondbomb the Desert Lupe, and Yuri the Pirate shoyru.
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Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Torkie10: Accepted, of course. Hmmm.... I wonder who that Lenny could be?


Not a Seadra
omg. Fast sign up by Cdra!? The world is ending. XD

Name: Fugari (her real name is... weird XD so it’s a secret.)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Darigan Lupe

Description: Fugari is a lean, wolf-like creature. She has muscular legs and a long, fluffy tail. Her face is very wolfish, slender and muzzled out. She has, on her back, huge leathery wings with several tears in them from fights. Overall, her main coloration is a dull shade of violet. Her underside and wings are a dark, dull purple, and her wings have even darker spots scattered about them. Darkish spots are also located on her legs, and the tip of her tail is this color. Her face, though mostly the main shade of violet on her, is oddly colored. She had dark circles around her pupil-less blood-red eyes and the fur around her mouth is dark. It hangs off her jawline at the ends, and she had longish, fluff-covered whiskers of the darker color, since that is where they extend from. Her nose is small and black, the triangular sort of course. The top of her head is adorned with not only a small tassel of fur, but also with two alert triangular ears that are dark inside. She is very fluffy, particularly in the chest area and on her proverbial elbows. On her oddly large paws (imagine Entei-proportion paws) are thick, sharp black claws. To match, her wings sport the same sort of talons.

To set Fugari aside from the normal Darigan Lupe, she always wears a silver necklace with a glowing emerald charm on the end. She also keeps a small black ringlet with several colored beads and two claws on it around her right foreleg. Finally, she wears silver loop earrings; two on the left ear and one on the right. The place where a second should be on the right is a tear. As far as special markings, there is that red tattoo shaped like a sideways crescent on her forehead... it’s the best way to determine her identity. She sometimes wears a black cloak or some armor, if she feels it is needed for whatever mission she’s going on. Her dagger is always sheathed on her left ankle; her crossbow is found on her back when she’s going into battle.

Personality: Fugari is normally extremely solitary and not real good at making friends. She has a short temper at times and will get very annoyed, especially at her poor little sister Sarushi (before the war, that is). She can be a troublemaker sometimes, stirring up chaos in various ways. She is stealthy normally, likely to sneak into an army camp while all sleep and poison all the food and drink instead of fighting. However, due to her raising she is a very skilled fighter who does enjoy a fight, but not against too many enemies. Four or five is good, she says.

Fugari is always wondering what may have happened to her family, and she’ll never cry in front of anyone. If she starts thinking about them, she’ll leave and cry on her own. Actually, Fugari is pretty soft-hearted, but she hides it under coldness and silence. She almost never shows any emotion whatsoever, because she doesn’t want to get hurt or hurt anyone like she was. Lucky for her the fact that she was an accident never bothered her, or she’d be pretty irritable at all times.

History: The story of Fugari’s birth is a rather odd one. She was born in the “Creation Center”, where the pets are born with an owner already pre-selected. But she was an accident. You heard me, an accident. Her soon-to-be owner was trying to get a green Lupe to be her second pet. She got two out of the deal, whose names were almost the same. She thought she was only getting one, but... that other one just sorta appeared. Yet, when she tested them for battles, the accidental twin proved much more promising. So she was trained and given most of the special treatment.

Fugari had a yellow Lupe for an older brother—they all called him Bakura (gasp. The owner must have been a Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan.)—and a twin sister who went by Fazuri. She also had a younger “sister”, a green Peophin called Sarushi. They were born early and all raised with the owner’s high hopes of making them all different colors. At first, her goals were rather small. She wanted a White Lupe, a Purple Lupe, a Glowing Lupe, and a Christmas Peophin (though originally she had wanted an Aisha, that wasn’t an option now). For Fugari’s exploits in battle and in different wars, she was turned to Glowing before anyone else got color. Sarushi was also given her Christmas colors before anything special happened.

Fugari’s owner got really lucky. While sitting around in the Lost Desert, playing a game of Pyramids (her favorite game), some codger in a ripped up cloak gave her a Draik Transmogrification Potion. She was all “WTF <3” when she came home, but didn’t use it. She sold it for a few million NP (freakin’ crazy rich person >.>) and used that to get her absolute dream pet: a Darigan Lupe. That’d be Fugari. The others got their fair share of pretty colors too, don’t worry.

Fugari never really participated in many of the wars, mostly because her goof of an owner didn’t want to choose sides. That, or her cousin was on the evil side and she didn’t want to fight him. Understandable, since he had access to Dr. Sloth’s Lay Ray. But when the Chias attacked, Fugari opted to protect her family instead of running. Besides, she had always eaten Chocolate Chias (and other candied Chia assortments) and nibbled on almost every food-colored Chia she fought in the BattleDome. She would not let them do this to her family; they were food.

Her owner let her go only because of her stubborn attitude, and the rest of her family hid. What became of them, Fugari is left to wonder. Maybe they’re still hiding, making do with what remains of her owner’s bank account. It was probably enough to last them a while, so maybe... maybe they were still alive somewhere. Either way, Fugari didn’t actually get to battle. It was all over too fast.

Fugari has been training in secrecy for a long time. Maybe now it’s time to finish off the food... I-I mean Chias... with the help of the rebels.

Weapon: Fugari wields three weapons: a small steel dagger, a huge oaken crossbow, and, of course, her claws. ;D

Other: Fugari’s owner? Oh, she goes by Litera. No one knows her real name except her cousin and sister. She was, apparently, a young girl when she first came from her world and a teenager when she disappeared. Another thing, Fugari’s family was (last she checked): Bakura the Tyrannian Lupe, Fazuri the Island Lupe, and Sarushi the Tyrannian Peophin. Yes Litera got hooked on Tyrannian after saving up for it... well, she borrowed a little NP from her cousin, Funkeru, but that’s beside the point. All of these names are actually their call names; the names they were given at birth are very, very odd. Litera is quite ashamed of how noobish they are. XD

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Ok, this will be the first RPG I've signed up to so, here goes:

Sign Ups:
Name: Tamara

Age: 17

Gender: Female.

Species: A Cloud Acara

Description: Tamara is small cat-like creature. She had large, wide ears that sketch far out, and resemble radar dishes; these enamble her with impeckable hearing. Her colour is cloud, the main body colour is a pale blue with fluffy, off white coloured cloud markings placed here and there. Tamara's eyes are a deep, mysterious shade of plum, surrounded with an expance of white with large, triangular shaped eyelids, due to the shape of her eyes, her eyesight isn't always up to scratch. She is hardy ever seen without her straw hat that was purchased long ago, on the rare occasions she doesn't wear it; a spiky forelock can be seen sticking up at odd angles.

For her species, she is quite skinny, with a podgy forehead and cheeks.

Personality: Tamara is shy around those she is unsure of or doesn't know well. With people she knows and trusts she is outgoing, chatty and highly opinionated. She has virtually no vanity, and therefore does not care how she looks and what others think about her in general. Overall, she is optimistic and tends to look on the bring and nicer side of life, a perfectionist at heart.

History: Tamara was born at Faerieland, not far away from the Wheel of Excitement. She doesn't know her original owner and remembers very little of her younger years after surrering an accident at 6. She is now kept by a caring owner with three others pets that are all of different species.

Weapon: A large, antique sword which she found in her birthplace, a triangular, silver shield and her retractable claws.

Other: She hates Chia's and therefore strongly supports the current rebellion.

Her current owner is called Becky, who renamed her Tamara, saving her from the name: Rosie_Loo.
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black cat, black cat
Well...describing neopets is hard. :p

Name: Sai

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Shadow Gelert

Description: Sai has a light canine structure, coming from a Gelert and all. With small paws and long bouncy ears, and being a Shadow neopet, he is covered with all black. Besides his round underbelly, which is of a darker gray. His deep round eyes portray a sort of mischievous air, and his mouth form into a near perpetual grin. His hind paws are a bit slimmer than normal; his build seemed to be structured to fit running and slinking on the ground. Apart from his coloring and his species, there are few differences from others of his kind, such as a long crescent shaped scar along the back of his right hind leg, and a small section of ear was ripped off.

For some strange reason, he has an absence to all kinds of armor/protection and always has some sort of black adornment on, whether it is a black bandana, black hat, black tie, back ribbon, to keep his ears out of his eyes, just something black, even though he was already black. On his back is a carrier of arrows, and a yew long bow, and a small pouch is tied around his waist full of little trinkets...like rocks and needles, a dagger strapped to the side of his hind leg, covering up the scar. Usually in his head gear, a small black Eyrie wing feather is tucked, a memento he treasures, even though anyone could easily lose it.

Personality: He’s a great actor, not only being able to hide his thoughts and feelings; he is able to pretend about things that never happened. His past times are watching neopets panic and often provides false alarms, then bursting into laughter, or that might be an automatic trait of his. He doesn’t care about getting into trouble, and often does so just for the heck of it, as if nothing in the world can faze him. He’s not too friendly with others, well, not enough to tell his past to, but he is quite sociable to others, if annoying them is called socializing. Calm in dramatic matters, he’s serene enough to continue on with his childish behavior. Only with certain things is he serious and stern.

History: Sai worked as a spy/information retriever back before the Chias took over, for an intelligence network agency, relaxing, as he had nothing to do then. For the rest, let’s just say that he worked in an intelligence gathering band until they were scattered by a legion of Chias, wielding big pointy sticks, AKA swords, but he talks nothing of his experience. He’s been alone since.

Weapon: Bow and Arrow, along with an assortment of other things.

Other: He an evasive neopet, accurate with his arrows. Despite that, he was a “reject” in the neopet creation center, with very low strength and defenses. How he became Shadow—colored was unknown, though not to him.


Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
cdra: acceted of course. ^_^
Literate: Accepted
Chaotic Pink: Pretty good for a first-timer, but... The rebellion is AGAINST the Chias? Can you just clarify that part a bit?


You will be missed:(
Species/Color:Christmas Usul
Appearance:Furfront is your normal Christmas Usul, complete with elf hat, yellow fur around his neck, and a squirrel like appearance. He doesn't wear a bow, since too many people mistook him for a girl when he did. He has a belt which carries most of his battledome weaponry, though most of them were lost in the Chia's attack. He also has a pack on the belt, which carries important stuff (like rations) as well as the pictures of the ones important to him.

Personality:Furfront was a born fighter, being the only one out of four that his owner trained for the Battledome. He's mostly a loner, but can be friendly once you get to know him, and always willing to help someone in need. He used to be a real charmer to the ladies in his early days, but not now, not after his marrage. He's one of the first to enter a battle, and the last to leave. He's also filled with a need to revenge, thanks to what the Chia took from him.

History:Furfront had a fairly normal life, before the Chia attack. He was living with his wife and newborn daughter when they attacked. He fought back, but was overwelmed, and his wife and daughter were killed in the attack. He learned later that his sisters Poogle_six (Yellow Poogle) and Sunshine (Striped Kacheek), as well as his brother Chiizoneo (Blue Meerka) was killed in the attack. He carried pictures of all of them, as well as pictures of his wife and daughter. he also has a picture of his old owner, though nobody knows of his fate.

Weapon:He lost a lot of his powerful weapons in the attack, and was reduced to a Lost Desert Daggar and a Honey Potion. He also has a few fairy abilities, including Life Drain
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Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Xtra: accepted, nice to RPG with you again.
bulbasaur: sure.

flareon tamer

Shiny hunter
Awsome an neopet rpg! I'll sign up!

Name:Mila(well it's really zomgitsurukii which is to long for me to rember.)


Species/Color:fire Xweetok


Description:Mila is a normal fire xweetok. Her fur is all black while the strip and collor around her neck is looks like its on fire. She has a slim figuer. She looks like a mouse with a fluffy tail. Her ears are normal for a xweetok but she hear anyone thats whispering near her.

Personality:Mila is the only one thats shy in her owners group. She loves to train before going into the battledome. Even though she's the only fighter in the grorp she sometimes get afraid when it comes to fighting. She is trying to become braver but its really hard her. She loves to read or draw on her free time but she hasn't had the time since Chias took over neopia.

History:Mila has always had a normal life, before the Chia attack. She was training when they attacked. She was too afraid to attack and ran off. Her sister lilah096_4 and brother Masaku_9 were taken away and she hasn't seen them since.


Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
flareon trainer: accepted


You will be missed:(
Just a thought, but...maybe you can let some people sign up as allies to the Chia, or the main characters you mentioned in the description.


La Melancolie Noir
I'm creating a character based off of one of my own Neopets!

Name: Ishandra
Age: 19
Species: Halloween Peophin
Gender: Female
Description: Ishandra looks like a horse with a mermaidlike fin instead of hind legs. She has blue fur (except it's black on her legs and yellow on her forehead), dark blue eyes, yellowish orange hooves, an orange mane, and small blue fins on the side of her head (these can also be gills). Also, she has a diamond on her forehead which is green on the outside and red in the center. She wears a black witch's hat with a red stripe around the base of the top and holes for her ears to poke through, and a black cape with a red orb on the front.
Personality: Ishandra is a spiritual Peophin with a rather dark personality. She's generally calm and not quick to anger, but she does get excited fairly easily. One of her greatest passions is for the supernatural, and she is rather skeptical of people who don't believe in magic ("muggles", as she calls them). This also means that she believes in karma and that anything is possible so long as fate allows it. Also, she generally respects everyone regardless of species or such, and she doesn't really hate anyone. Anyways, Ishandra also likes music (in pretty much every genre except country and rap), and she likes to sing and dance as well. Night is her favourite time of day, and winter is her favourite time of year because the nights are longer. (And who could not love the Advent Calendar?) Anyways, Ishandra also has an affinity for the dark side of life--she could probably be a goth if she so chose. Therefore, death is not on her list of fears.

History: Ishandra had two friends she lived with. First there was Samari, a Royal Aisha. Samari was a kind and benevolent Aisha who was the "queen" of the triad. Then there was Kadini, a Faerie Ixi. Kadini had several psychic abilities and often served to protect the group, and she often traveled to Kreludor to go shopping or something for the group. As for Ishandra, she was just... there. That is, until she heard of the Chias' plan to take over Neopia. Finally, there were some possible victims of Ishandra's black magic! Evil fighting on the side of good!

Weapon: No actual weapons--just a handful of magic spells, often pertaining to darkness.
Other: Ishandra's cape has a magical property that allows her to fly. Also she can breathe underwater because of her gills. In fact, her slowest method of movement is walking, where she has to use her two hoofed legs and hold her rather heavy tail up.

Ishandra also has a Shadow Meowclops named Katea.
OOC: I hope the Petpet and the magic is OK...

**In a language some say I created, the word "ishandra" means "to chant" or "to speak an incantation". And "katea" means "black", appropriately enough.
**I based Ishandra off of my Peophin named Sailor_neutron. The only difference is that "Neutron" is red, and she has a Spyder instead of a Meowclops. Those Halloween Paintbrushes are so darn expensive...

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Kiruia: accepted. The magic is just fine, trust me. I'm just glad more people are starting to sign up.

YOU CAN SIGN UP TO HELP THE CHIA IF YOU WANT TO. I felt like writing in big letters. ^_^


You will be missed:(
Since we have all but two spots filled, maybe we should start, but accept LSU's.

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
I was planning to start next Tuesday, since I can't start today, and Torkie can't start until then.


Busy at the moment
Actually, Wednesday would be best. Tuesday until lunch I have my finals. :p Oh, and by the way, where is everyone?