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NetBattle Team Rate (No Uber/Legends)


My new test team:

Ninjask (Male) @ Leftovers (Baton Passer)
Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 speed, 252 attack, 6 HP
Hasty Nature (+Speed, -Defence)
- Baton Pass
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

Jolteon (Male) @ Leftovers (Special Sweeper)
Trait: Volt Absorve
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 252 speed, 6 special defence
Modest (+Special Attack -Attack)
- Thunder Wave
- Wish
- Toxic
- Thunderbolt

Espeon (Female) @ Leftovers (Special Sweeper)
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 122 Hp (4 hit Ko w/ night shade/seismic toss), 136 speed, 252 special attack
Modest (+Special Attack -Attack)
- Calm Mind
- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Psychic

Blastoise (Female) @ Leftovers (Mixed Sweeper/Tank)
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 8 hp, 180 attack, 252 special attack, 64 special defence, 6 defence
Brave (+Attack, -Speed)
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Rest

Typhlosion (Male) @ Leftovers (Mixed Sweeper)
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 16 hp, 30 attack, 232 speed, 232 special attack
Rash (+Special Attack -Special Defence)
- Focus Punch
- Substitute
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake/Thunderpunch (?)

I baton pass attack to it from ninjask. Same deal with attack evs

Absol (Female) @ Leftovers (Physical Sweeper)
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 122 hp, 252 attack, 136 speed
Adament (+Attack, -Special Attack)
- Shadow Ball
- Slash
- Swords Dance
- Aerial Ace

My Evs are a bit bad, but they are custom. I try to make it so that it takes at least 3 or 4 seismic tosses to kill it.
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prophecy fulfilled
retnea said:
My new test team:

Ninjask (Male) @ Leftovers (Baton Passer)
Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 speed, 252 attack, 6 HP
Hasty Nature (+Speed, -Defence)
- Baton Pass
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

urm no it's not standard, standard is

jolly > hasty, and aerial ace over shadow ball

Jolteon (Male) @ Leftovers (Special Sweeper)
Trait: Volt Absorve
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 252 speed, 6 special defence
Modest (+Special Attack -Attack)
- Thunder Wave
- Wish
- Toxic
- Thunderbolt

god i ****in lol'd my *** off when i saw this...

1) owned by any ground
2) double status was only usable back in rby
3) look at it's defences, you really think it can take hits, to pull of wish and toxic?

substitute/baton pass/hp grass/thunderbolt is the standard for a good reason, oh and TIMID nature

Espeon (Female) @ Leftovers (Special Sweeper)
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 122 Hp (4 hit Ko w/ night shade/seismic toss), 136 speed, 252 special attack
Modest (+Special Attack -Attack)
- Calm Mind
- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Psychic

again not standard espy jump as your nature and evs are retarded

Calm nature - enough for 320 hp / 300 satk / 330 speed / rest in sdef

Blastoise (Female) @ Leftovers (Mixed Sweeper/Tank)
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 8 hp, 180 attack, 252 special attack, 64 special defence, 6 defence
Brave (+Attack, -Speed)
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Rest

just plain stupid, roar/surf/ice beam/rapid spin, again nature and evs are lol

Typhlosion (Male) @ Leftovers (Mixed Sweeper)
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 16 hp, 30 attack, 232 speed, 232 special attack
Rash (+Special Attack -Special Defence)
- Focus Punch
- Substitute
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake/Thunderpunch (?)

it sucks

Absol (Female) @ Leftovers (Physical Sweeper)
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 122 hp, 252 attack, 136 speed
Adament (+Attack, -Special Attack)
- Shadow Ball
- Slash
- Swords Dance
- Aerial Ace

not standard as slash has no place on anything

urm, it is really bad seeming as your natures and evs are poor, plus the movesets just make the pokemon worse as well, anyone half decent will 6-0 you
