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New Abilty (Trait) ideas

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I meant to say "Always hits when activates" *goes to edit*

Here are some more:

Hyper Rage: Increases Critical rate by 10%, but confuses user when sent out. Basically a permament version of Berserk Gene for criticals.

Text: *Pokemon name* is in a rage!
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Twilight Jirachi

Skill Swap: Steals opponents Ability so opponent doesn't have one.


@Twilight Jirachi: There is already an attack called "Skill Swap".


Pure Focus:

Doubles Sp.Atk when sent out. (This is Pure Power except for Sp. Atk.)

Sacrifice: When activated, in a 2 on 2 battle, an attack will hit a Pokemon with this ability instead. If there are 2 Pokemon whose ability activates at the same time, whose activates is random. Chance of activating: Average of both opponent's levels/2.

Text: *Pokemon* has taken the hit instead!


Raiden Maximus
How about this:
Hyper tension:Raise speed when it is in astate like par, psn, burn etc.
Avenge:in 2vs2 battle, if its partner faints, the attck use by the user will go to that opp that kills your partner, and the attack increases by 50%


Back I guess??
this ability permits a pokemon hold 2 items, if the ability is swaped, it will lose the 2nd item that you make it hold.edit:better, the 2nd item that you make it hold stays with the other pokemon.
2) scaring fangs
when in battle or when enters in battle the S.ATK or the SPD of the opponent lowers.
3) shock
flinches the other when enter in battle, but damage of 1st attack is halfed. If used in a 2on2 battle, the partner gets flinched too.
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how about

Last Will
Gives a pokemon of your choice on your team 1/2 of your fainted pokemon HP
*Pokemon* fainted
*Pokemon's* Last Will was activated
*Other Pokemon's*HP was restored by ??? Points

Pokemon goes to sleep at random but it cannot be injured while it's asleep
*Pokemon*stumbled into a deep sleep

while pokemon is asleep it can attack like a normal pokemon
*Pokemon*is fast asleep ZZZ
*Pokemon* began to Sleepwalk

in a double team battle if the Pre-Evo or Evo of your pokemon faint, then the Pre-Evo or Evo's stats are dramatically increased
*Snorlax fainted*
Munchlax's Stats were all increased

A berry has twice the normal effect when used

Bird Pokemon of the same type appear more often

has the effect of Kyogre's Drizzle but random Thunder attacks hit pokemon

hope you like


<-Don't wake him up!
STRONG MIND:User is unaffected by Psychic attacks
PETRIFY:Lowers foe's attack and defense 1 level; lowers user's attack 1 level
BAD THUNDERSTORM:Summons Hail when appears in battle
SHARP BODY:Everytime user is hit by a "touching attack", the attacker takes 15% of the damage done on the user(sort of like rough skin, but better)
FLEXIBLE:prevents evasiveness loss, and increases user's evasiveness
STURDY ARMOR:Negates 1 hit KO attacks, and critical hits; user's def. and sp.def drops
PONDER GUARD:Negates super-effective damage(LoL funny name)
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Hard Hit: Doubles the move power of Sp.Atk moves.

Reflect Power: 1/16 recoil damage for non contact moves.

No Surrender: If an attack would KO this Pokemon, it will be left with 1 HP, as long as the Pokemon has more than 5% of its Max HP left, or 1HP, whichever is bigger.


Raiden Maximus
How about this:
Pure Soul: Dark attacks have no effect on that pkmn.
Shine: Fire and electrical attacks will do twice the damage on dark pkmn.


Well-Known Member
colm said:
Post them here! You can also comment on other's ideas! Here's mine

Scilencer: If Pokemon criticals, there is a 50% chance of OHKOing the opponent. Only works if you are a higher level than your opponent.
EDIT: The Pokemon that get this ability have to be very, very, BAD.

Activation Text: *Pokemon* has hit a weak spot!

Focused Eye: Makes attack always hit if activated. Chance of activating = Lev/2.

Activation Text: *Pokemon* had a moment of focus!
This isn't FE. x_X;


Well-Known Member
I have an idea for a move and an ability that tie together:

move: Darkness
type: Dark
description: Summons pitch-black darkness for 5 turns, during which time the power of Ghost and Dark-type attacks increases 1.5x. Darkness can be cancelled by the use of Sunny Day, and vice versa.

ability: Shadow Blend
description: Evasion raises 1.5x during Darkness.

Pokemon that are very dark in coloring would have the Shadow Blend ability, taking advantage of their coloring to make themselves tough targets in the dark.


Ace Trainer
Ability: Flash Freeze
Description: When hit by Psyical attacks, opponet has a 20% chance of freezing.

Ability: Surge
Description: When Pokemon’s HP is at half or lower, electrical attacks become powered by 1.5x


Isn't 20% chance a little too high?



Electric attacks negated and electric attacks power up when hit with one.


webbed feet

any water pokemon with this ability can escape from any wild pokemon in the water(run away but for water) and in battle it could increase speed and attack every turn


Here are some more:

Last Stand: Increase the power of moves by 1.5x when HP is less than 1/4 of Max HP.
Ability: Slow on the Uptake
Effect: When the Pokemon is KOed, it remains at 0 HP without actually fainting. It will faint if it's hit by an opponent's attack or at the end of its next turn (after attacking).
Pokemon: Slowpoke, Psyduck, etc. XD


Back I guess??
~RaikouRider243~ said:
Ability: Nimble
Effect: Raises Evasion against physical attacks.
Pokémon: Raikou, anything that can run fast

Ability: Crystal Power
Effect: Raises Evasion against special attacks.
Pokémon: Suicune only

I think that legendries must have only one ability
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