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:: New Artwork : No Way To Say ::

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Kand@ [ カンダ ]

☆★ カンダ コトブキ ★☆
Hello Hello here ^_^ How're you?

A new pic today : Hope you'll like it!


wow! it's very pretty! but for me,she looks a bit to skinny and tall.but other than that good job!=D

Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
Extremly purty. I love how draw hair. It looks so... flowy. (If "flowy" is even a word. XD)
You have improved on drawing hands! The hand on the left looks a little disfigured, but that's understandable. The position it's in is really hard to draw... to me, anyway.
And I SO envy your coloring ablity!! It's sooo pretty! I can't even color correctly with colored pencils. XD


Now now, what can I say? I'm speechless XD Your artly winds are so powerful that I kjnow need seatbelt! lol XD~

I despise pink, but the mood is perfect.


This is GORGEOUS, Kanda! :D Everything about it is cute, especially the colour choices and awww those eyes! ^___^


teh awesomeness! She's lean... a bit too lean, though.

Flame Haze SnS

Looks very pretty, Kend@. Though I hate pink.
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