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new eevee group?


<== Best Dragon ever
i was thinking (as rare as it is) that would there mayb be a set of eevee siblings in shinou there were the eevee brothers in kanto to show off eevee and its current evos bak then and then in johto they had the kimono sisters to show the 2 new evos umbreon and espeon so in shinou would the be a new eevee group to show off glacia and leafia or whatever the names like an eevee family

what do you all think



X-Men/Pokemon Fan!
Most likely. I don't see why not!? :) They could also bring May back for like an episode or two, like they did with Misty, to show what Eevee evolution that her Eevee evolved into!?


It would be a nice chance to bring may back and she can have the one eeveelution that no one in the eevee family has.


<== Best Dragon ever
yeh then she ends up trading it or giving it to the family


<== Best Dragon ever
and in the family theres the one that wants to evolve theres but cant


Yeah Baby!
They haven't done the eevee cousins, or the eevee step-family...
Sorry I had to release some stupidity


Yeah Baby!
They haven't done the eevee cousins, or the eevee step-family...
Sorry I had to release some stupidity


<== Best Dragon ever
i cna imagine it already and its ok to release the stupidity for the eevee group they would/should brink bak may her eevee evoloves then she gives it away

booyah! new rank


Knight of Oblivion
i think it is a little over done and that they won't do it again...

they might have 2 brothers or friends that have the new evos though


Well-Known Member
May wont give it away. That would be gay. She should get a Glacia and use it for Contests


Well-Known Member
There is a 98% chance of this happening. As for May, I doubt she would return for just one episode, it would most likely be at least 2 or 3 like Misty did.


It's good to b back!
Can u belive it!!!!
Before exist ;470; I was thinking in a grass evolved form of eevee it could be leafeon(It evolved with leaf stone), i was thining in a rock evolved form(It evolved trading with king's rock)


Well-Known Member
they should have sakura (i think thats the eevee girls name im not sure), her sisters, may and misty???/som1 else??? to show all the eeveelutions.