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:: New Fanart : CHOBIT no Chii-Chan ::

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Kand@ [ カンダ ]

☆★ カンダ コトブキ ★☆
Hello Hello ^_^
Hmm just 2 fanarts today, form a manga i simply love : CHOBITS
The character is Chii, and I drew it with pencil + watercolors



I hope you'll like ^_^


Well-Known Member
Ooh, these are really good. ^^ Her expression and poses are cute and the warm colors match well. It's just that in the first one, her left hand pinky is too small, or so it seems. ^^


Kand, You amaze me to no end. I love the top one the most, because it feels so cheerful with those white lines and I love her pose, I also love how you vary the white frilly parts of her clothing to give it realism.


Whoah, these are beautiful. I'm also a fan of Chobits. The colors only add to her beauty! Great work!

Kand@ [ カンダ ]

☆★ カンダ コトブキ ★☆
Burakki said:
Ooh, these are really good. ^^ Her expression and poses are cute and the warm colors match well. It's just that in the first one, her left hand pinky is too small, or so it seems. ^^
Kand, You amaze me to no end. I love the top one the most, because it feels so cheerful with those white lines and I love her pose, I also love how you vary the white frilly parts of her clothing to give it realism.
Whoah, these are beautiful. I'm also a fan of Chobits. The colors only add to her beauty! Great work!

Sankiou all ^_^ I'm happy you like it :D


God of Fusions
Those too are really good, make the breasts look a little more three-d and I bet you'd get good cash if you sell it.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow...those are beautiful! X3 Chii looks great! I love Chobits! Great job, always look forward to seeing new artwork from you! ^_^


Oooh! Kawaii! I like it a lot, great job! :D
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