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New Graphic for my Fanfic. ^^; Natu!!!


Pippi! Pi!
I've been working on the next chapter of my fanfic, and I decided to take a break and make a quickie graphic for it. :p What do you think? I apologize if you're out of the loop, since it won't mean as much if you haven't read the story. xD But it kind of stands on its own... o.o



Hah hah...cool! Exactly how i imagined the situation in your fic! Good job!!


Kanto Starter Fan
Its brilliant! Love the horrified and Shocked expression in Hitomi's face, no matter how cute Natu looks. Ive also read the first Chapter to your fanfic and its swell so far. Keep up the great work!
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Natsu no Maboroshi
Very well done. Congratulations


Pippi! Pi!
I think it's very good & cute.
I love it.
Do u take requests by a chance?

Erm... not normally... but I dunno. I've gotten requests in the past that intrigued me too much to say no. xD


likes 'poms :3
The only flaws I see is that her head is a tad too big and her upper left arm should be longer. Other then that, it's nicely done. :)


Pippi! Pi!
The only flaws I see is that her head is a tad too big and her upper left arm should be longer. Other then that, it's nicely done. :)

That's all? :p Seriously, those were the two most prominent flaws I noticed too, but I'm sure there's plenty of others. :p Thank you very much for the kind comments! xD

My newest chapter is done, and I was hoping to display this image at the top of my fanfic's page. :( But it seems img tags are disabled on the fanfic forum. :p Oh well. At least you guys got to see it. ^^;


used Metronome!
It reminds me of Misty's dislike for Bug-types early on in the series quite a bit. It's overall a nice picture. There seems to be a bit too much highlight to Natu, and the girl's knees look more like knee protectors.