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New Here :)

Hey all!

My username is Kaironzet, as you may see (duh), and I'm a big Pokemon Fan. If I'm not wrong, I've been playing the Pokemon games and been a fan of Pokemon ever since I was 8 years old, or an age close to that one. Over eight years already I've been following Pokemon, mostly the Pokemon Games for the different Nintendo consoles, although my favorite ones are the GB/GBC/GBA/SP/DS games. I'm really looking forward at being an active member over here, as I'm impatiently waiting to play the Pearl & Diamond games, and, even if I know I have to wait for long, I get too excited for watching any kind of little news.

Oh before I forget, I have experience with vBulletin Forums like these, since I work as an administrator and moderator for a website that deals with this system, so no need to help me out with it! (Although I thank you for thinking about it)

- KzT


'sup. Welcome to SPPf :) I hope you enjoy yourself and stuffs. Read the rules (And obeying them as well would help xD) PM me if you have a question or just wanna be friends :) See you around.