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Well for my safety, I'm gonna say who I am. I'm alexanderrobertbarkas's brother. I need to say it to protect myself for a certain reason that I shouldn't discuus with other people.


Josh trainer
There is, he just got banned.

But, yeah, welcome. I don't know why you seem aggressive for some reason.
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Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
hehe hi! :D Have fun and don't follow your brother's footsteps to get banned!
I beat you to saying that. Anyway, people get the point that I'm not him even though it's the same IP Address. Also, I have two questions:

1. I hear about the search button, but can't find it anywhere! Can someone help me?

2. I hope I don't have the use it, but does Ignore List prevent people from people from PM'ing you?

Also, I won't follow my brother's footsteps. And I do seem a little aggressive sometimes, but I'm usually nice.
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Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
Amusing username.

Anyways welcome if you aren't ARB. Make sure you let him know not to use his full name on the internet.
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