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New idea about pokemon availability for the games


Well-Known Member
How about they make a single pokemon exclusive to each of the countries the games are sold too, that would make those species Ultra Rare! And only obtainable if you visit another country, or a special event.

Like one available only on US,Japan,Australia, games etc... and they would each be different species.


Well-Known Member
Like US game cartridges are the only one who have pkmn #1 on them, japan the only to have pkmn #2, and australia the only one to have pkmn #3. (just an example) So you would need to buy foreign pokemon games to obtain that one pokemon, or like i said in a random event


Pokemon Collecter
You could have edited your post instead of double posting. :p

I had this idea when I heard about WiFi trading. But lots of people would complain, and some people don't have access to WiFi.
Also, I like to try and complete the pokedex using only mine, my brothers and my friends games, so I wouldn't be too fond of the idea, myself.


Well-Known Member
I thought of the idea because it's easy to get all the pkn in the games mostly through trading, and cheating (gameshark)

If you made the pokemon appear in a pkmn game from another country, then wouldnt that mean to get the cheat code for it, you would have to get the gameshark from another country, to go along with the foregin game? (I dont know the answer to that?) That would make it difficult for most to cheat and get it, making it a rare pokemon, and a real life quest for pokemon game players, to find someone who acquired it!


Venusaur The Best
Im guessing you mean the starters are the ones for each country

Anyway if you wanted one you could just import the game (not that hard) also it would put sales down and also if someone weanted the pokemon that was in japan that would suck because what if they dont understand japanese

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
I'm completely against this idea. It's just as bad as making certain legendaries like Mew and Celebi only availible through once-in-a-blue-moon events. Not everyone can go to those events and not everyone has the money to travel to each country to get the exclusive Pokémon, or the money to import each version (and possibly the ability to actually understand the languages they're in). Nor does everyone have friends in each of the countries with whom they could trade (with or without WiFi). Though it would be a great way for Nintendo to lose even more love and support from the fans.

Plus, think of all the programming that would be needed to achieve this. Each country would get its own unique version of the game, which would take more time to produce than normal because then the companies handling the importation and distribution of the game/s would have more to worry about than just translations. And if those companies didn't handle the programming of the exclusive Pokémon, then Grame Freak would and regardless of who takes care of it, we'd have to wait longer for new games. Which means more moaning and groaning from the fandom.

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Personally, I think that's one of the worst ideas that I've ever heard. I have enough trouble just finding somebody in the same neighborhood who I can trade Pokémon with, but a whole other country? O_O; Anyway, to get games with different languages to communicate with each other would require a ridiculous amount of programming. =/