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New Idea

Manafi's Dream

I was thinking this just a minute ago, but does anyone think the shinou starters will be available the way the jhoto starters were in pokemon xd? I think this will happen after beating half of the gym leaders. Post here if you want to show your idea. You can also chat, but it has to be only four posts.;387; ;390; ;393;
i wish so i can get Hikozaru :D


Well-Known Member
i dont no if you mean by 4 other people repyling or not so screw it.

I dont care really. I'll get the other 2 on WiFi


If you can already get the starters in D/P, why bother? They only put the GSC starters in because otherwise, there'd be no possible way to complete the 'Dex (until Emerald came out, that is).


Power of the mind
With Wi-fi Trading what's the real point to it?


Me loves the Kecleon
Well, It'd be cool to have every starter in the game. As in Kanto Johto Hoenn and Shinou starters, but only available over time like some near the start, ect.
maybe for every 2 gyms u beat u get to choose a starter (if ther r any gyms)first to Kanto other 2 jothto other 2 hoenn other 2 shinou. good idea?