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New List...Yay...Also Looking to those I talked to in PM!!!


There are HOW MANY?
Seriously, I'd more likely than not get KILLED in a battle, so I'm just here to collect.

Non-hacked and legit is a must, plz. Also, non-nicknamed Pokemon. As matter of fact, I'm hoping everything I get is legit. I don't have a lot of stuff to offer up, but that's what breeding's for, right? Here's my current.

Also to users desolate1 and tc26, LMK if those trades we discussed in PM (yeah right) are still go, it' s been a week, so sorry guys!!!

Also please take note that my FC has changed! Updated in my Sig!

Stuff to offer up:

Ditto x 2
Treecko x 4
Charmander x 5
Squirtle x 5
Skarmory x 3
Chimchar x 3
Larvitar x 2
Scyther x 2
Dratini x 3
Piplup x 2
Turtwig x 2
Gible x 2
Aerodactyl x 2
Lileep x 1
Eevee x 5
Bagon x 4
Torchic x 2
Cyndaquil x 3
Dialga w/Adamant Orb x 1

and I think I have some spare Lucky Eggs ; ) but tomorrow!
and I MMAAAAAYYYYYY be trading my Shiny Roserade...^_^

Stuff I be looking for (ALL LEGIT Plz):

Magby w/ Magmabooster
Elekid w/ Electrobooster
The Legendary Birds
The Legendary Dogs (they're dogs, right?)
Shiny Stuff: Larvitar, Dratini, Dialga, Charmander, Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Carvannha

I'm also looking for the TM's for Earthquake and Shock Wave...Maybe...

It's 6/1/07 and 12:02 AM where I am...I'll be on until about 2:30 AM my time.
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pokemon masta
i have mew, mewtwo, totodile, chikorita, elikid w/ booster, 2 of the birds, 2 of the dogs, and a shiny celebi... what shinies do you have to offer?


There are HOW MANY?
Well, I have a Roserade, but I'm not sure about that one yet...I have a Shiny Riolu I may let go of...
if the riolu is legit ill give you manaphy, elekid w/electrizer, and one of the leg. dogs for it


pokemon masta
OOO, i want the riolu.... ill trade you the elekid, totodile, chicorita, and one of the dogs/birds for it...


There are HOW MANY?
lvpoke24: How do you check for "legitness"? I haven't done anything weird to my game as far as I know...

squal: Does the 'Kid have an Electrobooster?

ChaosAngel: I haven't quite made up my mind about the Roserade, but I guess Riolu's up for grabs???