Yes you are... well on this site anyways, this stie is so strict this migth be the final update on this site... unless more people get their heads from up their butts and read around the grammar for once and read the excenlt though strange adn bizare plots... spelling and grammer dosn't make a good story... while it does make it better it jsut puts more stress on the authors here I think... trying to make perfect... Tabby Cat... I advise you to read this on it's way ahead and already relived who the outer senshi are... so here's the possble last chapter (on Serebii) of New Lives...
Chapter 11: Untied we Stand
Jadeite had called a meeting for the 5 Jewels of the Neo Dark Kingdom… all 5 girls wanted to know what was going on.
“There is something I would like you to do…” said Jadeite.
“What?” asked Opal.
“I would like for you 5 on the next mission work together as a team…” said Jadeite.
All 5 of them were shocked.
“Why… I don’t need them I can work alone…” said Amethyst.
“That’s an order… and don’t pretend that what happened with your last mission…” said Jadeite to Amethyst referring to the time when she kicked Aquamarine, Amber and Ruby out her assigned world.
“I’m okay with it Jadeite!” said Opal.
“Yeah me too…” said Aquamarine.
The other two nodded in agreement.
“Fine…” growled Amethyst.
“I have an idea where we should attack…” said Amber.
“Where?” asked Amethyst.
“There’s a festival in Fortree City coming up very soon… it would be perfect place to suck energy from human and Pokemon…” said Amber.
“Interring…” said Jadeite, “Very well then… that is where you shall attack.”
The next morning in Kiyo’s world, he was walking to school with Zatch and Hermes trailing behind him.
“Will you two stop fallowing me!” yelled Kiyo.
“Kiyo!” yelled Suzy, who was running up to him, “I just heard the news…”
“Hey… Suzy… wait news…” said Kiyo.
“Mr. Toyama was fired…” said Suzy.
Mr. Toyama was the history teacher at Mochinoki JR. High… he was fired after discovering that he was out to get Kiyo…no really he was out to get Kiyo…
“There’s going to be a substitute until the new teacher arrives… I hope she likes fruits…” said Suzy.
“I wonder…” thought Kiyo.
Meanwhile in Ash’s world, he and the others were enjoying a festival… not just any Festival... the Fortree City Feather Festival, he was also excited that tomorrow that he would finally be able to win his 6th Gym Badge, he couldn’t today as the Gym Leader Winona was busy helping out with the Festival, so Ash decided to enjoy the festival.
“You’re certainly in a good mood…” said May.
“Yeah because for the next two days I get the day off…” said Ash.
“The day off from what?” asked Max.
He had the asked the other Senshi if for the next two days he could get the day off… however Max and May didn’t know about his secret.
Ash froze… “Um… nothing…” said Ash, “Hey look a concert.” He said distracting them.
All 4 of them waked up the concert of a 10 year old blonde girl singing in Japanese while wearing a pink outfit.
“I think I’ve seen her before…” said Ash.
“Hey!” came a voice.
They turned around and saw Peter behind them holding on to Mina’s Smoochum.
“So I see you guys here too…” said Peter.
“Yeah… wait then that’s…” said Ash.
“Mina’s the one singing… one of the performers canceled so Mina volunteered…” said Peter.
“She’s really good…” said May who sighed, “I don’t think I would have won that karaoke contest…”
“Yeah… so what are you doing here?” asked Peter.
“Tomorrow I’m going to challenge Winona.” said Ash.
“Weird… yesterday both me and Mina challenged her… I lost… so did Mina… she’s a tough opponent…” said Peter.
“That’s not going to discourse me!” said Ash, “Wait you and Mina are going for the Pokemon League too…”
“Yeah… so you’re going after it too…” said Peter with a smirk.
“Sure am!” yelled Ash.
Everyone else stared him… Ash sweatdroped and thought “I’ve been hanging out way too much with Luffy and Naruto…”
“Well… any ways how many badges do you have…” said Peter.
“I have 5… but I’ll have 6 tomorrow.” said Ash with pride.
“Well I have 5 too… but Mina has 6…” said Peter, “I think the concert’s over…”
IT was indeed over, “Thank you… thank you! I was Mina and now enjoy… Jerry the Abstinence Clown?”
Mina left stage and joined the others, Smoochum jumped out Peter’s arms and ran over to her trainer. Mina bent down to her Pokemon’s level.
“So you want to enjoy the festival now… right?” asked Mina.
Smoochum nodded.
“Okay…” sauid Mina.
Smoochum ran off to enjoy the festival, “Yo May how’s the No. 1 Neo Sailor Moon fan?” asked Mina.
“Great!” said May, “How’s the Greatest Sailor Mercury fan?”
“Perfect!” said Mina.
Ash shivered slightly… he also felt bad for Kiyo. “You know I think I’m going to check on some stalls over there…” said Ash.
“I’ll join you…” said Brock knowing Ash was feeling uncomfortable around May and Mina.
Ash and Brock walked away and talked about the senshi.
“This is the only world where we’re known to the general public… and May just happened to my biggest fan…” sighed Ash.
“Really what about the other worlds…” said Brock.
“Well in Kiyo’s world no one investigated the concert incident, in Luffy’s world no one had witnessed any battles expect for Zoro, in Ranma’s world everything weird is written off like that and in Naruto’s world… well then again we’ve have been told about the general public but there’s no fans… unless you count those two weirdoes…” said Ash shuddering at the thought of Guy and Lee.
“Well who knows, maybe they will develop fans in their world too…” said Brock.
“Pika!” yelled Pikachu running towards Ash with Dianna in tow, both went to enjoy the festival on their own.
“Ash… you have to see what we found…” said Dianna.
“What?” asked Ash.
They showed them to a rather large stall, it was ran by four woman in different colored jackets, they were selling various objects such as accessories, Poke food, berries, Poke blocks, Poke block cases, ribbon cases, badge cases, special Pokeballs and other things a trainer would need.
“Do any of the women there look familiar?” asked Dianna.
Ash and Brock saw two of them woman… one was purple haired woman who was being yelled at by a red haired woman about being nice to customers.
“Amethyst…” said Brock.
“Ruby…” said Ash.
“Ruby?” asked Brock.
“She’s the one who attacked the concert…” said Ash.
“I’m guessing that this stall in planning something…” said Dianna.
“Yeah…” said Ash.
“Hey Ash! Brock!” yelled May who bought something from the stall, “Check out this really cute ribbon case…” showing them the ribbon case she bought.
Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Dianna all sweatdroped…
“Pikachu…” said Pikachu (translation: Her energy is so stolen…)
Dianna nodded in agreement.
“I’ll be right back…” said Ash running off.
He managed to find a place in town that was didn’t have many people, he took out his communicator and began to call the others.
Luffy was first, in his world he just relaxing in his seat, the ship was still docked at the island as the Log Pose had yet to set. That’s when his communicator went off, it was of course Ash.
“What is it?” asked Luffy.
“It’s an emergency I need you here right now… I’m in Fortree City…” said Ash.
“Right!” said Luffy.
He hung up his communicator and was about to leave when Nami caught him.
“Where are you going?” asked Nami.
“I’m going to explore more of the town…” said Luffy.
“Oh no… you’re not going alone…” said Nami.
“I could go with him…” said Usopp was doing nothing in particular.
Nami sighed, “Fine…” she said.
Both left with Aeries and Nami snapped her fingers in disappointment.
“You know… it doesn’t matter if Luffy’s hiding something…” said Zoro who was lifting weights.
“What?” asked Nami.
“Unless he begins to act strangely then we should be worried…” said Zoro.
“What do you mean?” asked Chopper.
“I mean depressed, not acting like his usual Luffy self…” said Zoro.
The others who heard this knew he was right… even if Luffy was disappearing every now and then it doesn’t mean that he was hiding something... or so they thought…
Back in Ash’s world he had just finished the calls and that’s when all of them came at the exact same time ending up in a large pile of 4 cats, 4 teen age boys, a teen aged girl and a 6 year old boy.
“Ow… so what’s going on?” asked Ranma-Chan.
“Yeah… you have the next two days off because of the gym battles…” said Naruto.
“Well…” said Ash whop explained what’s going on.
“That’s bad…” said Zatch.
“so what are we going to do… they haven’t drained anyone yet…” said Ranma-Chan.
“I have an idea…” said Kiyo.
Later, Luffy, Naruto and Zatch were all sitting on a bench in front of the stall… all of them were bored out of their minds. Luffy yawned.
“This is so boring… make a move already…” mumbled Naruto.
“It’s only been 5 minutes…” said Kiyo with, Ranma-Chan and Usopp all of them had a huge amount of festival food (cotton candy, candy apples, frozen bananas, corn dogs, Takoyaki among other things)
“So when do you think they’re going to strike…” said Naruto.
“Who knows…” said Kiyo.
“So how much did everything cost… after all Ash did give us the money…” said Naruto.
“Not much…” said Ranma-Chan.
“Yeah… thanks to Ranma…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.
“Yeah…” said Usopp.
“Please… can you please give me another one please…” said Ranma-Chan being very cute.
“Sure…” said the man working at Thwe stand blushing.
Both Kiyo and Usopp sweatdroped while they watched this display.
“Ranma… has no shame…” said Kiyo.
“I don’t even think Luffy would do that…” said Usopp.
(End of flashback)
“What’s wrong?” asked Luffy.
“Nothing…” said both Kiyo and Usopp at the same time.
“What’s going on here?” asked a woman with purple hair wearing a blue outfit… she was Winona the Fortree City Gym Leader. She was fallowed by Ash, Brock and the cats.
“What’s wrong?” asked Aquamarine.
“May I see your permit…” said Winona.
“Sure… but first how would you like this free Great Ball…” said Aquamarine giving the Gym Leader a free Great Ball.
“Thanks?” said Winona.
That’s when all 5 of the woman snapped their finger… everyone who bought something from the stall began to have energy drained, including May, Mina who bought a badge case and Peter who bought a few Pokeballs as well as Winona.
Ash, Naruto, Luffy, Kiyo and Ranma-Chan ran off somewhere while Brock, Zatch and Usopp watched this happening.
“All right it worked!” cheered Opal.
“Quite a good plan Amber…” said Amethyst.
“Thanks…” said Amber.
“Stop right now!” yelled 5 voices.
Then the Sailor Senshi appeared.
“The Sailor Senshi… interesting…” said Amethyst.
“I guess we should introduce ourselves… I’m Amber, my assignment is to drain Pokemon…” said Amber.
“I’m Ruby and my assignment is to drain mamodos and bookkeepers in the battle for mamodo king…” said Ruby.
“I’m Aquamarine and my assignment is to drain pirates…” said Aquamarine.
“My name is Amethyst and my assignment is to drain martial artists of Nerima.” said Amethyst.
“And I’m Opal, and my assignment is to drain of the Chakra of the ninjas in the Village Hidden in the Leaves…” said Opal.
All the senshi were angry about what they just heard.
“Well I’m Neo Sailor Moon and I’m also a Pokemon Trainer…” said Neo Sailor Moon.
Almost on cue all 5 of her current Pokemon showed… and they weren’t happy.
“Well I’m Sailor Mercury… I’m uh… friends with mamodo and bookkeepers…” said Sailor Mercury trying to hide the fact that she’s Zatch’s bookkeeper as well as Zatch’s spell book behind her back.
“But Sailor Mercury…” yelled Zatch who was watching but Usopp covered his mouth and shhed him.
“If you tell you might give away his identity…” said Brock.
“I’m Sailor Mars and I’m a pirate!” yelled Sailor Mars.
“I’m Sailor Jupiter and I’m a martial artist from Nerima…” said Sailor Jupiter.
“And I’m Sailor Venus and I’m a Ninja from the Village hidden in the leaves…” said Sailor Venus.
“Interesting… looks like our opponents have been chosen…” said Amethyst.
Amber jumped in front of Neo Sailor Moon, Ruby jumped in front of Sailor Mercury, Aquamarine in front of Sailor Mars, Amethyst in front of Sailor Jupiter and Opal in front of Sailor Venus.
“Oh yeah…” said Amber, a monster appeared from nowhere.
“Drain whoever is left...” said Amber.
The monster went to look fro some victims.
“Hey!” yelled Neo Sailor Moon.
That’s when the fights really began…
“All right! Let’s do that thing!” yelled Opal.
“Um… how much sugar have you had today?” asked Sailor Venus with a sweat drop.
Opal began to count her fingers… “I don’t know… I lost count after 6 cups…” said Opal.
“Great I get the sugar high one…” thought Sailor Venus.
Opal shot out a beam of light from her hand and Sailor Venus barely dodged.
“I have light powers!” said Opal.
“That’s interesting…” said Sailor Venus.
Meanwhile Sailor Jupiter and Amethyst were fighting in hand to hand combat.
“You really are a Martial Artist of Nerima…” said Amethyst.
“And I’m the best!” said Sailor Jupiter.
“No I believe Ranma Saotome is the best…” said Amethyst.
Sailor Jupiter sweatdroped, “Well Ranma… is better then me…” said Sailor Jupiter with a sweat drop, she had never said that about anyone… however since she was really Ranma she was basically complementing herself… however by saying that she also felt her Ego being damaged… in other words… at that moment she was very confused… but she didn’t let it effect her battle.
Meanwhile Sailor Mars and Aquamarine were just standing there…
“Now… now… you say you’re a pirate… not only that but I sense you have devil fruit…” said Aquamarine, “Why don’t you show me!”
“Fine then! Gum Gum Pistol!” yelled Sailor Mars throwing a rubbery punch.
But Aquamarine dodged it… “That was too easy…” said Aquamarine.
Meanwhile Sailor Mercury and Ruby just stood there…
“So looks like we’re fighting again…” said Ruby.
“Yeah…” said Sailor Mercury.
Ruby sent out a large fireball, Sailor Mercury ran away to dodge.
Meanwhile Neo Sailor Moon and Amber were facing each. Neo Sailor Moon grabbed her tiara.
“Moon Tiara action!” she yelled as it became disk like… it aimed towards Amber but she caught it like it was nothing.
“Nice try…” said Amber she tossed the tiara back at Neo Sailor Moon who caught it.
“Pikachu!” said Neo Sailor Moon.
“Pika!” yelled Pikachu using Thunder Bolt on Amber.
The attack hit but Amber was unaffected… she began to laugh, “My power are electricity… so it doesn’t matter…” she said.
“Oh man…” said Neo Sailor Moon.
Meanwhile with the monster was searching for people to drain… Brock, Usopp and Zatch watched the monster from some nearby bushes.
“Should we do something?” asked Zatch.
“We should… we don’t know how long this fight will go on for… who knows if they will done by the time the monster finished…” said Brock.
“Right!” said Usopp with his leg’s shaking, “You go handle that monster Brock!”
“I don’t know how to fight…” said Brock.
“Zatch…” said Usopp.
“Kiyo can’t read my spell book right now…” said Zatch.
“Well I can’t…” said Usopp.
“Aren’t you Luffy’s sharp shooter?” asked Brock.
“Yes I am… or at least that’s what we tell people…” said Usopp.
“Don’t you have the stuff you use?” asked Zatch.
“Yes I do!” said Usopp proudly.
“Then you fight the monster…” said Brock and Zatch the same time.
“Fine…” said Usopp with a sigh… he knew when he was beaten.
He ran out of their hiding place, took out his trusty slingshot and ammo from her purse… uh… bag and shot at the monster... The monster turned it’s attention towards Usopp.
“Oh man this is bad…” thought Usopp shaking.
The monster was about to attack him…
“Dead Scream…” whispered a voice.
Then a purple orb slammed into the monster making it collapse.
“What just happened?” asked Usopp.
“Don’t worry everything’s fine…” said a voice behind Usopp.
Usopp turned around and saw Sailor Pluto… Zatch and Brock left their hiding place.
“Who are you asked?” asked Usopp.
“Sailor Pluto!” said Zatch happily.
“It’s good to see you again Zatch…” said Sailor Pluto.
“Sailor Pluto… the Sailor Senshi that not a cross dresser?” asked Usopp after being told about Sailor Pluto.
Sailor Pluto gave a small laugh, “I guess you can say that…” she said.
That’s when Brock began to hit on her…
“You are visions of true beauty…” said Brock.
Then Usopp began to tug his ear.
“Ash told me if something like ever happened then I’d be in charge…” said Usopp dragging Brock away by the ear.
“Not… the ear…” said Brock.
“You don’t have to worry about the monster…” said Sailor Pluto, “I’m going to fight it myself…”
“Okay!” said Zatch.
“Right…” said Brock.
“Let’s go hide in the bushes!” said Usopp.
Usopp ran towards the bushes fallowed by Zatch and Brock.
“I thought there was only 5 Sailor Senshi…” said the monster getting up.
“There are more… but they aren’t going t show up…” said Sailor Pluto.
“Why not…” said the monster.
“Because it’s not time…” said Sailor.
Back with Sailor Mercury’s fight… the two stood across from each…
“Okay Mercury… it’s go time!” said Ruby.
Ruby began to make a giant fireball…
“Okay… remember that attack…” thought Sailor Mercury.
When Ruby let loose the fireball… Sailor Mercury sued Mercury Aqua Rhapsody… the attack hit each other… the water attack dominated the fire attack and hit it’s target…
“Damn you…” said Ruby, “I have failed… but I’m sure the others will fight…”
She teleported away…
“Mercury!” came Luna’s voice behind her…
“What?” asked Sailor Mercury.
“Go fight the monster…” said Hermes tossing Zatch’s spell book towards her.
“When did you have it?” asked Sailor Mercury.
“That doesn’t’ matter just go!” said Hermes.
Sailor Mercury headed to find that monster…
With Sailor Venus’ she was dodging Opal’s light attacks… as best she could… that’s when she got an idea.
“That’s it…” she thought.
“Man… no wonder you the Number 1 Hyperactive Knuckle Head Ninja… but will it work…” thought Sailor Venus.
She used the Transformation Jutsu… not any old transformation jutsu… a new variation of the Sexy Jutsu… the Hot Guy Jutsu that she just invented three seconds before… it involved her transforming into an older muscular version of her true self (that being Naruto) and begging naked with smoke in the right place… Opal began to blush bright red while drooling.
“I feel so dirty…” thought Sailor Venus.
“So hot!” screamed Opal.
That’s when Sailor Venus undid the jutsu and unleashed Crescent Beam on Opal… it hit her dead on but…
“Nice try… that weak attack won’t work on me…” said Opal.
“Oh man…” said Sailor Venus.
With Sailor Jupiter’s fight…
The two continued to fight… that’s when Sailor Jupiter unleashed Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire…
“You’re good…. I’m not surprised you’re second to Ranma…” said Amethyst.
“Well… I’ll take that complement…” said Sailor Jupiter.
“But it will take more than muscle to defeat me…” said Amethyst she placed her hands on the ground… that’s when vines came out of the ground… Sailor Jupiter managed to get a good distance from the vines.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do now…” thought Sailor Jupiter that’s when she felt a new power go thought her… she began to spin as leave shaped balls of energy attack the vines and quite a few hit Amethyst, during this attack she shouted “Jupiter Oak Evolution”
“I misjudged you…” said Amethyst, “You are not like you predecessor… you are stronger… I now know that you aren’t not to be messed with… I leave this to the others…”
Amethyst teleported…
“Jupiter…” called Luna.
“Help with the monster?” asked Sailor Jupiter, “Sure thing…”
She ran off to fight the monster…
With Sailor Mars’ fight… she continued to use the rubber punches witch Aquamarine continued to doge… that what she smiled evilly, huge waves of water appeared behind.
“You ate the Devil Fruit… you can’t swim…” she said, “Water Typhoon!”
The huge waves of water crashed onto Sailor Mars… engulfing her…when the water resided… Sailor Mars could barely stand.
“Oh did I forget to mention… I control water…” said Aquamarine.
“That doesn’t mater…” said Sailor Mars, “Because I’m still going to pound you…”
“I’d like to see you try…” said Aquamarine.
With Neo Sailor Moon’s fight…
Neo Sailor Moon and the Pokemon glared at Amber…
“Time to make things interesting…” said Amber she began to spark with electricity.
“Guys…” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Please don’t get involved…”
All her Pokemon were shocked…
“Grovyle!” yelled Grovyle. (Translation: Hey!)
“Swellow, swell!” yelled Swellow, (Translation: How come!)
“Hey… now… I don’t want you guys to get hurt…” said Neo Sailor Moon.
“Pikachu… pika...” said Pikachu, (Translation: I… agree…)
“Cor?” said Corpfish, (Translation: Why?)
“Pikapi Pikachu… Pikachu pika chu…” said Pikachu (Translation: Ash would feel bad if we got hurt… this is not a Pokemon battle after all…)
“Tor…” cried Torkoal (Translation: So true!)
All 5 of her Pokemon nodded… Neo Sailor Moon smiled and went back into battle. She charged strait into battle but Amber struck her with a lighting bolt head on.
“Pikapi!” cried Pikachu (Translation: Ash!)
With Sailor Pluto’s fight…
The monster stared at Sailor Pluto… then turned it’s attention to the nearby bushes…
“Oh man!” said Usopp in the bushes.
The monster held out it’s hands and let out a small blast out energy… destroying the bushes. There stood Brock, Usopp and Zatch.
“Your energy is mine!” said the monster.
That’s when two streams of water fallowed by a spinning metal… thing… hit the monster. When the attackers were done they stepped in front of Brock.
“Mudkip! Forretress! Lombre!” said Brock happily.
Each one shouted in glee…
“Zaker!” came a voice.
Zatch’s eyes went white… and shot a lighting bolt from his mouth. At the same time Sparkling Wide Pressure hit the monster… the monster was zapped and collapsed to the ground.
“Kiyo!” said Zatch regaining conciseness.
“Ranma!” said Usopp.
That’s right Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter made the scene.
“Our opponents ran away…” said Sailor Jupiter.
“The others are still fighting…” said Sailor Pluto.
“Sailor Pluto!” said Sailor Mercury and Jupiter at the same time.
“I can see you gave it a shock… it will be out for a few minutes…” said Sailor Pluto.
Back with Sailor Venus’ fight she was trying to figure something out… that’s when she felt a power within her…
“That’s it!” said Sailor Venus. She winked and gave a blow kiss, “Venus Love and Beauty Shock!” she said shooting a heart at Opal… she of course collapsed.
“You may have won... but I’ll get you next time! Time Gadget! Next time!” yelled Opal.
Sailor Venus stared at her opponent with a sweat drop.
“Never mind…” said Opal as she teleported away.
“That attack! There’s no I’m using it again!” yelled Sailor Venus.
“Well until you come up with one more powerful you’re stuck with it…” said Minako teasing him.
“I know…” sighed Sailor Venus.
“Venus! Help out with the monster…” called Artemis.
“Right!” said Sailor Venus.
With Sailor Mars’ fight things weren’t going so well… she switched over to using fire attacks but it didn’t work…
“You lost… maybe when I’m done I’ll drain your energy…” said Aquamarine.
“There’s no way you’re going to win…” said Sailor Mars that when she felt an new power within her… she didn’t know but she moved like shooting an arrow… “Mars Flame Sniper!” she shouted as she shot a fiery arrow… however… it missed… Luffy/ Sailor Mars was never good at aiming… after all that what Usopp’s for.
“Hahaha! You missed… you missed!” laughed Aquamarine.
“Um…” said Sailor Mars pointing at her, “You’re clothes are on fire…”
TI was true… the fiery arrow missed… but was close enough to set her clothes ablaze.
“Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!” screamed Aquamarine turning screaming.
After about a minute or so, the fire was out… but most of her clothes were burnt off… fortunately enough for cover.
“I’m done… I don’t care… I’m so embarrassed!” yelled Aquamarine who teleported away.
“That was odd…” said Sailor Mars with a sweat drop.
“Mars! Help with the monster…” came Aries voice.
“Right!” said Sailor Mars.
Back with Neo Sailor Moon’s fight it wasn’t going good… Amber had just sent yet another bolt of electricity toward Neo Sailor Moon struck her head on.
“I’m not smart like Kiyo… nor do I know how to fight like Luffy, Ranma or Naruto… I’m unsure if I can beat her…” thought Neo Sailor Moon as she flew though the air.
She landed with a thud… her Pokemon over to her…
“Pikapi…” said Pikachu (Translation: Ash!)
“Pikachu…” said Neo Sailor Moon weakly.
“Isn’t it sweet… your little friends are saying good bye to you…” said Amber.
All her Poke growled at Amber…
“Guys…” said Neo Sailor Moon who was about to cry… that’s when something in the ground began to glow.
“Pika?” said Pikachu (Translation: What?)
“No… she found one of them…” said Amber.
Neo Sailor Moon sat up a little and dug though the ground… she found a blue gem…
“One of the 7 Rainbow Crystals…” said Amber, “And she found it… give it not!”
“I have an idea…” thought Neo Sailor Moon.
She once again grabbed the tiara “Moon Tiara Action!” yelled Neo Sailor Moon.
“This again? You know I’m going to catch again right?” asked Amber.
“I know… everyone! Pikachu use Thunder Bolt! Corphish use Bubble Beam! Grovyle use Bullet Seed! Torkoal use Flame Thrower! Aim all of it at the tiara!” said Neo Sailor Moon.
“What?” said Amber.
All 4 of the Pokemon attack merged with the tiara… it was no longer a glowing disk but a fiery disk buzzing with electricity and bubbles and seeds circling around it! It hit Amber head on… Amber fell to the ground… she got back up.
“I’ll be back… and I’ll that Rainbow Crystal from you!” said Amber who teleported away.
Neo Sailor Moon fell to the ground…
“Neo Sailor Moon!” called Dianna.
“Hey Dianna!” said Neo Sailor Moon weakly, “I’ll handle the monster…”
Neo Sailor Moon collapsed to her knees.
“No relax… I’m sure the others can handle it…” said Dianna, “You really took a pounding… more than Luffy… and you’re not used to it…”
“Yeah…” said Neo Sailor.
“That’s…” said Dianna looked at the gem in Neo Sailor Moon hand.
Meanwhile with Sailor Pluto’s fight…
The monster had once again gotten up… Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars had joined the fray as well… the monster was defeated when Sailor Pluto once again sued Dead Scream… disincarnating the monster.
“Yay! It’s beaten!” cheered Luffy.
“We should find Ash right away…” said Brock.
“I have a bad feeling…” said Sailor Pluto.
They went to find Ash/ Neo Sailor Moon as everyone else woke up from getting their energy drained… however, 4 other people found her first…
“Are you hurt?” asked May.
“I’m fine…” said Neo Sailor Moon with a sweat drop.
It was indeed May, Max, Mina and Peter…
“You must taken a beating in that fight…” said Peter.
“What happened anyways?” asked Max.
May, Mina and Peter shrugged…
“Hey!” came Sailor Mars’ voice.
“Guys…” said Neo Sailor Moon trying to get up.
“Good you’re okay!” yelled Sailor Mars.
“You won’t believe this! We defeated the monster with out you’re final attack!” said Sailor Venus as if she defeated the monster on her own.
You didn’t know anything… you joined pretty late in the game and Pluto was the one to finish it off…” said Sailor Mercury.
Sailor Venus went to sulk under a nearby tree…
“Well he might haven’t done anything…” said Usopp, “But I helped out quite a bit!”
“Weren’t you hiding behind Brock?” asked Sailor Mercury.
Usopp joined Sailor Venus sulking under the tree…
“Who’s that?” asked May.
“He’s a friend of mine…” said Sailor Mars.
“Well I’m sure everything is A-Okay!” said Neo Sailor Moon.
“Don’t say that… it’s jinxed…” said Sailor Jupiter.
“My Pokemon!” cried a voice.
“They stole mine too…” cried another voice.
“Don’t tell me…” said Neo Sailor Moon with a sweat drop.
That’s when a giant robot with a large box on the back.
“Prepare for Trouble!”
“And make it double!”
Neo Sailor Moon, Pikachu, Brock, May and Max sighed heavily.
“Them again?” said May.
“Who are they?” asked Sailor Mars.
“They fallow us around…” said Brock, “Trying to steal Pikachu…”
“I see…” said Sailor Jupiter.
“Hey aren’t you listening to our motto!” yelled Jessie.
“I’d rather listen to Fulgore singing…” said Sailor Mercury.
“But Sailor Mercury… I thought you liked Fulgore’s singing…” said Zatch.
“I don’t…” said Sailor Mercury.
“You stole Pokemon didn’t you?” asked Neo Sailor Moon.
“Who are you?” asked Meowth.
“And where did you get that cute outfit?” asked James.
Jessie and Meowth looked at him with their eyebrow’s raised.
“I’m Neo Sailor Moon…” said Neo Sailor Moon.
“She’s a totally cool Super Hero!” said May and Mina as the same time.
Neo Sailor Moon sighed…
“Oh really…” said Jessie.
Neo Sailor Moon was about to do something… but the pain was too much… and she collapsed to her knees.
“Hey are you sure you’re okay?” asked Max.
“I’m fine…” said Neo Sailor Moon.
“Hey I’ll take down them!” said Sailor Mars with a smirk.
“Are you one of sidekicks or something?” asked Meowth.
“And what’s with the stupid hat?” asked Jessie.
“What did you say about my hat?” asked Sailor Mars dangerously.
“Um… it’s stupid…” said Jessie in a confused tone.
“Uh-oh…” said Usopp with a sigh, “One thing you have to know about him… her... never disrespect the hat…”
Sailor Pluto laughed a little… she knew the history of the hat…
Faster then you can say “Hungry! I need Meat!” the robot was destroyed and the compartment that held the Pokemon was removed… freeing the Pokemon…
“Never say anything about the hat…” said Sailor Mars.
“Yes ma’am…” said Team Rocket shivering.
“Pika…” said Pikachu angrily.
“It’s the Twerp’s Pikachu!” cried Team Rocket.
“Chime?” said the Chimecho that James caught earlier in the day but didn’t show off because they didn’t get a chance to…
Pikachu sent a Thunder Bolt to Team Rocket… causing them to blast off…
“Well we better get going…” said Sailor Jupiter.
“Yeah…” said Sailor Mercury.
Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter helped Neo Sailor Moon to her feet… the Sailor Senshi as well as the cats, Zatch and Usopp went into the woods.
“I wonder where Ash is…” said May.
“I hope he’s all right… after all… I’m unsure what happen here…” said Max.
“Don’t worry… I’m sure he’s fine…” said Brock, “I hope…” he thought.
They got to a part of the nearby woods… where they all detransformed… including Sailor Pluto… she looked a little like her transformed state but a little different.
“I guess I should introduce myself…” said the detransformed Sailor Pluto, “My name is Setsuna Meioh… or Meioh Setsuna in Naruto and Luffy’s worlds…” said Setsuna, “And of course I know all of your names all ready.
“Do you think I all get better?” asked Ash.
“Don’t worry… I’m sure you’re be better for your gym battle…” said Dianna.
“I hope so…” said Ash, “I just hope nothing happens…”
“We should all get back to our worlds…” said Naruto.
“Oh yeah…” said Luffy.
“We better go…” said Ranma-Chan.
“Wait!” said Luna, “There’s an emergency meeting tomorrow! After Ash’s gym battle… ”
“Why?” asked Luffy.
“It’s that gem Ash found…” said Dianna.
Ash still had the Gem with him…
“What is it?” asked Ash.
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow…” said Luna.
“Oh yes… I’ll be seeing one of you tomorrow for school…” said Setsuna.
“Yeah, yeah…” said Ranma-Chan, “I doubt it’s mine…” she mumbled.
And so they all went back home… with the mystery of the Gem on their minds…