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New Lives (Anime Multi-cross, PG-13 for Gender Bending and Cross Dressing)

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Okay I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this... and I know I have ahabbit byu foretting to update my fanfics on this site... but hopefully this will change... this is a crossover of Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Zatch Bell, One Piece, Ranma 1/2 and Naruto... here's the prolauge...

New Lives
By Emma Iveli


Neo Queen Serenity had very little strength… she watched as the one great Crystal Tokyo fell all around her, he best friends… her protectors all died protecting her… her daughter died as well… all because of him… Jadeite had returned… he had sealed him… and his forces… however she knew that seal wouldn’t last more 50 years… because of that she barely had any strength left… her husband had just giving his life… she knew her time was up… the 5 guardian cats, Luna, Artemis, Dianna and Dianna’s two younger siblings as well as Sailor Pluto the only senshi to survive.

“Queen!” said Hermes, Luna and Artemis’ 2nd child, a son, his fur was a dark navy blue, he always referred to her as “Queen” and his eyes were a light blue, not to be polite… it’s just his way of talking, she hated at he always referred to her as that.

“Serenity!” said Aeries, Luna and Artemis’s youngest daughter of their three children, her fur was a dark grey almost black with yellow eyes.

“Please don’t…” said Luna holding back tears.

“I know I will…” said Neo Queen Serenity, “With the last of my strength I will do what my mother did… however I know this world has no future… Pluto…”

“Yes…” said Sailor Pluto with tears in her eyes.

“I would like you to send the others and my daughter to different dimensions… this way they can finally have truly normal lives… and before I go… I have one more thing to say…” said Neo Queen Serenity.

“What?” asked Artemis.

“They will be reborn as boys…” said Neo Queen Serenity.

There was an awkward silence…

“What…” said Sailor Pluto with her eyes bugging out.

“This will ensure normal lives for their world…” said Serenity.

“So you're saying that they will be reborn as boys…” said Luna.

“Yes… I sincerely doubt that due to the fact that the world will end soon they will be safe from Jadeite… but if he finds a way to attack them in their new worlds please you have to awaken them…” said Neo Queen Serenity.

She held up the Silver Crystal… a light came forth from, Pluto opened 5 gates of time, light went into each of the gates.

“Please… let them be safe…” said Neo Queen Serenity with her last breath then she… died.

The guardian cats didn’t know whether to cry or sigh heavily…

“Do you think it was a good idea?” asked Hermes.

“What the meal thing… I’m not so sure…” said Luna.

“Well we won’t know for a while… if Jadeite will strike again…” said Sailor Pluto, “I hope not… otherwise their lives will be rather… strange…”

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Here's the first chapter... this intrucses the Pokemon assept of the crossover...

Chapter 1: Gotta Catch Em’ All

Ash woke up from a strange dream he had… he tired to remember it as much as he could… some blonde guy stabbing him though the chest, a man in a purple suit and a woman in a white dress crying… being a girl… Ash shuddered.

“That wasn’t a dream… that a nightmare…” he said.

“Pika?” said Pikachu waking up besides him.

“Sorry I woke you up…” said Ash.

“Pikachu…” said Pikachu (Translation: That’s okay)

Both went back to sleep.

Elsewhere in a dark place a blonde man sat on a throne… his name was Jadeite, ironically he was the weakest of the 4 generals of the Dark Kingdom, then he was frozen… someone or something freed him and gave him power which allowed him take revenge agaisnt Sailor Moon and Sailor Senshi… he quickly found out that it had been more than 2,000 years since his defeat but still he prevailed however the Silver Crystal was still lost and in order to find they needed energy…

“Lord Jadeite! I have a plan!” said a young woman with blonde hair put into a ponytail wearing a yellow dress.

“What is it?” asked Jadeite.

“As you know we will attack 4 dimensions that we didn’t know existed until recently I discovered that one of these words have something known as Pokemon… creatures with a huge amount of energy… I wish to exact…” said the woman.

“Go ahead…” said Jadeite.

At the gates of time… for the past 50 years the Guardian cats gave Sailor Pluto company, she had just gotten information that could be considered interesting.

“What do you mean Jade was unsealed and is now free!” yelled Hermes.

“I’m afraid it true…” said Sailor Pluto.

“That means… he’s going to look for the Silver Crystal… isn’t he?” asked Dianna.

“I’m afraid so…” said Luna.

“We have to do something we didn’t want to do… I heard all the inner senshi have been reincarnated as boys that are between the ages of 12 and 17… out only chance is to find and awaken them…” said Artemis.

“Wait if their boys… then wouldn’t that mean they transform they will…” said Aries.

Both boy cats burst out laughing, “I heard they all have different personalities… I would love to see them react to that when they first transform!” laughed Hermes.

“I know…” laughed Artemis.

“Is that not funny!” yelled Luna.

Both stopped laughed, “Yes mom…” said Hermes.

“All right honey…” said Artemis.

“So the plan is one of us will try to find one of Senshi,… I will search for Lady’s reincarnation…” said Dianna.

“I’ll search for Mina’s reincarnation.” said Artemis.

“I will search for Mercury’s… hopefully he’ll be sane…” said Hermes.

“I will look for Mars’… because I heard he’s pretty the complete opposite of his past life…” said Aries.

“So that will mean I will search for Jupiter...” said Luna, “I also don’t think it’s a good idea to tell them about their past lives unless it's necessary…”

The other 4 cats nodded in agreement.

“Be careful you guys…” said Sailor Pluto.

“We will…” said Luna.

Sailor Pluto opened up 5 time gates each gate went though them.

“I just hope that other Outers will help them… they have been awakened after all...” said Pluto once all 5 cats were gone.

Dianna fell though the portal and landed in an alley, she began to look around it was town. She sensed something… it was the power of the reincarnation of Lady… she hid behind a trash can and watched a group of kids pass by.

Ash yawned as big yawn.

“Did get much sleep?” asked May.

“Nope…” said Ash “I had this weird dream…”

“What about?” asked Max.

“I don’t want to talk about it…” said Ash.

“Well we should get to the Pokemon center…” said Brock.

Everyone else sweatdroped.

Dianna fallowed saw them, she knew Ash was the one she was looking for. The group went into a building and fallowed them.

“Oh, Nurse Joy… my heart…” said Brock.

“Nice try lover boy!” said Max pulling his ear away.

Both Ash and May sweatdroped. Dianna decided to get Ash’s attention by meowing loudly.

“What’s that?” asked May.

Ash took out his Pokedex… “No data…” replied the Pokedex.

“No data…” said Ash, “All right! An undiscovered Pokemon!”

“No Ash… that’s a cat…” said Max letting go of Brock’s ear.

“A cat?” asked Ash… who for some reason never seen a cat before.

“I’ve never seen one either…” said May.

“well I have… but only in books…” said Max.

Dianna ran towards Ash, rubbed up agaisnt his leg and began to purr very loudly.

“Well it certainly like you Ash…” said Brock.

“Cat’s a very rare… maybe you keep it as a pet…” said Nurse Joy.

All 4 stared at Nurse Joy with sweat drops, Nurse Joy cleared her throat “It’s not that uncommon for cats to be pets… in fact I heard they are meant to be pets…”

Pikachu stared at Dianna… there was something suspicious about her.

“Pika…” said Pikachu (Translation: Hi…)

“Meow!” said Dianna (Translation: Hello!)

“Pika… Pikachu Pika! Pikachu…” said Pikachu (Translation: What do you want with Ash… you better not mean trouble! I don’t know what I’ll do if you do…)

“Meow… meow meow... Meow! Meow meow meow!” said Dianna (Transition: I don’t mean nay trouble… your friend Ash was my friend in his past life… In fact! He was a princess!)

“Pika? Pikachu?” asked Pikachu (Translation: Princess? As in he was girl in his past life?)

“Meow…” replied Dianna (Translation: Yeah…)

Pikachu began to point and laugh at Ash. Everyone stared at Pikachu with a sweat drop.

“I wonder what’s do funny…” said Max.

“I don’t know… but something’s funny…” said Ash in a slightly angry tone.

Elsewhere in the city… a woman was selling items.

“Make your Pokemon look beautiful! Make them look smart! Make them look tough! Make them look cute! Make them look cool! Get your Pokemon with these awesome accessories!” said the woman.

Many people began to buy them.

“Not to mention that they will drain the energy out of all these Pokemon…” thought the woman.

The next day at the Pokemon center the group of trainers and kid woke up.

“Help Nurse Joy!” yelled someone.

“My Pokemon!” yelled another voice.

“What’s going on?” asked May with a yawn.

“I don’t know… let’s see…” said Ash half-asleep.

All of them got dressed and along with Pikachu and Dianna went to see what was going on… they got to the balcony of the lobby and found the lobby packed with Trainer all of them holding their Pokemon.

“My Swablu had just suddenly collapsed!” said a male trainer.

“So did my Igglybuff!” said a girl trainer.

There was a loud laugh in the crowd… everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the woman who was laughing.

“That’s not a nice thing to do…” said Nurse Joy.

“Unless it’s part of my plan… now my Pokemon minions attack and steal their energy” said the woman… the very same selling Pokemon accessories.

All the formally unconscious Pokemon began to attack their trainers.

“What’s going on?” asked Max.

“I don’t know…” said Ash, “But we should…”

Midway though his sentence Dianna stole his hat and ran off with it.

“Hey!” yelled Ash as he and Pikachu began to chase her.

“I think he was going to say we should help them…” said Brock.

“Should we… I mean Pokemon battles aren’t aloud in Pokemon Centers” said Max.

“But this isn’t normal…” said May, “Combusken, Skitty, Beautifly, Bulbasaur! I choose you!”

“Mudkip! Fortress! Lombre!” said Brock.

“Stop them!” said both May and Brock.

Meanwhile Dianna lead Ash to the room they were staying in, she stopped the hat and cleared her throat, “Good… we can talk in private…”

“You can talk!” said Ash surprised.

“Yes I can…” said Dianna, she then performed a back flip, that produced a pink heart shaped brooch, “Those Pokemon are being controlled and right now you’re the only who can stop them… in order to do that you must become Neo Sailor Moon.”

“How do I do that?” asked Ash.

“While holding that Brooch say “Moon Crisis Make-up!”” said Dianna.

“Right Moon Crisis Make-up!” said Ash.

A bright light filled the room, Ash’s hair became longer and pink, it somehow was put into two buns shaped a little like rabbit ears as well as Pigtails in his hair were two white barites and two red gems adorned his buns. His clothes turned into a sailor fuku, the collar was pink while the skirt with white, yellow and pink, the ribbon in front was red while the ribbon in back was a transparent. White gloves with a pink trim appeared on his hands, knee high pink boots appear on his legs, around his neck was yellow choker with a red hear on it and on her fore heard was a tiara… not only that but he was now… a girl… Ash let out the biggest scream he… er she could muster.

“I’m a girl!” she yelled.

“I guess I forgot to mention that…” said Dianna.

“Is this permanent?” asked Ahs or Neo Sailor Moon in this case.

“No when you change back to your normal self you’ll be a boy again…” said Dianna.

“How do I do that?” asked Neo Sailor Moon.

“I’ll tell you after you fight the monster…” said Dianna.

“What monster?” asked Ash.

In the lobby, Nurse Joy helped into aid of May and Brock with the centers Chancy, while Max made sure that none of the trainer’s reentered the center… the only one person other than Nurse Joy, Brock and May was that woman.

“What’s with them…” said May.

“I don’t know… but I know that woman’s controlling them…” said Nurse Joy.

“That’s right… I am… and if you and your Pokemon get in my way…” said the woman who began to morph into an evil witch, “I’ll drain your energy as well.”

May, Brock and Nurse Joy gasped in horror.

“You know maybe I should do that now…” said the monster woman she was about to attack the three but a discus hit her hand, “Who threw that!”

The discus returned to the one who threw it… Neo Sailor Moon.

“You know I don’t exactly like how you're abusing Pokemon right now…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Who is that?” asked Nurse Joy.

“It looks like a super hero!” said May happily.

“Great… looks like I have my biggest fan…” thought Neo Sailor Moon with a sweat drop.

“Who are you!” yelled the monster woman.

“Just me Neo Sailor Moon…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

After that… “Um… what was you name again…” she whipped to Dianna who was by her side but was hidden from the other’s view.

“Dianna… what do you need?” she asked.

“How am I suppose to fight… you explained that Tiara thing but…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Okay… try using the Moon Light Scepter!” said Dianna.

“Right… how do I do that?” asked Neo Sailor Moon.

“Just concentrate on seeing a scepter in your hand…” said Dianna.

Neo Sailor Moon shagged and tried doing that… a pink and red scepter with a heart at the stop appeared in his hand.

“Why are things so… girly?” he thought, “What do I do now?”

“Call out Moon Illusion Dispel!” said Dianna.

Neo Sailor Moon shrugged “All right…” he unconsciously began to dance around, “Moon Illusion Dispel!”

A multicolored bema came from Neo Sailor Moon’s wand… destroying the monster by turning her to moon dust that disappeared. All the Pokemon that were controlled by her fainted.

That was so awesome!” yelled May, she looked up and saw Neo Sailor Moon was gone… she snapped her fingers in disappointment “I wanted her autograph too…” said May.

Dianna and Ash returned to the room, “Now how do I change back?” asked a very angry Neo Sailor Moon.

“Just focus and you’ll returned to Normal…” said Dianna.

Neo Sailor Moon did just that… and returned to male Ash.

“That was weird…” said Ash, Pikachu who held Ash’s hate tossed it back to him “So what’s going on?”

“I’ll explain…” said Dianna. Dianna began to explain leaving out the part about being reincarnated.

“So I have to fight evil as a girl…” said Ash, “Well at least the cross dimensional stuff sounds cool...”

“Yes… I guess so…” said Dianna, “you yes you will need these…”

She performed another back flip, this time produced a pink time key and what looked a pink wristwatch.

“The key will enable you to go to another dimension and the wrist watch you will be able to keep in touch with your fellow senshi… also the key will glow when one of the other senshi is found…”

“Cool… I think….” said Ash, “Well we should get back I’m sure the others are worried about us…”

Ash went back into the lobby where he got an ear full.

“Ash Ketchum! You should have helped us when you could and not worry about your hat!” yelled May.

“Sorry….” said Ash.

“Its shame… there was a this really cool super hero named Neo Sailor Moon that you should saw…” said May.

“Great she is one of my fans…” thought Ash.

“Well we should be glad that the Pokemon are okay…” said Max.

“I guess…” said May.

Later they were walking though a forest… and May would not shut up about Neo Sailor Moon… Ash was very embarrassed.

“I just hopes she doesn’t find out…” he thought.

Max who wanted to change the subject badly said “Hey Ash… what are we going to call the cat?” point to the cat that was walking alongside Ash’s legs.

“Oh that… I decided to call her Dianna…” said Ash.

“That’s a cute name… okay… Ash… who are you and what did you the real Ash?” asked May

“Nothing…” said Ash.

Pikachu and Dianna sweatdroped this was going to be an interesting series of events.


shove 'er in! ;O
Eh Burninator, you said mine had a lot of dialougue?^^o_O!?! Eh...it's okay I guess? Does this have anything to do with sailor moon or am I just smoking too much pot?

“That’s a cute name… okay… Ash… who are you and what did you the real Ash?” asked May

“Nothing…” said Ash.

Pikachu and Dianna sweatdroped this was going to be an interesting series of events.

LOL!!!^^^DIANA ROX. tiny lil cat...

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Yeah... I know... too much diolauge... that's one my weaknesses... and yes this is also a Sailor Moon fic along with various ohter anime as well... in gfact this chapter intrucdeces the Zatch Bell assecpt for this fanfic...

Chapter 2: Who’s Got the Power

Kiyo slowly woke up, he shook his head…

“That was a weird dream… I’ve been watching too much super hero shows with Zatch…” he said... he looked at his block then went back to sleep… eh couldn’t help to think of the dream… being hit by a strange beam in place of a blonde woman.

The next day in Ash’s world, Ash and the gang were walking as usual… Ash sighed heavily.

“What’s wrong?” asked May.

“Nothing…” said Ash lying.

Ash was still concerned over the day before… becoming a super hero… not just any super hero… a girl super hero… he had told his other Pokemon the day before… Swellow, Grovyle and Corpfish all pointed and laughed at him… Torkoal like the majority of his reactions cried… sure Ash had cross dressed before, The “Ashley” incident and the “Juliet” incident… he still hadn’t gotten back at May for the last one… he was just glad that Brock didn’t hit on him as Neo Sailor Moon like in the “Juliet” incident.

In the other world Kiyo ran to school… every few minutes he would look back incase a certain green sports bag would fallow him. However as he ran past an alley a certain navy blue cat caught a glimpse of.

“That’s him all right…” said Hermes.

As Ash and the gang counties on his way… his pocket began to light up…

“Uh-oh…” said Ash, he tried to come up with something, “What’s that over there!” he yelled pointing in another direction.

“What?” asked May.

“I don’t see any thing…” said Max.

“I don’t know what you saw…” said Brock they turned towards Ash and he was gone.

“Where did he go?” asked May.

When they weren’t looking away Ash with Pikachu and Dianna out the thing that was glowing… it was his time key.

“Look like one of the other senshi has been found.” said Dianna.

“So what’s going to happen?” asked Ash.

There was a blinding light and Ash, Pikachu and Dianna were gone.

Back in the other world Hermes had fallowed Kiyo to school. He waited outside for school to end… he wasn’t excepting a pink cloud to appear above him and a boy, a yellow mouse thing and his older sister to land on him.

“Look like we landed…” said Dianna.

“Sis… can you get off me…” said Hermes.

Ash, Pikachu and Dianna got off the squished cat.

“Sorry… Hermes…” said Dianna.

“So I see you found yours first… what’s with the yellow rat…” said Hermes.

“Pika…” said Pikachu angrily (Transaction: Yellow rat…)

“Calm down Pikachu… this Ash and his best friend Pikachu…” said Dianna.

“Pika… Pikachu…” said Pikachu. (Translation: And don’t call me yellow rat… call me Pikachu)

“Whatever…” said Hermes.

“I can see he’s a people person… uh… cat” said Ash sarcastically.

“Yeah…” said Dianna, “so you found him…”

“Yeah he’s in school right now… So we should wait out here might take a while…” said Hermes.

“Great…” said Ash.

Elsewhere at the Villains HQ…

“I’m sorry Lord Jadeite… I have failed…” said the blonde woman.

“That’s quite all right…” said Jadeite.

“Really… I’m surprised…” said the woman.

“It’s all right… I know what you’re going though…” said Jadeite.

Jadeite had decided to more of an understanding ruler to his henchmen… why… because he knew what it was like to be in their shoes… so the only time he would kill his henchmen were when they betrayed him for no good reason…

“Lord Jadeite let my plan go to work…” said a woman in a red dress with red hair.

“But Lord Jadeite!” said the woman in yellow.

“Amber… let Ruby speak…” said Jadeite.

“Fine…” said the woman in yellow named Amber.

“Lord Jadeite, the world I was assigned to have a way every thousand years… this war is fought between humans and demons known as mamodo… my plan is to drain the mamodo, their partners and former mamodo partners…” said the woman in red named Ruby.

“Very well…” said Jadeite.

Back outside of school all of them hung out then they saw the strangest thing imaginable… a little boy dressed in a duffle running into the school.

“What was that about?” asked Ash.

“I have no idea…” said Hermes.

After a couple hours school was let out… Ash, Pikachu and the cats hid behind tree.

“I’ll ask who he is and we’ll fallow him…” said Ash.

A few students came out the school one was a rather large student with what look looked like a girl’s hairstyle.

“All right today I’m going find those Dinosaurs…” said the student.

“Is that him?” asked Ash with a sweat drop.

“Nope…” said Hermes.

Another student showed up, he was very short with a strange mouth.

“Tonight… the UFOs are sure to come!” said the student.

“Is that him?” asked Ash with a sweat drop.

“Nope…” said Hermes.

Then Kiyo, Zatch with Suzy walked by.

“That’s the guy…” said Hermes.

“That kid we saw earlier?” asked Ash.

“No the guy with him…” said Hermes.

The 5 began to fallow him.

“So I was thinking we could go to the Megumi concert next weekend together…” said Suzy.

“Sorry but me and Zatch already had plans to go to that… we have tickets…” said Kiyo.

Suzy sighed, “There goes a date…”

While they were fallowing them Ash stepped on a twig. Kiyo tuned around.

“I guess it was my imagination…” said Kiyo.

“So where did you get the tickets… they’re not even out on sale yet…” said Suzy.

“Meg…” said Zatch but Kiyo shut his mouth before he could finish his sentence.

“Nowhere in particular…” said Kiyo.

“Oh well… I have to go now… don’t want mom to get worried…” said Suzy.

She ran off in another direction… crying as bit.

Kiyo sighed… “I know someone’s fallowing us…” he thought “You can some out now…”

“He knows we’re fallowing him…” said Hermes.

All of them came from behind a corner they were hiding from.

“So… let me guess you want to fight me and Zatch… is that right?” asked Kiyo.

“What?” asked Ash, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play dumb… I’m pretty sure you’re a bookkeeper too…” said Kiyo.

“Bookkeeper?” asked Ash confused.

“You know the battle for mamodo king!” yelled Kiyo.

“Battle for mamodo king?” asked Ash confused.

“I don’t think he’s a bookkeeper Kiyo…” said Zatch.

“Then why are you fallowing us!” yelled Kiyo.

“Uh… maybe if we sit down then maybe I can explain…” said Ash.

Later they sat down by the river. Ash and Kiyo talked, the cats listened to this conversation while Zatch played with Pikachu.

“So let me get this straight, 100 demon kids from another world called mamodo come to this world to fight in order to choose their king?” asked Ash.

“That’s right and in order to fight we use these spell books. They’re powered by the user’s emotions…” said Kiyo.

“Those are kind of like Pokemon battles where I come from… minus the whole choosing a king…” said Ash.

“Pokemon… never heard of them…” said Kiyo.

“I thought as much…” said Ash, “Their creatures with extraordinary powers… where I come from we fight together for fun, it’s called Pokemon battles, we fight to prove how strange we really are… and how strong our friendship is stronger as well…”

“Wow…” said Kiyo, “So once again why were you fallowing us!” he yelled.

“Uh well…” said Ash.

Hermes cleared his throat however…

“Aquada!” came a voice.

A blast of water came from nowhere… Kiyo, Ash and the cats had very little time to dodge. It hit them had on sending them a few feet.

“Kiyo!” said Zatch running towards his bookkeeper.

“Pikapi!” said Pikachu running towards it’s trainer (Translation: Ash!)

“Well, well Zatch Bell and his bookkeeper… it’s been a long time Zatch…” said a voice.

They looked up to up the hill and saw a boy, with a bookkeeper that that was teenaged girl

“Is that a mamodo…” said Ash.

“Yeah…” said Kiyo, “Zatch are you ready?”

“Right!” said Zatch getting ready.

Kiyo pulled the red spell book out of his bag. Before he could read a spell something happened. A monster appeared behind the teenaged girl and the boy mamodo… then a white light was sucked from both of them.

“That just happened?” asked you.

“A Youma!” yelled Dianna.

“Did that cat just talked?” asked Zatch.

“Ashy Boy do it now!” said Hermes.

Ash sighed… “Why me?” he said “Moon Crisis Make-Up!” he transformed into Neo Sailor Moon.

“You’re a cross dresser!” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

“Don’t call me that!” said Neo Sailor Moon with a sweat drop.

Neo sailor Moon ran towards the monster, then realized “I have no idea what to do…”

The monster sent Neo Sailor Moon flying… she landed near the riverside with anime swirl eyes. Pikachu sighed and went to face the monster… he sent out a Thunder Bolt but the monster just deflected it like it was nothing.

“Ash is going to need Kiyo’s help…” said Dianna.

“Hey Kiyo!” said Hermes walking up to Kiyo.

“What?” said Kiyo, “I’m talking to a cat… this is really weird…”

“Much like Ash you’re a warrior that can fight the Youma… you are Sailor Mercury” said Hermes.

Hermes did a back flip that produced a pink wand with a blue crystal on top.

“Lift it high and say “Mercury Crystal Power Make-up!”” said Hermes.

“Wow Kiyo’s a super hero that is so awesome!” yelled Zatch.

“This has to be a weird dream…” thought Kiyo, “Mercury Crystal Power make-up!”

A bright flash appeared, his hair became slightly longer and blue. His clothes turned into a sailor fuku with blue collar and skirt, the ribbon on front and in back were sky blue. White gloves with blue trim appeared on his hands knee high pink boots, around his neck was a blue choker with a yellow star on it and his forehead was a tiara. Much like Ash, he was now a she and much like Ash he… er she let out the biggest scream he could muster.

“What’s wrong Kiyo?” asked Zatch.

“Look at me!” yelled Kiyo or Sailor Mercury in this case.

“So what’s wrong?” asked Zatch.

“I! Am! A! Girl!” yelled Kiyo.

“So what’s wrong with that?” asked Zatch.

Sailor Mercury sighed… “So what do I do?” asked Sailor Mercury.

“Distract him with Shabon Spray!” said Hermes.

She didn’t know why but it came to her , “Shabon Spray!” she called out, as a form of bubbles came forth and created a heavy fog.

“Can I help out fight this Kiyo?” asked Zatch.

“Of course…” said Kiyo giving him a smile.

The monster look around, to hear a voice yell out “Zakeruga!” then a beam of electricity hit it., it was much stronger than Pikachu’s thunder bolt so this time it was shocked.

“Now Sailor Mercury use Shine Aqua Illusion!” said Hermes.

Once again Sailor Mercury knew what to do “Shine Aqua Illusion!” said Sailor Mercury.

A blast of water surrounded the monster… that then froze it. The fog cleared it, and it showed the frozen monster.

“No way I did that…” said Sailor Mercury.

“That was so cool Kiyo!” said Zatch.

“Yeah… I guess…” said Sailor Mercury with a sweat drop.

Then the ice began to break…

That the same time Pikachu and Dianna tired to wake up Neo Sailor Moon who was still unconscious Pikachu shocked Neo Sailor Moon, which woke her up.

“Ow…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Use the Moon Illusion Dispel before it escapes!” said Dianna.

Neo Sailor Moon saw what was happening, “right!” she said. She ran to the ice block then used Moon Illusion Dispel, the monster disintegrated to moon dust then disappeared… both the teenaged girl and mamodo began to wake up.

“Oh great I can’t have them see me like this…” said Sailor Mercury.

She picked up Zatch and ran like hell.

“Looks like we have to fallow them…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Yeah…” said Hermes.

Sailor Mercury ran to a nearby disserted street.

“Kiyo… what’s wrong?” asked Zatch.

“I’m a girl!” yelled Kiyo.

“You can change back…” said a voice it was Ash (who changed back along the way) with Pikachu and the two cats, “Just focus on changing back…”

Sailor Mercury just did that and returned back to being a male and Kiyo.

“Okay what’s going on!” yelled Kiyo.

“Okay… we’ll explain…” said Hermes, he began to explain.

“I have to turn into a girl! To fight evil!” yelled Kiyo.

“Oh come on Kiyo! You’re a super hero!” said Zatch.

“But I turn into a girl!” yelled Kiyo.

“Please do this you have to save the world!” cried Zatch teary eyed.

Kiyo, “I agree to this then…” he said.

“All right!” said Zatch and Hermes.

Hermes did a back flip which produced the time key and wrist watch that Ash had received but blue… he also received what looked like a small personal computer.

“The key will be able transport you the other worlds while the wrist watch will keep you communication with Ash and the others when we find them and computer is just for you… no one else gets one… it’s more powerful than any other computer out there…” said Hermes.

“No fair!” said Ash.

“The key will glow when the other three are found… and will automatically transport you there.” said Hermes.

Kiyo nodded, “Well since we’re going to be on the same team the name’s Kiyo Takamine.” said Kiyo holding out his hand to Ash.

“Ash Ketchum…” said Ash and the tow began to shake hands.

After they let go, “Oh Dianna how do I get back?” asked Ash.

“Say “Send me to…” and say the place…” said Dianna.

“Okay…” said Ash, “Well I should get going… my friends are probably looking for me… Send me to on the way to Fortree City!”

“Do you think that will work?” asked Dianna.

“Pika…” said Pikachu with a shrug (Translation: Don’t know)

There was a bright flash and the three were gone.

“Oh no! Our fight!” yelled Zatch.

“Oh yeah!” said Kiyo.

Both ran back to the river… “Wait for me!” yelled Hermes.

Meanwhile back in Ash’s World, Ash fortunately landed where he left.

“Ash!” called May’s voice.

Ash, managed to leave the bushes. “Here I am!” said Ash, “I guess I got lost.”

“How did you get lost in the bushes?” asked Max.

Ash just laughed nervously.

Back in Kiyo’s world at the river.

“Looks they ran off…” said the mamodo boy.

“No we’re here…” said Kiyo.

“Because we never back down in anything… even if it humiliates us!” said Zatch.

Kiyo knew what he was refereeing to then said “That’s right! We won’t!” said Kiyo.

Hermes watched this fight a smile… looks like he won’t be backing from this battle for mamodo king or being a sailor senshi…

Tabby Catty

Courtney loves Ruby
That is funny! I wonder who will be the representitives for Venus, Jupiter, and Mars in the other mentioned animes? That is funny!

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
I won't say who (unless you read the preview in the commericals theard) but here's the One Piece part of the sotry... (warning contains spoilers... read descresion is advised)

Chapter 3: It’s the Name of the Treasure on the Grand Line

Luffy woke up, he heard all the other male members of his crew snoring… he couldn’t help but to think of the strange dream he just had, he was telling a woman if he had another chance at life then make him into someone who destined for a leader position… and also not too bright… or something like that… what was weird was that it didn’t involve meat, his friends or past adventures … he didn’t even noticed that he was a woman in that dream.

In Kiyo’s world he woke up with a ringing sound. He looked around and saw it was his communicator. He flicked it open and it had an image of Ash on a screen, the other part had 4 buttons, pink, red, green and orange as well as the sign of Mercury on it.

“Hi Kiyo… I just thought I should try this out since there’s someone I can call…” said Ash.

“Yeah… and thanks for waking me up…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

“Sorry…” said Ash.

Then Kiyo’s alarm clock went off, “Then again you just woke me a minute early…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

“Good morning!” said Zatch waking up.

“Morn’ Temper Dude…” said Hermes.

“Hey what’d are you doing Kiyo?” asked Zatch getting into the shot of Kiyo’s Communicator.

“Hey Zatch!” said Ash.

“That is cool!” yelled Zatch.

“Come on Ash we have to get going.” said Brock in the background.

“Oh sorry I have to get going… se ya!” said Ash cutting turning off his communicator.

Kiyo sighed, “This is weird…” he thought.

In another world... on the Merry Go or is Going Merry…

“Oh ****!” came a voice in the galley.

All the Straw Hats went into the Galley, they found that cupboards were messy.

“I didn’t do it!” yelled Luffy using his natural instincts.

“I know you didn’t looks like we have a rat problem…” said Sanji.

“It looks like we’re going to need to get a cat…” said Nami.

“Really?” asked Luffy.

“Well a cat is a necessity on a boat, if not we will be over run with rats…” said Robin.

“Okay, I’ll find us a cat!” said Luffy.

“We should be getting to the next island in 10 minutes…” said Nami.

“All right!” said Luffy.

Later on the nearby island Aries was looking around… she had been trapped on that island for 3 days… she was worried that she would never find Sailor Mars… if Neo Queen Serenity kept her promise then she would be looking for a big idiot who is some sort of leader position.


It was during the last battle of Crystal Tokyo, Jadeite had personally killed Sailor Mercury and mortally wounded Sailor Mars… Neo Queen Serenity was crying over Sailor Mars.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry… I’m sorry how I treated you during the early days…” said Sailor Mars.

“I know…” said Neo Queen Serenity.

“Serenity… Usagi… if you give me another chance at life… please make sure I’m in your shoes…” said Sailor Mars.

“What do you mean?” asked Neo Queen Serenity.

“Well… um…” said Sailor Mars trying to find the right words “An idiot who’s a leader of a group.”

Neo Queen Serenity sweatdroped… “I resent that Rei…” said Neo Queen Serenity.

Sailor Mars laughed then began to cough, “Please promise me… if you do that… please… do that…” said Sailor Mars… and that was the last thing she said.

“If I do it… when I do it… I will make sure that will happen…” said Neo Queen Serenity.

Aeries watched this all… she couldn’t help but to cry.

(End of Flashback)

“I wonder if she kept her promise…” said Aeries.

Then she felt the energy… she ran towards where she felt it… she saw Luffy.

“Now what was I supposed to find again…” said Luffy.

Aeries sweat drop… “Yep… she kept her promise…”

Meanwhile in Ash’s world… Ash and the Gang were heading towards their destination when the key began to glow in his pocket.

“Hey what’s that a Legendary Pokemon?” asked Ash in some other direction.

“Really?” asked May.

“I don’t see any thing…” said Brock.

“Maybe it was some…” said Max, “Not this again”

While they weren’t looking Ash ran into the nearby bushes with Pikachu and Dianna, he took out the key and in a flash they were gone.

In Kiyo’s world he was walking to school with Zatch in his duffle bag disguise and Hermes fallowing him. Then there was glow in his pocket.

“What’s this?” asked Kiyo taking out the key.

And in a flash of light he, Hermes and Zatch were gone.

Back in the other world Aeries was fallowing Luffy when a pink cloud opened above her…

“Looks like I’m not the first… thought at much…” said Aeries.

She wasn’t expecting two teenaged boys, a little boy, a yellow mouse thing and her older brother and sister to land on her.

“Ouch…” said Ash, “Kiyo, Zatch… can you off me…”

“Sure…” said Kiyo.

“Okay…” said Zatch.

Both got off the Pokemon trainer and he and Pikachu got off of Aeries.

“You okay little sis?” asked Hermes.

“I was fine until you guys landed on me…” said Aeries with a sweat drop.

“So you found Mars?” asked Hermes.

“Mars?” asked Ash and Kiyo.

“That’s the one she was assigned to find and help out…” said Dianna.

“Yeah but when you landed on me I lost him…” said Aeries.

“Oh we could always find him…” said Ash, “What does he look like…”

“Well… or there’s a picture him behind you…” said Aeries who saw Luffy’s wanted poster.

Everyone turned around and saw the picture she was refereeing to.

“Oh so he’s on a wanted poster…” said Kiyo.

Then it sunk in to Ash, Kiyo, the cats as well as Pikachu.

“Our next member is on a wanted poster!” they yelled.

In the Villains HQ Ruby bowed before Jadeite.

“I’m sorry I failed as well…” said Ruby.

“That is quite all right…” said Jadeite.

“Lord Jadeite… I have yet to go…” said a woman with sky blue hair and wearing an aqua blue dress.

“Aquamarine… was is your plan?” asked Jadeite.

“Well see in my assigned world… pirates run rampant… do I was thinking of going after those with high bounties on their heads…” said the woman named Aquamarine.

“Very well…” said Lord Jadeite.

Aquamarine disappeared, “Oh yes… Amber can you please appear…” said Jadeite.

Amber appeared from thin air.

“Yes Lord Jadeite?” asked Amber.

“Can you two tell me why you two have failed…” said Lord Jadeite.

Both looked at each other then decided it was best to tell him.

“It appears the Sailor Senshi had returned…” said Ruby.

Jadeite’s eyes were wide… “It can’ be…” he said.

Back in the world they were in, they stood frozen. Kiyo was the first to clear his throat.

“Well I think we should still allow him our team… after all… I don’t think he’s evil…” said Kiyo.

“I guess you’re right… look at his picture… he looks like an okay guy…” said Ash.

“Well I think the sooner the better we find him… because I think he just visiting this island…” said Aeries.

“This is an island…” said Dianna.

“Yaah a pretty small one though…” said Aeries.

“Okay I think I can find him fast…” said Ash.

He ripped the wanted poster off the wall and grabbed one of his Pokeballs. “I choose you Swellow!” said Ash.

Blue and red came out.

“Wow cool!” said Zatch.

“Swellow I need to find this person…” said Ash.

“Swellow nodded and flew away.

“That’s pretty smart Ash…” said Kiyo.

“Oh it’s nothing… I do it all the time…” said Ash.

“Oh yeah Mr. Temper you should try to use your computer to find it as well…” said Hermes.

Kiyo sighed and said “Please don’t call me that… and how do I work this thing?” he asked taking out the Mercury computer.

“I have no idea just fiddle with the controls…” said Hermes.

Kiyo accidentally pressed the wrong button… Hikari no Prism began to play.

“Let me try!” said Ash grabbing it away from Kiyo… Ash pressed the wrong button… it began to play Pong.

“I don’t think that right…” said Ash.

“Maybe if you press the menu button unit might work…” said Aeries.

Kiyo noticed there was a menu button, he took it from the Pokemon trainer. He pressed the button there was indeed a menu. He picked the position tacking and maps. It began to show a map of the island.

“That is so awesome!” said Zatch.

There were many little points, one of them was a red Mars symbol. Another was a blue Mercury symbol and a pink Moon symbol.

“Looks like that’s where he is…” said Kiyo.

Just then Swellow showed up.

“You found him?” asked Ash.

Swellow nodded and all of them fallowed the bird like Pokemon and fallowing the map at the same time. They managed to find Luffy trying to hold a cat who was clawing at him… he was also covered in scratches.

“I wonder what’s he doing?” asked Ash.

“I don’t know…” said Kiyo.

The cat he was holding scratched him in the face and ran off.

“Oh man! Now where am I going to find a cat!” said Luffy.

“He’s looking for a cat?” asked Aeries.

“I wonder why…” said Kiyo.

“Is someone over there?” asked Luffy.

Sadly the group’s hiding place wasn’t that good.

“Hey there’s some more cats!” said Luffy then noticed Kiyo, Ash and Zatch.

“Oh sorry… do they belong to you?” asked Luffy.

“Kind of… Aeries here doesn’t have an owner…” said Kiyo.

Aeries meowed happily walked over to Luffy, rub up against his leg and began to purr.

“Good I found our ship’s cat…” said Luffy.

“Oh I see…” said Kiyo, “Your ship didn’t have a cat… so that’s why you were looking for one…”

“Yeah…” said Luffy, “Thanks for give me your cat…”

“It’s no problem…” said Zatch.

“But there’s something we really need to walk about…” said Kiyo.

Luffy however got distracted by something else “Wow that’s a big bird… I’ve never seen anything like it…” he said pointing to Swellow who sweatdroped.

Everyone else sweatdroped too.

“This is… the guy…” thought Dianna.

“He’s nothing like Mars… that’s for sure…” thought Hermes.

“Looks like Rei did get her last wish…” thought Aeries.

“That’s Swellow…” said Ash, “He’s my friend…”

“Cool… what's with the giant mouse-thing…” said Luffy noticing Pikachu.

“Pika…” said Pikachu with a sweat drop (Translation: Okay)

Meanwhile Aquamarine was floating in the air looking over wanted posters “There’s only three in this city… and biggest must have the most energy… Monkey D. Luffy…” said Aquamarine. A small pearl appeared in her and she tossed it to the ground “Go find Monkey D. Luffy!”

The Pearl hit the ground… it began to glow to a giant pearl then began to crack like an egg becoming a monster.

“Kookoo!” yelled the monster.

Meanwhile after Swellow retuned to it’s Pokeball, Ash, Kiyo, Zatch, Pikachu and the cats walked with Luffy.

“So you wanted to talk to me about something… you don’t want money for the cat do you? I don’t have that money and I don’t want to barrow from my navigator.” said Luffy.

“No it’s not that…” said Ash.

“It’s just that there’s something important about you…” said Kiyo.

“A monster!” screamed a voice.

“Kookoo!” came a yell.

“Not another one…” said Ash.

“Great…” said Kiyo.

“Moon Crisis Power!”

“Mercury Crystal Power!”


Both transformed into their Senshi forms.

“You guys are cross dressers?” asked Luffy surprised.

“Don’t remind us…” said Sailor Mercury and Neo Sailor Moon at the same time.

“Come you guys you have to fight that monster!” cheered Zatch.

“Okay! Shabon Spray!” said Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Mercury let out the bubbles that produced a heavy fog.

“That’s cool…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“I guess…” said Sailor Mercury.

Aeries walked over to Luffy.

“Luffy!” said Aeries.

“Whoa… you can talk!” yelled Luffy.

“Don’t yell…” said Aeries with a sweat drop. She performed a back flip which produced a pink wand with a red crystal on top.

“Much like the other two you are a warrior who can defeat that Youma!” said Aeries hading the wand to Luffy.

“What do I do?” asked Luffy taking the wand.

“Say “Mars Crystal Power! Make-up!” said Aeries.

“Okay! Mars Crystal Power! Make-up!” said Luffy.

There was a bright flash, his hair became waist long. His clothes turn into a sailor fuku with a red collar and skirt, the ribbon in front was purple while the one in back was red. He gained gloved with red trim and red high heels. Around his neck a red choker with a red star appeared and on his forehead was a tiara. Somehow, unlike Ash’s hat which disappears in the transformation, his Straw Hat stayed. And much like Ash and Kiyo he was now a she… unlike Ash and Kiyo he had a very different reaction.

“Whoa… I’m a girl…” he said er she said groping herself, “Yeah their real…”

Aeries stared with a sweat drop… “I forgot what I was going to say…”

Sailor Mercury and Neo Sailor Moon saw the light of the transformation though the fog.

“Looks like he transformed…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

Everyone walked to where Luffy was standing… they stared at her.

“Uh…” said Sailor Mercury with a sweat drop.

“Oh I guess I should stop…” said Luffy laughing a bit.

“I remembered what I was going to say…” said Aeries, “In thus from you are Sailor Mars… hey wait a second… why is your hat still there… it should disappeared during the transformation…”

“Oh well you see this hat is my treasure… it was going to disappear!” yelled Luffy or Sailor Mars in this.

“I guess he has such an attachment it can’t disappear…” said Dianna with a sweat drop.

“Wait are you saying that you don’t mind turning into a girl?” asked Sailor Mercury.

“Nope… actually I think this might be pretty interesting…” said Sailor Mars.

There was an awkward silence.

“He’s… she’s strange…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Kookoo!” yelled the monster though the fog.

“I think it found us!” yelled Zatch.

The monster made it way though the fog.

“I’ll take care of it!” said Sailor Mars, right when the monster came though the fog, Sailor Mars landed a punch that sent the monster soaring a few dozen feet… the thing was that… the monster was a few feet away when Sailor Mars landed the punch… everyone else’s eyes nearly popped out when he arm stretched out.

“How did you do that?” asked Dianna.

“Oh year… I’m a rubber man…” said Sailor Mars stretching her cheek, “Well I guess right now I’m a rubber girl.”

“Amazing…” said Zatch.

“Whoa… and it has nothing to with the senshi power…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“KOOKOO!” yelled a the monster running at full speed towards Sailor Mars.

“Sailor Mars! Use Fire Soul…” said Aeries.

“How do I do that?” asked sailor Mars.

“It will come to you!” said Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Mercury was right it did come to her, she placed her hand together and a fireball came form her fingertips and scorched the monster.

“Now Neo Sailor Moon!” said Dianna.

“Right!” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Moon Illusion Dispel!”

The attack hit the monster, which turned it to moon dust, which of course disappeared.

“All right!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“That was so awesome!” yelled Sailor Mars.

Everyone else sweatdroped.

What they didn’t know was that Jadeite watched their fight.

“So it’s true thy have returned…” said Jadeite.

A while later after explaining the time key they had to add something else for Luffy…

“Why can’t I tell…” asked Luffy.

“Because…” said Kiyo, “We need to keep it a secret…”

“We can’t let the enemy find out about who you guys really are…” said Hermes.

“That’s why you can’t tell anyone… not even your crew… if they find out one their own it’s okay…” said Dianna.

Everyone else but Zatch sighed…

“I think his crew will figure out the first time they see him as Sailor Mars…” thought Ash.

“If you think about it’s so obvious…” thought Kiyo.

“I can’t believe that’s Rei’s reincarnation…” thought Dianna.

“I’d bet money that this guy will reveal his identity soon…” thought Hermes.

“I can’t believe that not only did Serenity keep her promise she… made him the complete opposite of Rei…” thought Aeries.

“Is something wrong?” asked Luffy.

“No…” said the others.

“Well I guess we should get going…” said Kiyo.

“Yeah my friends are probably looking for me…” said Ash.

“And I skipped school…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

Both took out their keys.

“Send me to on the way to Fortree City…” said Ash.

“Send me to Mochinoki Botanical Gardens!” said Kiyo.

“We’re going to the Gardens! Yay!” said Zatch.

Ash, Pikachu and Dianna went back to they were and Kiyo, Zatch and Hermes went to the Botanical Gardens to spend the rest of day (hiding out).

“Well you should get to you boat…” said Aeries.

Back in Ash’s world Ash, Pikachu and Dianna came out of the bushes.

“You got lost in bushes again?” asked May twitching slightly.

“Uh… yeah…” responded Ash.

In Kiyo’s world… he and Zatch went into the gardens while Hermes went back to their house. Ivy saw them.

“You skipped school… I thought you started going back…” said Ivy.

“Something happened on the way…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop, “And don’t ask…” he said that last part in a scary way.

“Okay I won’t…” replied Ivy.

Back in Luffy’s world he and Aeries got the Merry Go.

“I found a cat!” said Luffy holding up Aeries to the crew.

“All right… it didn’t cost money did it?” asked Nami.

“Nope… her name’s Aeries… and you believe this… but she can tal…” said Luffy.

But before he could finish his sentence Aeries attack his arm…

“It looked it doesn’t like you…” said Zoro with a sweat drop.

“Yeah…” said Usopp also with a sweat drop.

Aeries’ attack however had a meaning… “I told you not to reveal the secret…” And that is how the third senshi was found…

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Um... Zephyr Flare are telling me to look at Advice for Aspiring Authors? I'm a little confused... esspally with the last part... anyways here's the next chapter, this one itnrucdeces trhe Ranma 1/2 assept of it... (and the only anime in this fanfic to not be on US TV)

Chapter 4: Don’t Make Me Wild like You

Ranma slowly woke up… he had the weirdest dream the night before, he was girl that looked nothing like his curse form… then he was stabbed in the chest by a woman with purple hair.

“Please… let it not be sign that I have another fiancé…” thought Ranma before going to sleep.

Later in Luffy’s world he was watching the sunrise… and he was very bored, so he decided to try out his communicator. He took out of his pocket, much like Kiyo’s it had his sign (the mars sign) and four buttons, in place of the red button there was a blue button, he randomly pressed the orange button. However there was this.

“We’re sorry the Senshi who have tried calling has not been awakened… try again later…” said a voice.

“Oh…” said Luffy.

He decided to press another button… this time it was ringing.

Kiyo woke up with his communicator rigging. He looked at his clock… it wasn’t even 6 in the morning yet…

“This better be an emergency…” he growled.

The answer it… it was Luffy of course.

“What is it… and it better be an emergency…” growled Kiyo.

“Well I just wanted to test this out…” said Luffy.

“Okay… but next you call at 5:45 in the morning… please… please let it be an emergency…” said Kiyo who hung up.

Back in Luffy’s world he sighed… “Maybe I’ll try again later…” he said.

Meanwhile in another world Ranma was soaring in the air in a trip via Akane air… why… he was sparring with Genma… he father sent him flying though Akane’s window on accident and he landed on Akane’s bed… of course Akane woke up, got angry and let’s just say Mr. Giant Mallet returned.

“I wonder when I’m going to land…” said Ranma.

Meanwhile Luna was worried… not because he hadn’t found the senshi… it was because this town was nuts… on her 2nd day in this world she met up with a young woman who wanted her to play with her pet crocodile… after escaping with an inch of her life other stuff happened… such as being trampled on by a mob of women who were chasseing a pervert… then there was that time she decided to claw at a tree but it turned out be a girl dressed like a tree. Luna hopped she found Sailor Jupiter soon… because she’s slowly loosing her sanity here… fortunately the one she was looking for landing right in front of her… however.

“Man… that uncute tomboy she…” said Ranma then looked at Luna, “CAT!” he screamed then ran away.

Luna sweatdroped, “That was odd…” she thought.

She decided to chase after him…

In Luffy’s world Aeries had gotten up, she had decided to look for Luffy, which she found in his spot.

“Mornin’ Luff’” said Aeries.

“Mornin’.” said Luffy.

Then the key in the pocket began to glow. He took out in a bright flash of light and Aeries were gone.

In Kiyo’s world… the flashing woke him up… he saw the key was flashing.

“Oh great…” he said.

Hermes also woke up, “Looks like the next senshi had been found…” he said.

Kiyo grabbed the key and in a flash they were both gone… however... the flash woke up Zatch, he looked around and saw “He left with out me…” he cried.

In Ash’s world his key began to glow as well… Brock who was preparing firewood as the glow from his sweatshirt pocket… so he woke up Ash.

“Hey Ash…” said Brock.

“Pikachu… use Thunder Bolt!” said Ash in his sleep.

“Ash…” said Brock.

“Of course you can have my autograph…” said Ash in his sleep.

“Wake up… something’s glowing in your pocket…” said Brock.

This sentence woke up Dianna and Pikachu… she sighed… fortunately she learned a trick from her mom. She swiped Ash’s face with her claws waking him up.

“Ow!” he yelled waking up.

Then he noticed the time key was glowing… he wasn’t fully awake he didn’t notice Brock when he grabbed the key… and in a bright flash of light, he Pikachu, Dianna and the unnoticed Brock were gone.

Back in the other world…

Luna continued to chase Ranma… she stopped when she hear a crash behind her… she turned around and saw a big pile boys and cats.

“Looks like I’m not the first one…” seas Luna.

“Spine… pain…” said Ash.

“Ouch…” said Kiyo.

“Ash… can you tell what’s going on…” said Brock.

“Uh-oh…” said Ash.

Meanwhile in the Villains HQ…

“I’m sorry Lord Jadeite…” said Aquamarine.

“It’s quite all right… I know what you’re going though… those Sailor Senshi always ruined plans…” said Jadeite balling his fist.

“Lord Jadeite… I have yet to gather energy… and my world was discovered first…” a woman with purple hair and wearing a purple dress appeared.

“Very well Amethyst…” said Jadeite.

“I’ll go work on my plan then…” said the woman Amethyst who disappeared.

“I don’t trust her… she’s too powerful…” said Aquamarine.

“I don’t fully trust her… but for now she will work for us…” said Jadeite.

Back in the otherworld Brock just stat there a gasped.

“You’re Neo Sailor Moon?” asked Brock.

“Yeah…” said Ash in his embarrassment.

“How long have you been Neo Sailor Moon?” he asked.

“Well actually… that time at the Pokemon Center was the first time…” said Ash.

“Is he going to help us find the next guy?” asked Luffy.

“I guess so…” said Brock.

“Thanks…” said Ash, “And one more thing… DON’T TELL ANYONE!” he yelled.

“Okay, okay I’ll promise I won’t…” said Brock.

“Well since that straitened out I should introduce the others, this is Kiyo and his guardian cat Hermes…” said Ash, “Hey where’s Zatch?”

“He wasn’t awake yet so I didn’t bring him…” said Kiyo working the computer looking for Jupiter.

“And this is Luffy and his guardian Aeries…” said Ash

“Hey!” said Luffy.

“Hello there…” said Aeries.

“Oh yes this my mother, Luna…” said Dianna.

“That right…” said Luna.

“Good I found him!” said Kiyo.

“That’s good…” said Aeries.

“How far?” asked Luffy.

“Not too far about a 20 minute walk…” said Kiyo.

“I can get there in 20 seconds!” said Luffy.

“Why do I feel that will be a bad idea…” said Kiyo.

“Which direction is it in?” asked Luffy.

“That way…” said Kiyo pointing in the direction.

“Okay… everyone grab on…” said Luffy.

“Not this…” thought Aeries.

Less then a minute later everyone was holding onto Luffy.

“What are we doing?” asked Brock.

“Just watch!” said Luffy.

He stretched his arms to nearby walk… shocking both Brock and Luna… then performed Gum Gum Rocket. Sending them all flying.

Meanwhile at the Tendo residence in the living room/dinning room area… Ranma and Akane were fighting while the rest of the family ate breakfast calmly.

“Why did you do that!” yelled Ranma.

“Why else you pervert…” said Akane.

“But it wasn’t my fault… Pops knocked me into the room! Blame him…” yelled Ranma.

Genma was suddenly in panda form playing with a beach ball and holding up a sign that said “Don’t blame me… I’m just an innocent panda”

“Pops…” mumbled Ranma.

Then there was a loud crash from the garden. Everyone turned their attention towards it. What they saw were a few teenagers, a yellow mouse thing and…

“Cats!” yelled Ranma hiding behind Akane.

“Oh grow up…” said Akane.

Of course the people who crashed landed were senshi, the guardian cats and Brock.

“Are we in the right place?” asked Luffy.

“Yeah… we… are…” said Kiyo.

“See I told you!” said Luffy.

“Don’t you ever do that to us again!” yelled Kiyo.

“Oh…” said Luffy.

“What I kind of liked it… minus the crash…” said Ash.

“Please don’t encourage him…” said Kiyo.

“Oh my…” said Kasumi.

“Hey are you guys okay?” asked Akane.

Brock’s non-existent eyes turned to hearts, “Be still my heart...” he said,. He ran up to Akane. “My name is Brock… what’s your name…”

“Akane…” said Akane with a sweat drop.

“Oh Akane…” said Brock but was cut off in mid sentence but Ash pulling him away by the ear.

“Sorry about that… he get like that every time he sees a cute girl…” said Ash.

Ranma snickered “He certainly has strange tastes in women then…” he said.

“Sorry to be rude… we didn’t mean to intrude like this…” said Kiyo.

“It quite all right… perhaps you can join us for breakfast…” said Kasumi.

“Really!” said Ash and Luffy.

Kiyo sweatdroped… “Both remind me of Zatch…” he thought.

Not to long later the guests to so speak began to eat with the Tendos… Ranma tired his best to keep away from the cats.

“What’s with him?” asked Luffy.

“His dad threw him into a pit full hungry cats while fish sausage was tied around him.” said Nabiki.

Everyone stared at Genma who was once again in Panda for with the same sign as earlier Ranma threw his tea at his father…

“Cool!” said Luffy.

“How did that happen?” asked Ash.

“Fell into a cursed spring…” said Nabiki.

The two began to fight, during which Genma threw Ranma into the koi pond… turning Ranma into a girl.

“That is so cool!” yelled Luffy.

“Don’t tell me…” said Ash.

“Also fell into a cursed spring…” replied Nabiki.

“Interesting…” thought Luna.

“So are you interested in joining our dojo…” said Soun.

“No we’re more interested in that guy…” said Luffy.

Ranma heard what Luffy said… and one thing came into his mind, after kicking Genma away, he er she that he was at the moment walked over to Luffy.

“So you want to fight me right?” Ranma.

“Okay…” said Luffy with a shrug.

“This guy will be easy to beat…” thought Ranma.

Up in the sky Amethyst stood floating.

“So this Furinkan…” said Amethyst, “I guess I’ll attack that Tendo Dojo I heard so much about…”

Later after breakfast, and Ranma challenging back to being male, Ranma and Luffy met in the dojo. Ash, Kiyo, Pikachu, Brock (who tried to help Kasumi with the dishes but Ash pulled him away), Akane and the cats (who watched from a distance due to Ranma’s fear of cats) watched.

“So you seem confidante…” said Ranma.

“Sure am I bet I could beat you…” said Luffy.

The two began their fight…

“Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire!” said Ranma.

Ran sent out a flurry of rapid punches.

“Gum Gum Rapid Fire” said Luffy.

Luffy set out his own flurry of rapid punches… the were matched evenly.

“I’ve never seen someone match Ranma’s punches before…” said Akane surprised.

“Wow… I’m surprised… I didn’t think you could do that…” said Ranma.

“I surprise a lot of people…” said Luffy.

Right before either could launch their next attack the ground began to shake slightly.

“Is it an earth quake?” asked Akane.

“I don’t know…” said Kiyo.

Luna began to meow like crazy as curtly she could talk, everyone but Ranma who was shivering due to Luna’s meowing ran to the door. What they saw was strange.

“What the…” said Kiyo.

The dojo was floating in a weird purple space…

“I’m sorry… but your dojo is currently is in my space…” said Amethyst appearing from nowhere “The only way to get out is defeat my dear little Youma…” said Amethyst, “That is if you can if you lose your energy will be gone…”

“Who are you?” demanded Ash.

“My name is Amethyst, of the 5 Jewels of the Neo Dark Kingdom…” said Amethyst, “Ciao!”

She shot a bright light that landed in the Dojo, then disappeared. The bright light self took the form of a monster that looked like a martial artist.

“Dojo!” yelled the monster.

“I heard what the weird woman said… this monster will be easy…” said Ranma.

He began to run towards the monster… he was about to punch the monster, but the monster just brushed him aside like he was nothing he hit the wall.

“You caught me off guard…” said Ranma he ran over to the monster again… the same thing happened… three more time.

“Should you guys do something about it?” asked Brock.

“Yeah… I guess…” said Ash.

“All right time to transform!” said Luffy.

“Great…” said Kiyo.

“Moon Crisis Power!”

“Mercury Crystal Power!”

“Mars Crystal Power!”


All three of them transformed…

“You guys are cross dressers?” asked Ranma.

“You’re one to talk!” yelled Neo Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury.

“Maybe you guys should take on the monster…” said Brock with a sweat drop.

“Pika…” sighed Pikachu (Translation: Yeah…)

“I’ll go…” said Sailor Mars who ran towards the monster… much like Ranma she was batted away.

“And this person was equal…” said Ranma with a sweat drop.

When he wasn’t looking Luna walked up the martial artist she cleared her throat.

“Excuse me…” she said.

“Oh my god… the cat… it talked…” screamed Ranma.

“It did…” said Akane surprised.

“Wait cats don’t talk…” said Ranma.

This simple equation went though his head: Cat Plus Talking Equals not a cat.

“Hey wait if you can talk then that must mean you’re not a cat…” said Ranma.

Luna anime fell, so did Akane and Sailor Mercury who heard this conversation.

“Not… a cat?” asked Sailor Mercury.

“Sometimes it’s best ot leave Ranma with his delusions…” said Akane.

Luna performed her back flip, which produced a pink wand with a green crystal on top.

“You are a warrior like them…” said Luna.

“Wait, wait… so you’re saying I have to transform into a girl to fight that monster…” said Ranma who quickly figured it out.

“Wow he’s the only one who figured that before transforming…” said Hermes.

The other two cats nodded in agreement.

“Don’t you change your gender because of a curse…” said Luna.

Ranma sighed… Luna was right, he did change his gender all the time so why would this be different.

“Fine just tell me what to do…” said Ranma with a sigh.

“Hold it high and say “Jupiter Crystal Power! Make-up”” said Luna.

“What ever…” said Ranma, “Jupiter Crystal Power Make-Up…”

Now Ranma’s clothes changed to a sailor Fuku with a green skirt and collar, the ribbons were pink. He wore shot green lace up boot, and of course a tiara. However there was something strange… when he changed to a girl… it wasn’t his cursed form… instead this form had brown hair with was now put up into a ponytail as opposed to his pig tail… but the most notable… what this new form was taller than his cursed form… much taller, taller than Akane.

“No way…” said Akane.

“This is new…” said Ranma with a sweat drop, “I think this female form might be stronger than my cursed form…” he thought.

“In this from you’re Sailor Jupiter…” said Luna.

“All right…” said Ranma or Sailor Jupiter in this case, “You name was Luffy… right?”

“Yeah but I think I’m called Sailor Mars like this…” said Sailor Mars.

“Okay what ever… let’s go get that monster!” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Right!” said Sailor Mars.

Both ran towards the monster… however once again the monster swatted them away like nothing.

Sailor Mercury and Akane sweatdroped.

“Hey Kiyo can you help us with a plan…” said Sailor Mars getting up.

“Oh I don’t know… maybe not run up to the monster…” said Sailor Mercury with a sweat drop.

“Yeah you need something else…” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Pikachu use Thunder Bolt!”

Pikachu ran towards the monsters and delivered a Thunder Bolt… the attack did little damage but it was more than what was done by Mars and Jupiter.

“That little rat did damage!” yelled Jupiter.

“Maybe you should use Supreme Thunder…” said Luna with a sweat drop, “And I thought when Usagi started was bad…” she thought.

“Supreme Thunder?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“Don’t worry it will come you…” said Sailor Mars.

“Right…” said Sailor Jupiter, a lighting rod came from the tiara, and light bolt struck it “Sumire Thunder!”

It hit the monster… and also done some damage to the dojo.

“Ooops…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“RANMA!” yelled Akane.

She whacked Jupiter in the head hard.

“Ow… why did you that?” yelled Sailor Jupiter.

“You damaged part of the Dojo!” yelled Akane.

“But that give you no right to hit me you uncute Tomboy!” yelled Sailor Jupiter.

“I did… Magical Cross dresser!” said Akane.

Neo Sailor Moon sighed, “I think I’ll just end it…” she said.

“Moon Illusion Dispel!” said Neo Sailor Moon using the attack on the monster… it of course turned to moon dust and disappeared.

Things began to shake.

“Look like we’re back…” said Brock.

The three senshi that were used to it transformed back… however Sailor Jupiter and Akane were still arguing.

“Pikachu…” said Ash with a sweat drop.

“Pikachu…” said Pikachu (Translation: You don’t have to tell me twice.)

Pikachu gave a mild shock to both of them… they glared at the yellow mouse.

“You two should stop fighting…” said Kiyo.

“Yeah and the dojo was magically fixed up so that’s good…” said Luffy.

Akane and Sailor Jupiter saw that whatever damage was done was gone.

“That’s good…” said Akane.

“So wait how do I change back…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Just focus…” said Ash.

Sailor Jupiter turned back to male Ranma.

“Hey maybe…” said Ranma… he got a bucket of water from pocket space and splashed himself in hopes that his Sailor Jupiter form would take over his cursed form… which sadly didn’t, “Oh man… I like that new girl form better than this one…” she thought.

After the explanation, telling Ranma about the time key and communicator and Akane promising to keep it a secret that Ranma is a super hero (practically everyone knew Ranma turned into a girl already) there was a new conversation.

“So why aren’t you afraid of them?” asked Luffy.

“Well since they can talk they aren’t cats…” said Ranma.

“So what are they?” asked Kiyo.

Ranma began to think it took a good full minute to think what they were.

“They are all… hamsters…” said Ranma.

Everyone anime fell but Ash.

“What are hamsters?” asked Ash.

“It’s best we don’t change his mind… you don’t want to know when he gets really scared…” said Akane.

“Oh man… we forgot about May and Max!” said Ash.

“Oh yeah… we have to get going…” said Brock.

“I just hope May didn’t try to cook…” said Ash.

Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Dianna used their time key to get back where they were.

“I should get back too… Zatch might be crying that I didn’t bring him…” said Kiyo.

“Zatch?” asked Ranma.

“He's a little demon boy in a dress that fallows Kiyo around…” said Hermes.

“Oh yeah… Kiyo before you go… I have something I need to ask you…” said Ranma.

“What?” asked Kiyo.

“Why are you wearing pajamas?” asked Ranma.

“Because I just woke up when I came here…” said Kiyo.

Kiyo and Hermes left in a flash of light.

“Well I should get going... I bet breakfast will begin soon…” said Luffy.

“Didn’t you just eat…” said Akane.

Luffy stomach growled… everyone else just sweatdroped.

“Hey Luffy, we need to finish our spar later!” said Ranma.

“Of course!” said Luffy as he and Aeries went back to the Merry Go using the time key.

“Well I better tell the others about our new pet hamster…” said Ranma walking back to the house.

As he walked away Luna asked “A hamster?”

“Well it’s better than him being a afraid of you right?” asked Akane.

“I guess so…” said Luna.

Back in Ash’s world… Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Dianna.

“Where were you…” asked May.

“Oh… somewhere…” responded Brock.

“Well have you seen Max… I made breakfast and disappeared…” said May.

“We’ll look for him!” said Ash.

“Yeah…” said Brock.

In Luffy’s world… fortunately no one noticed he was gone and in fact no one noticed he was gone, not only that but he got to breakfast one time… which means he got there before anyone else did…

“All right I get two breakfasts today!” said Luffy.

“Two breakfast today?” asked Sanji.

“Yeah I…” said Luffy.

Aeries sighed and grabbed his arm, biting and clawing at it.

“Owwww!” cried Luffy.

In Kiyo’s world…

“Kiyo… please don’t leave with me again!” cried Zatch while hugging his leg.

“Okay, okay… just let me get dressed…” said Kiyo.

Back in Ranma’s world…

“You think that a hamster?” asked Soun pointing to Luna.

“Oh my…” said Kasumi.

“He’s finally lost it…” said Nabiki.

“I’m you, telling it’s a hamster…” said Ranma.

Both Akane and Luna sighed… at least Ranma wasn’t scared out of his mind.
Yes because clearly you haven't. You have the length down purely because of text-ridden dialogue, there are no real people here just random words strutting around pretending to be something. This is absolutely no better than your last chapter because there is nothing really IN THERE sides from dialogue.

Will many people know whom half these people are much less whom they look like? No? They shouldn’t have to look it up as YOU as a writer should be helping provide it in whichever style you choose aka not skimping out.

The problem is clear, you’re using more characters than you can handle so we’re running into an emotionless statue dialogue fest. Get in that thread; it will do you a lot of good.


Tabby Catty

Courtney loves Ruby
Okay this is really awsome! I gotta see Naruto as Venus! I must! So far it seems okay. It is rather humorous and I was laughing basically every other sentence good!

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Okay... I'll check it out... but... it won't be put into use for quite a ew chapters as this sotry is also on anothersitesite that's way ahead of this site... and thanks for the review Tabby Catty... oh yes... there are major spoilers for Naruto, this has the 5th Hokage adn takes plave durring the almost neverending filler epiosdes... beware if you just watch and read the American version...

Chapter 5: The No.1 Hyperactive Knucklehead Ninja

Naruto slowly woke up… that dream he had the night before was weird… he barely remembered anything from it, except that he was a girl… he blamed one person.

“That Pervy Sage is going to get it!” yelled Naruto.

He blamed all though times he used the Sexy Jutsu for Jiraiya. Then he went back to sleep.

Hours later in Luffy’s world Aeries was banging her head agaisnt the wall… why? Well it’s a long list, but near drowning, enemy pirates, the marines and meat were involved. She’s beginning to think not only did Neo Queen Serenity grant her wish but… made sure that Rei was careful what she wished for… then again boys were generally more stupid than girls… but that still didn’t change anything… what’s worse was that she could only talk to Luffy… well she had Chopper but with him she had to play the part of a normal cat… IE: Meowing…

“I need someone I can talk actually talk to… maybe I should mom about this…” she thought.

She walked to Luffy’s seat and jumped on his lap.

“Hey Luff’ I need to barrow the communicator…” said Aeries.

“Okay, sure…” said Luffy.

He handed the communicator to Aeries who carried it in her mouth so that she could have a private conversation. When she was in a private place she opened it up and pressed the green button, Ranma-Chan (female Ranma) answer it.

“Oh hey… your name’s is Aeries right… is there a problem?” asked Ranma-Chan.

“No… I just need to speak with my mother about something…” said Aeries.

“Okay…” said Ranma-Chan.

After about a minute of finding her pet “hamster”, she gave Luna the communicator.

“Hi there’s something I wanted to ask you…” said Aeries.

“What?” asked Luna.

“Well you see…” said Aeries who began ot explain her problems. By the end, Luna’s eyes were bugging out.

“I guess you want to tell someone on his crew…” said Luna with a sigh.

“Yes… I’ve narrowed it down to two member of his 6 member crew… either Usopp or Chopper…” said Aeries.

“Why them?” asked Luna.

“Well I can’t tell Nami… I’m afraid she might black mail the others… Zoro and Sanji will laugh at the Luffy and the others for quite a while… I don’t fully trust Robin… the reasons why I picked Chopper was that he’s half reindeer and he understands animals and Usopp… he might tell…” said Aeries.

“Why would you tell him if he might tell…” said Luna.

“Usopp’s a liar… he’s lies all the time, if he did tell anyone no one would believe him…” said Aeries.

Luna sweatdroped, “Okay… I give my permission… after all Ash has Brock, Kiyo has Zatch and Ranma has Akane…”

“Thanks…” said Aeries, “I should go now…”

“Bye…” said Luna.

Aeries hung up the communicator and went back to the sheep’s head.

“Luffy… there’s something we need to talk about…” said Aeries.

“What?” asked Luffy.

“I decided to let one of the others in on this…” said Aries.

“Really that’s great!” yelled Luffy.

Aeries covered he ears wit her paws, “Keep it down please…” said Aeries.

“Okay… who?” asked Luffy.

“I was thinking Usopp since we want to keep it a secret…” said Aeries.

“Okay!” said Luffy.

Meanwhile in another Naruto was bored… he had three months… three whole months before he could start training… for now and all he could do was just look up at the clouds, being a lazy…

“Great… I’m being Shikamaru…” he thought.

Little did he know he was being watched by a white hamster… or wait cat… it was a white cat… not just any white cat… it was Artemis.

“Finally I caught up to him…” he thought… he often caught a glimpse of him or felt him but it only for less than a second… mainly because Naruto was running some place.

In Luffy’s world, Luffy began a conversation with Usopp, Aeries was there as well.

“What did you want to talk about Luffy... it’s not like you to talk in private with someone… you’re not coming out the closest are you… why does everyone always come out to me…” said Usopp.

“Out of the closet?” asked Luffy.

“Never mind…” said Usopp.

“Well I need you to keep a secret for me…” said Luffy.

Just then his pocket began to glow.

“Oh Good timing…” said Luffy taking out his time key.

In a bright flash all three of them were gone.

In Kiyo’s world he was studying when he saw the time key in his pocket was glowing… Zatch saw it too.

“All right time for super hero action!” said Zatch.

“Yeah…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

In Ranma's world Ranma was doing push up with Luna as with on his back. Then he saw the light in his pocket.

“Look like it’s time…” said Ranma.

He stopped his push ups and out the time key, he and Luna were gone in flash of light.

And in Ash’s world he saw the glow in his pocket.

“I have to use the bathroom…” said Ash.

He ran into some nearby bushes with Pikachu and Dianna.

“It might take a while…” said Brock in a faux disgusted way.

“I blame May’s cooking…” said Max.

Ash took out the time key and he, Pikachu and Dianna were gone in a flash of light.

Back in the other world…

“I wonder if the Luna and the kids found theirs yet?” thought Arties.

Less than a second later his wife, children, the other senshi as well as 6 year boy and a teenaged lair landed on him

“Hi dad…” said Dianna, Aeries and Hermes sheepishly.

“Hello Artemis…” said Luna.

“Hi… can you please get off me?” asked Artemis.

In the villain HQ…

“I’m sorry Lord Jadeite… I was sure that I would get the energy of those martial artists…” said Amethyst bowing before Jadeite.

“Look Amethyst… it’s okay…” said Amber appearing.

“All of us were defeated by the Sailor Senshi as well…” said Ruby appearing.

“Yeah…” said Aquamarine appearing.

“Yeah but none of you kill one fo the Sailor Senshi during the war… I killed Sailor Jupiter and she ones of the senshi that showed me up…” said Amethyst, “I demand another attack!”

“That’s no fair!” whined a voice.

A woman in a white dress with white hair with different colored streaks in her hair appeared.

“Lord Jadeite… I have yet to show my prowess…” said the woman.

Jadeite sighed… “What’s your plan Opal?” asked Jadeite.

“I plan go after ninjas! Yosh!” said the woman named Opal doing a cool pose.

Everyone sweatdroped…

“Oookay…” said Jadeite.

“You see these ninja harness power called Chakra… if I can steal this Chakra then we’ll have the energy we’ll need!” yelled Opal.

“Very well Opal…” said Jadeite.

Opal disappeared, the other woman sighed.

“Lord Jodie… is it treason to kill her with out reason?” asked Aquamarine.

“Yes…” said Jadeite.

“Yeah I got a reason… she annoys me…” said Ruby.

“She annoys me too… even though she does that I can’t kill her…” said Jadeite.

“Can we define annoyance as a treason?” asked Amethyst.

“No sorry…” sighed Jadeite.

The other 4 woman sighed…

Back in the other world they had just finished their explanation to Usopp.

“So wait you’re a super hero who fights evil in different dimensions?” asked Usopp.

“That’s right!” said Luffy, “Also we cro…”

He was cut off by Ash and Kiyo shutting his mouth making Usopp sweat drop.

“He doesn’t need to know that yet…” said Ranma.

“Can you keep it down over there!” yelled Naruto.

He got up and looked at the rag tag group.

“Okay what’s going on here?” asked Naruto, “Who are and how come I’ve been you around here before…”

“We’re just passing though town…” said Ash.

“You expect me to believe that…” said Naruto.

“Yes…”-said Ash.

“I guess I should…” said Naruto.

Just then there was a sound of rumbling from Naruto, Ash, Luffy and Zatch.

I’m hungry…” said Zatch.

“Me too…” said Luffy.

“If you’re hungry I guess I could show you a place to eat…” said Naruto.

Meanwhile the Hokage’s office Tsunade was sleeping… or passed out from drinking… Sailor Pluto appeared in the room. And began to look for a file though her desk, she found it.

“Uranus was right it on file…” said Pluto.

Tsunade then woke up…

“My head…” she said then she noticed Sailor Pluto, “who are you? Wait a second I think I know you… but I always thought you were legend… you’re the guardian of time”

“Yes I am… I’m sorry to intrude but I had to look for this file…” said Sailor Pluto.

She handed the file back to Tsunade.

“What si this?” she asked.

“It’s about Uzumaki Naruto’s past life…” said Sailor Pluto.

Tsunade opened it and began to read it.

“Naruto was a woman in his past life?” she asked and began to laugh.

“And she was my friend…” said Sailor Pluto.

Tsunade began to read more, “Wait so this reawakening of the Sailor Senshi thing…” said Tsunade.

“It’s happening now…” said Sailor Pluto.

“Why are you bringing this to my attention?” asked Tsunade.

“For Naruto’s safety as well as the safety of the other senshi and their friends...” said Sailor Pluto.

“I understand…” said Tsunade.

“I have to go now and please don’t tell anyone about this… also please fallow the instructions as well…” said Sailor Pluto before disappearing.

“Why do I feel like I’ve just entered something I don’t want to be involved in…” said Tsunade.

Meanwhile at the Ichiraku Ramen stand…

“Come on Luffy! You can beat them!” cheered Usopp.

“Come on Zatch! Beat them!” cheered Ash.

“Come on kid! You can do it!” said Teuchi.

Naruto has showed him to his favorite restaurant, somewhere along the line Luffy, Naruto and Zatch all entered a ramen eating contest... there was no signs that it would end soon.

“Has anyone realized that none of has money…” said Kiyo.

“”I… do…” said Luffy in between bites.

“Luffy I don’t thin Berries are usable here…” said Usopp.

After the eating contest in a three way tie… Luffy managed to pay with a single berry coin… being gold paid for the entire contest…

“Of course pirates have gold…” said Ranma.

“Why am I not surprised…” said Kiyo.

After the contest Naruto decided to show them around town.

“Why?” asked Kiyo.

“Well you guys did pay for the contest…” said Naruto.

“Yeah but I why I have to drag Luffy…” said Ranma slightly behind them dragging the balloon like pirate captain.

“You’re the strongest out of all of us…” said Usopp.

“Well you’re a member of his crew not me…” said Ranma.

“Yeah but the guy that usually drags Luffy isn’t here…” said Usopp.

There was a woman’s scream.

“That sounded like Sakura…” said Naruto running to the source.

“I have the feeling a Youma is involved…” said Artemis.

Luffy suddenly lost all the weight. “Let’s go.” He said.

“How… wha… maybe I should ask…” said Ranma.

They all ran to where the scream came from. Naruto stood face to face with a monster, many people were unconscious all around, including Sakura.

“I have no idea what you are but I’m going to take care of you! Shadow Clone Jutsu!” said Naruto.

Naruto made a ton of shadow clones all of them attack the monster… however the monster it’s hand and a strange light came from them… the shadow clones disappeared in puffs of smoke.

“How did do that?” asked Naruto.

The monster turned it’s attention to the real Naruto. It shined it strange light to Naruto… Naruto.

“It’s sucking his energy…” said Luna.

“I have no idea what you are doing but knock it off!” said Naruto who run of the up the monster and punched it in the face.

“His energy was drained yet it looks like nothing happened…” said Artemis.

“Strange…” said Dianna.

“Looks like it’s time to transform…” said Ash with a sigh.

“Just don’t laugh at us…” said Ranma to Usopp.

“Okay…” said Usopp with a sweat drop.

“Moon Crisis!”

“Mercury Crystal Power!”

“Mars Crystal Power!”

“Jupiter Crystal Power!”


After the transformation, Usopp tired his best not too laugh.

“You’re all cross dressers…” he said trying not to laugh.

“You think that’s funny Pinocchio…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“We should help Naruto…” said Sailor Mars.

“Right…” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Pikachu stay back.”

“Pika!” said Pikachu (Translation: Right!)

“Zatch hold on to the spell book until it’s time…” said Sailor Mercury giving Zatch the spell book.

“Okay!” said Zatch.

The four senshi ran to battle.

The monster was to punch Naruto back when Sailor Jupiter got in between them and delivered a Chest Nuts Roasting on an Open fire to the monster.

“You okay Naruto?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“Yeah… wait how do you know my name?” asked Naruto.

“You’ll find out soon…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“We’ll explain things later…” said Artemis.

Naruto sweatdroped “The cat is talking…” he said.

“That’s not a cat… it’s a hamster…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“A hamster…” said Naruto.

“She has a fear of cats and deluded herself into thinking their hamsters…” whispered Sailor Mercury.

“I see…” said Naruto.

Artemis did a back flip which produced a pink want with an orange crystal on top.

“You can fight this as a warrior like them…” said Artemis.

“Okay…” said Naruto, “What do I do?” asked Naruto taking the wand.

“Say “Venus Crystal Power Make-Up”!” said Artemis.

“Okay Venus Crystal Power Make-up!” said Naruto.

In a bright flash of light Naruto hair grew longer, and a red ribbon tied it. His clothes turned into a sailor fuku with an orange collar and skirt. The ribbon in front was blue while the one in back was yellow. He gained white gloves with orange trim and his shoes became orange flat shoes. Around his neck was an orange choker with a yellow star appear on his neck and on his forehead was a tiara where his headband disappeared. Just like the others he was now a she and just like Ash and Kiyo he er… she let out the biggest scream she could muster.

“What did you do to me!” yelled Naruto.

“In this form you’re called Sailor Venus…” said Artemis.

“I can’t believe this happened!” yelled Sailor Venus.

“Hey calm down…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Yeah… I’m Ash…” said Neo Sailor Moon with a sweat drop.

“It me Kiyo…” said Sailor Mercury.

“I’m Luffy!” said Sailor Mars yelling.

“It me Ranma… so we’re all in the same boat…” said Sailor Jupiter with a sweat drop.

“Really?” asked Sailor Venus.

“None of like cross-dressing…” said Sailor Mercury.

“Expect for Luffy for some reason…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“I guess that mean I can change back…” said Sailor Venus.

“That’s right but first we should take care of the monster…” said Sailor Mercury.

“Say… do I have any cool attacks like this to make up for becoming a girl…” said Naruto.

“There’s Crescent Beam…” said Artemis.

Sailor Venus somehow knew what do.

“Crescent Beam!” said Sailor Venus shooting a beam at the monster.

The beam hit the monster head.

“All right that was awesome!” yelled Sailor Venus.

“All right I think it’s weak enough…” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Moon Illusion Dispel!”

The attack hit the monster, which turned to moon dust and disappeared.

“All right! You did it!” cheered Zatch running towards the senshi.

“I could have done better…” said Usopp walking up to group after Zatch.

“So you have liked to cross dressed and fight the monster?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

Sailor Venus noticed his former teammate along with a few other people began to wake up.

“Oh man what are we going to do?” asked Sailor Venus.

Before anyone could explain two Anbu members appeared.

“The Hokage would like to see all of you now!” said one of the Anbu members.

“Oh man this is bad…” said Sailor Venus.

4 figures watched this from a distance… one of them was Sailor Pluto the others were also Sailor Senshi… one had wavy hair, one had short hair and one had shoulder length hair.

“So looks like the leader of this village knows… why did you do that?” asked the one with wavy hair.

“Because… I knew that they might be caught if I didn’t tell the Hokage, being integrated by Ibiki is no picnic…” said the one with short hair.

“Yeah, yeah… do you think they will be punished?” asked the one with shoulder length hair.

“I doubt it…” said Sailor Pluto.

“She’s right…” said the one with short hair.

Not too long later the senshi, along with Zatch, Usopp, Pikachu, the guardian cats and the Anbu arrived in the Hokage’s office.

“You two are dismissed…” said Tsunade.

“Yes Tsunade-Hime…” said the Anbu.

When the two Anbu left she smirked.

“I like the new look brat…” said Tsunade.

Sailor Venus sweatdroped then cleared her throat while deciding top play innocent, “I don’t know what your talking about Granny Tsunade…”

Tsunade had an agree vein “You’re really terrible at playing innocent Naruto…” yelled Tsunade.

“Okay, okay, it’s me… how do you know!” yelled Sailor Venus.

“There’s a file… apparently someone knew before you did… before I was even in power…” said Tsunade.

“So the old man knew too…” said Sailor Venus, “How did he find out before I did…”

“I don’t know…” said Tsunade, “But at least I’m Hokage now…” she began to laugh at Naruto.

“It’s not funny!” yelled Sailor Venus, “And how do I change back?”

“Just focus…” said Neo Sailor Moon who then changed back to Ash.

The other senshi including Naruto changed back.

“So what going to happen?” asked Naruto.

“Well…since that you seem to be the only ones who can stop those monsters I’m declaring it a secret mission… to defeat this threat… and the others and their friends won’t be arrested for trespassing since their part of this mission…” said Tsunade.

“That’s good…” said Usopp breathing a sigh of relief.

While in the Hokage’s office Artemis and other cats explained everything… as well deciding to meet in a few days at either Naruto’s apartment or Kiyo’s house… not too long after they left the Hokage tower.

“Oh guys have to go…” said Naruto.

“Yeah… all of should get back…” said Kiyo.

“Yeah I don’t know how I can use May’s cooking for an excuse as using the bathroom…” said Ash.

“But we’ll see each other soon…” said Luffy.

And so all their other senshi went back to their worlds and Naruto with Artemis went to his apartment… the mysterious senshi still watched them.

“So are you going toe reveal yourselves to them soon?” asked Sailor Pluto.

“No it’s not time yet…” said the one with wavy hair.

“Yeah we need to wait until “it” happens…” said the one with shoulder length hair.

“After all they won’t be able to transform…” said the one with short hair.

“And besides… some of them might tease us for being cross dressers longer than they have…” said the one with shoulder length hair.

The mysterious three sighed while Sailor Pluto just let out a small giggle.

“We may help them if something happens and their having trouble…” said the one with wavy hair.

The two nodded… Sailor Pluto just sighed.

“Who knows when “it” might happen… and are you just hiding because you don’t want to be embarrassed right off the bat…” said Sailor Pluto.

All three froze… yes that was the one of the reasons… however right now… their main concern was when “it” would happen… whatever “it” is…

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
If your a fan of Pokemon Angels (or jsut totlate it), Mina and Peter appear in this chapter and will every once a while... just not very much (jsut once a while...) here's the next chapter...

Chapter 6: Girl Troubles

Naruto yawned… he look around when felt extra weight near his feet… it was Artemis.

“So it wasn’t a dream…” he said, “Oh my god… I’m a cross dresser…” he said hanging his head.

“It could be worse…” said a voice in his head.

“Yeah… I… wait a second…” said Naruto, “Kyubi did you just say that…”

“No…” came a very different voice in his head, “You may want to see this…”

Naruto went into his mind… he appeared before a large cage with a fearsome demon in it…this was the fearsome Kyubi no Yoko, the dreaded nine tailed fox demon… sealed into Naruto shortly after birth, for some reason in front of the cage was a beautiful woman in a yellow dress with blonde hair tied with a ribbon.

“Hey who are you? And what are you doing here!” yelled Naruto.

“It’s complicated… and I can tell you the whole story yet… but I’m apart of you… like Kubi-Chan is…” said the woman.

“Kubi-Chan… you are so getting it…” mumbled Kyubi.

“Okay… so what should I call you?” said Naruto.

“I can’t go by Sailor Venus or Princess Venus, he’ll catch on…” thought the woman “Call me Minako…” she said

“So what do you do… oh will you provide me extra charka like the fox…” said Naruto.

“No sorry…” said Minako, “But I have an idea…”

“What?” asked Naruto.

“I’ll nurse your love life back to health!” said Minako suddenly dressed like a nurse.

“Why do I feel like impending doom is on the way with you dressed like that…” said Naruto.

“I feel it too…” replied Kyubi.

“Oh come on I’m not that bad of nurse…” said Minako.

At that very moment in their worlds Kiyo, Luffy and Ranma felt chills that went though their souls…

Minako was dressed in her yellow dress again, “Well anyways is there a girl you like?” asked Minako.

“There’s one… but…” said Naruto.

“But what?” asked Minako.

“She’s in love with someone else…” said Naruto.

“Who’s a backstabbing traitor!” yelled Kyubi.

Naruto glared at the fox demon.

“Um… is there any girl who likes you?” asked Minako.

“Not that I know of…” said Naruto.

There was a girl but there were two things… one what she was shy and another was that he was dense that he couldn’t see it… sadly everyone else knew but him…

“Well maybe you should call her and schedule a meeting to talk about it…” said Minako.

“And not at that Ramen Stand…” said Kyubi.

“Too bad… it’s going to be at the Ramen stand… and besides, because of Luffy’s gold coin I get free ramen for a week…” said Naruto.

Naruto disappeared form the cage, Kyubi sighed.

“Why didn’t you tell kit who you really are…” said Kyubi, “I know you’re his past life…”

“Because… it’s not time for him to know yet…” said Minako, “Is it okay if I redecorate?”

“Sure anything’s better than this…” said Kyubi.

On the outside Naruto had managed to call Sakura, Tsunade gave her a few days off because of the monster, attack drained a lot of her Chakra, so they agreed to have lunch at the ramen stand to talk about something. After the call his communicator rung… it was Ash.

“Hey Ash what is it?” asked Naruto.

“I was just wondering if it’s confirmed that we’re having the meeting in a couple days at your apartment?” asked Ash.

“Yeah… definitely… it will be nice to have guests for once…” said Naruto.

“Okay… thanks… I have to go…” said Ash.

“Okay bye!” said Naruto.

Ash hung up communicator in his world. He and his friends had stopped at a Pokemon Center for some much needed rest.

“Oh my gosh!” said May.

Ash, Pikachu, Dianna, Brock and Max ran up to her, she was talking to a teenaged boy.

“What is it May?” asked Max.

“He has picture of Neo Sailor Moon!” said May.

“That’s right… I took these… myself I was the Pokemon Center he appeared in…” said the teenaged boy.

“Great… someone took pictures of me… as Neo Sailor Moon” thought Ash with a sweat drop.

“Yeah… so you’re a fan too…” said the boy.

“Yeah I was the ones fighting the zombiefied Pokemon…” said May.

“Cool… if you ever talk to Neo Sailor Moon again can you give her my e-mail… I’d love to go on a date with her…” said the boy.

Ahs shuddered.

“Is something wrong?” asked Max.

“Nothing…” said Ash.

“Sure! And I will meet her because I’m the biggest fan!” said May.

“If you’re talking about Neo Sailor Moon then I’m the biggest fan…” said a voice.

They turned around saw a girl about May’s age with waist long blonde hair with a pink headband in her hair. She held a Smoochum in her arms.

“I’m the biggest fan… and I’ll tell you why…” said the girl, “Because I’m an Otaku!” she a pose.

“What?” asked everyone who heard this.

“Oh great…” said boy with shaved blue hair with a small ponytail in the back, “Here she goes again…”

“Peter…” said the girl.

“Incase you were wondering an otaku is a really obsessive anime fan…” said the boy named Peter, “And Mina here is really obsessive…”

“I’m not that obsessive…” said the girl named Mina.

“When you said you were an Otaku you did a Torpedo Girl parody…” said Peter.

“Yeah whatever…” said Mina, “Well anyways I believe that Neo Sailor Moon is a magical girl like Wedding Peach and the other love angels, the Mew Mews, Nurse Witch Komugi, Pretty Sammy, Denbo… wait not so much Denbo, that’s just a fusion of two male characters into a woman that resembles one of their sisters… and the Powerpuff Girls Z!”

“Powerpuff Girls Z?” asked Max.

“Yeah, it’s an anime spin-off, they changed a few things like the girls and Princess are 13, the girls aren’t sisters, the Professor has a son, one of the Gangrene Gang and Amoeba boys are women, Fuzzy’s a perv and the mayor’s no longer an idiot… I miss the idiot mayor…” said Mina.

“Okay…” said May, “So what were you saying…”

“Oh yes… since I’m an Otaku that makes me the biggest fan!” said Mina.

“No way I’m the biggest fan…” said May.

The two began ot glare at each other.

The air Ash appeared to blue for some reason.

“What’s with him?” asked Peter.

“Don’t ask…” said Brock.

Later in Naruto’s world he was walking to the ramen stand when he bumped into someone.

“Sorry…” said Naruto, “I didn’t’ see where I was going…”

“T-that’s okay N-naruto…” stuttered a voice.

He looked up saw Hinata.

“Your not hurt are you?” asked Naruto.

“N-no… I-I’m fine…” said Hinata.

“That’s good…” said Naruto.

“I-I h-have to go now…” said Hinata running away.

“I wonder what that’s about…” said Naruto.

“Oh…” came Minako’s voice.

“What?” asked Naruto.

“I thought no girls like you…” said Minako.

“What do you mean?” thought Naruto.

“She likes you...” said Minako.

“Really?” asked Naruto.

“She’s just shy… it’s cute…” said Minako.

“I don’t know… she rarely speaks to me… and she always looks away when I look at her…” said Naruto.

“Aww… cute…” squealed Minako.

“I don’t know… maybe I should get a 2nd opinion…” thought Naruto.

“Maybe you should ask Sakura…” said Minako.

“Maybe…” said Naruto.

A few minutes later, he got to Ichiraku ramen where Sakura was waiting for him.

“So what did you want to talk about?” asked Sakura when their ramen arrived.

“Well I was wondering… I was thinking… does Hinata like me? I mean as in LIKES me…” said Naruto.

Sakura didn’t know what to say or do… so she did the first thing that she could think… whack him upside the head…

“What that for Sakura?” asked Naruto.

“You just realized it?” asked Sakura.

“So she does?” asked Naruto.

Sakura whacked him again.

“Stop doing that…” said Naruto.

“She’s liked for a long time haven’t you ever noticed?” asked Sakura.

Naruto began ot rack his brain… all times she blushed when she looked him, at the Chunin exams, with the written test and medicine… he swore she even fallowed him sometimes watching from afar.

“Whoa… she’s crazy about you…” said Minako.

“Wow… you are right…” said Naruto.

“Is that what you wanted to talk about… because I’m not paying for all those bowls…” said Sakura pointing to the empty bowls next to Naruto.

“That’s okay… a new friend paid for an eating contest yesterday with a gold coin... however there was a lot of money left over so the old man and my friend made a dale that the coin would pay for a week…” said Naruto.

“That’s nice…” said Sakura with a sweat drop, “So are you going to ask her out?”

“I guess…” said Naruto.

“You better if not…” said Sakura holding up her fist.

“Okay, okay I’ll d it…” said Naruto with a sweat drop.

Meanwhile in Ash’s world…

“No I am!” said May.

“No I am!” said Mina.

“Can you please stop arguing…” said Ash.

“He’s right… you’ve been repeating yourselves for the past 20 minutes…” said Peter rolling his eyes.

Ahs sighed as once again the air around him turned blue.

“Poor Ash…” said Brock.

“What do you mean poor Ash?” asked Max.

“No reason…” said Brock with a sweat drop.

“There’s only one way to settle this…” said Mina.

“That’s right…” said May, “A Pokemon battle…”

“Actually I was going to say karaoke…” said Mina.

“That works too…” said May with a sweat drop.

“She’s weird…” said Max.

“You have no idea… I wouldn’t be surprised with she decided to cosplay…” said Peter with a sigh.

“I heard there’s this gazebo we can use… meet me there at 5…” said Mina.

“Agreed…” said May.

Meanwhile in the Villain’s HQ.

“You got energy!” yelled everyone but Opal.

“That’s right… not much those Senshi got me…” said Opal.

“She got energy, may god help us all...” said Amber.

“Hey what’s that mean!” said Opal.

“Lord Jadeite! I would like to next…” said Amethyst.

“No I’m next!” said the other 4.

All 5 began to argue… Jadeite couldn’t take it any more “Enough!” he yelled.

“Yes my lord…” said all 5.

“I have a fair and equal way to choose who goes next…” said Jadeite.

“Really what?” asked Aquamarine.

“Oh I need a pie e of paper and a hat…” said Jadeite.

“…” responded Amethyst.

“You’re going to pull a name out a hat aren’t you?” asked Ruby.

Jadeite sighed and didn’t dignify with an answer. Not to long later he had a hat and put 4 pieces of paper into it.

“Sorry Opal your name will be in next time…” said Jadeite.

“Oh…” whined Opal.

The picked the name, “Amber…” said Jadeite.

“All right! Time for another Poke plan!” said Amber.

Meanwhile in Naruto’s world he was walking around when he saw Hinata.

“Hinata!” called Naruto.

“Oh h-hi Naruto” said Hinata blushing slightly.

“I was wondering are you busy?” asked Naruto.

“N-no… why?” asked Hinata.

“I was hopping we could go out…” said Naruto.

“Just hanging out?” asked Hinata.

“Come on say it… ask her out…” said Minako.

“Maybe a date…” said Naruto.

“A… a date?” asked Hinata.

She began to blush bright red… then she fainted. Naruto sweat drop…

“Is that normal for a girl?” asked Naruto.

“Not really…” said Minako.

Naruto waited patently for Hinata to wake up… this when he noticed.

“I never noticed this but she’s pretty cute…” he thought blsu8hing slightly.

“Way to go Naruto!” cheered Minako.

Naruto laughed nervously as Hinata began to wake up.

“Did… you… really… mean… it?” asked Hinata hyperventilating.

“Yes… and please clam down… you might faint again…” said Naruto.

“I’D LOVE TO!” yelled Hinata.

“Let’s just walk around town so you can calm down…” said Naruto.

And so the two walked around town so that Hinata could clam down… along the way they met up with their friends. Some reactions were very good such as Ino and Kurenai congratulating them. Others… not so much… it was okay when Choji dropped his bag but both Naruto and Hinata sweatdroped when they ran into Kiba… who ran off screaming “Oh my god Naruto noticed Hinata likes him! Run for your lives it’s the end of the world…”

“Naruto… are you that dense?” asked Minako.

“I don’t know…” said Naruto twitching slightly.

They also met up with Kakashi and Guy who about to duel in the dangerous life or dearth game of… Rock, Paper, Scissors! Okay so the stakes weren’t that great…

“Oh hey Kakashi-Sensei!” said Naruto.

“So I see you finally noticed Hinata…” said Kakashi.

“Oh no!” yelled Guy, “you won again…”

“Oh yes that bet we made…” said Kakashi.

“You made a bet on me!” yelled Naruto.

“Yes I said to my rival that you wouldn’t’ notice until you were 18 or older… but alas he was right…” said Guy.

“I said you would before you turned 18…” said Kakashi, “Though I’m not that this is the day…” he added mentally.

“M-maybe w-we should leave you to your duel…” said Hinata.

The two began to walk away before Naruto turned around and said “By the way… I’m going to figure out a way to get back at you for this bet…”

Kakashi and Guy sweatdroped.

Meanwhile in Ash’s world…

“Free Berries! Get them! Free berries!” said a woman giving away free berries, “These berries will also suck away any energy of the Pokemon that e3ats them…” thought the woman.

Not too far away from the stand giving away free berries Peter was setting up a karaoke machine at the gazebo, while May looked over a book of songs that were on it.

“Mina has the advantage…” said Peter.

“I know… I don’t any of these songs…” said May.

“The spectators, which included Ash, Pikachu, Dianna, Max and Brock.

“So then I wonder where Mina is…,” said Ash.

“Probably getting changed… I bet she’s going to be dressed up like a character from the song she’s going to sing…” said Peter.

“So Peter is the machine ready yet?” asked Mina dressed like Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls Z.

“Nope… not for a few minutes…” said Peter, “So I’m assuming you’re singing the theme song?”

“Yep!” said Mina.

“Mina I’m trying to find songs I know…” said May.

“Try the back…” said Mina.

“Oh I see one I like…” said May.

Mina saw which song she was pointing to.

“Curse you DDR!” said Mina.

“What song?” asked Max.

“Butterfly…” responded May.

Then there was a scream…

“What was that?” asked Peter.

“I have a bad feeling…” said Ash.

“Let’s go see…” said Max.

Everyone ran to where the scream came from… and saw the various Pokemon were going wild.

“It’s just like at the center…” said Max.

“I’m going to look for help…” said Ash.

“Okay…” said Brock.

Ahs ran off with Pikachu and Dianna trailing behind.

“We should help… right Smoochum!” said Mina.

“Go! Magby!” said Peter.

“I choose you Bulbasaur!” said May.

“Go! Mudkip!” said Brock.

“I’ll get all the people away!” said Max.

“So you dare attack me!” said the woman who gave away the berries.

“It’s a monster…” said Mina.

Ash managed to get into an ally way, he took out his communicator…

“Looks I have a lot of people to contact…” said Ash.

Ahs began to call up the others.

A few minutes later in Naruto’s world…

“So you want to get something to eat?” asked Naruto.

“Is it Ramen?” asked Hinata.

“Ask what she wants…” advised Minako.

“Is that what you want?” asked Naruto.

“Sure…” said Hinata.

Just then his communicator went off…

“Can you hold a minute…” said Naruto.

He turned around and answered it.

“Naruto it’s an emergency… I think a monster is attacking…” said Ash.

“How do you know it’s not?” asked Naruto.

“because it just like the last time a monster attacked here…” said Ash.

“Okay… I’ll be right there…” said Naruto, he hung up and sighed, “I’m sorry I have to do something…”

“What?” asked Hinata.

“Something…” said Naruto coming off a little defensive.

“Don’t get defensive with her… and besides if she truly likes you she can keep it a secret…” said Minako.

“You think she won’t mind…” thought Naruto.

“It’s not like you have to tell her about Kubi-Chan… I say go for it and besides I think we can trust her with this secret…” said Minako.

“Okay…” thought Naruto, “Hinata… I’m going to show you a secret… and please don’t tell any one or laugh at me…”

“Why would I?” asked Hinata.

“You’ll see…” said Naruto.

He lead her to an alley where took out the time key.

“Send me to Ash’s location!” said Naruto.

Both were gone in a flash.

Back in Ash world…

Kiyo, Zatch, Ranma, Luna, Luffy and Aeries had landed on Ash and got off.

“I just hope Naruto doesn’t land on you…” joked Zatch.

“Don’t say that…” said Ash, “You’ll jinx it…”

Just then Naruto and Hinata landed on Ash.

“See I told you…” said Ash.

The tow managed to get off of Ash.

“W-what’s going on?” asked Hinata.

“It’s complicated but I’m trusting you this secret…” said Naruto, “Please don’t tell anyone expect for the Granny Tsunade because she knows…”

“Who’s this?” asked Zatch.

“This is my good friend Hinata…” said Naruto.

“That’s Ash, Pikachu, Dianna, Kiyo, Zatch, Ranma, Luffy, Luna and Aeries…” said Naruto pointing to each of them.

“H-hello…” said Hinata shyly.

“Is she you’re girlfriend?” asked Zatch.

Hinata blushed bright red while Naruto blushed slightly as well.

“Pokemon… crazy… monster…” said Ash.

“Oh yeah…” said Luffy.

“Please keep this a secret…” said Naruto.

“Moon Crisis!”

“Mercury Crystal Power!”

“Mars Crystal Power!”

“Jupiter Crystal Power!”

“Venus Crystal Power!”


Of course they transformed Hinata didn’t know what to say.

“You’re a cross dresser?” asked Hinata.

“Please don’t tell anyone…” said Sailor Venus.

Hinata just giggled “But what about the Sexy Jutsu?” she asked.

“Hey that’s different…” said Sailor Venus.

“Sexy Jutsu?” asked the others.

“Don’t ask…” said Sailor Venus.

Hinata let out a giggle, “Don’t worry… I won’t tell…” said Hinata.

“Thanks…” said Sailor Venus.

“We better go help… I think my friend will be fight them…” said Neo Sailor Moon who suddenly froze.

“What is it?” asked Sailor Mars.

“Fangirls…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

Everyone else sweatdroped.

“Well you better help the others!” said Dianna.

“Yeah your hamster’s right Ash…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Hamster?” asked Hinata.

“He’s afraid of cats… it’s best we don’t contradict him…” said Naruto.

“Okay…” said Sailor Venus.

“We better go…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Hinata that’s your name right?” asked Sailor Mercury.

“Yeah…” said Hinata.

“Can you watch Zatch for me…” said Sailor Mercury.

“Sure…” said Hinata.

The senshi left with the cats and Pikachu fallowing close behind.

“Come on I bet we can find a better place to watch…” said Zatch.

“O-okay…” said Hinata.

Back where the Pokemon went wild the 2 trainers, coordinator and breeder were trying their best to fight the off the Pokemon.

“Come on Ash…” thought Brock.

Just then there was the calls of “Fire Soul” “Supreme Thunder!” “Crescent Beam!”

The three attack hit the monster head. Everyone turned around where the attack came form.

“Neo Sailor Moon!” said May and Mina at the same time.

“Uh hi…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Well, well isn’t the Sailor Senshi…” said the monster.

“So you’re the monster that are controlling the monster thingies…” said Sailor Mars.

Everyone sweatdroped as they stared at Sailor Mars.

“Mars… their called Pokemon…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Right…” said Sailor Mars.

The monster began ot laugh, “I’m sorry but that puny attack did nothing… unless you attack at the same time with Pokemon you have no chance at defeating me…” said the monster who realized it’s mistake, “Ooops…”

“So attack the same time as the Pokemon…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“How do we do that?” asked Sailor Mars.

“I’ll show you…” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Pikachu!”

“Pika!” said Pikachu showing up (Translation: Right!)

“Neo Sailor Moon’s also a Pokemon trainer…” said May.

“How cool is that?” asked Mina.

“I think I get it what he’s going to do…” said Sailor Jupiter.

Sailor Jupiter nodded to Neo Sailor Moon.

“Pikachu! Use Thunder Bolt!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Supreme Thunder!”

The two attack merged and the attack hit the monster head on…

“Cool I want to try it!” said Sailor Mars.

“Okay… hey you with the Magby!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“The name’s Peter!” yelled Peter, “But I get where you’re coming at… Magby use Flamer thrower!”

“Fire soul!”

The attack hit and the monster could doge as it was still recovering from the last attack.

“Awesome!” said Peter.

“Naruto… I have an attack you might be able to use… but is there Pokemon that can use a whip like attack!” said Minako.

“I’ll ask…” thought Sailor Venus, “Hey Moon… is there A Pokemon that knows a whip like attack?”

“Why?” asked Neo Sailor Moon.

Sailor Venus shrugged.

“Well there is… hey May…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Wow! She knows my name!” said May.

“You’re so lucky…” said Mina.

“Great... I just made thing worse…” thought Neo Sailor Moon, “Can you use Vine Whip?”

“Sure…” said May, “Bulbasaur! Use Wine Whip!”

Sailor Venus didn’t know how but it used an attack “Venus Love Me Chain!”, she let out a chain that each link was heart shaped. Both hit the monster at the same time.

“Okay one more time! Mina does your Smoochum know any ice moves…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“She knows my name too!” said Mina.

“Cool!” said May.

“I’m just dug myself in deeper…” thought Neo Sailor Moon, “Mercury!”

“I get it…” said Sailor Mercury.

“Smoochum Use Ice Beam!” said Mina.

“Shine Aqua Illusion!”

The two icy attacks hit and froze the monster.

“It's my turn…” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Moon Illusion Dispel!”

The monster turned to moon dust and disappeared, the controlled Pokemon fainted.

“Well we better get going!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Wait!” yelled May.

“Sorry we have to leave…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

The Sailor Senshi began to run off…

“Bulbasaur use Vine Whip!” said May.

Bulbasaur’s vines captured Neo Sailor Moon, this also caused the other senshi to stop.

“Oh great…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“You’re right… she a fangirl…” said Sailor Jupiter.

Both May and Mina ran up to them fallowing behind were Brock and Peter, not only that but Max arrived on the scene.

“I want your autographs!” said both girls taking out books.

“This is so embarrassing…” thought Neo Sailor Moon, she began to sign an autograph for May.

“I’m you’re biggest fan…” said May, “How did you know my name?”

“I saw you in the Fallarbor Contest… you did very well in it…” said Neo Sailor Moon knowing how to cover her tracks.

“You saw that?” asked May.

Neo Sailor Moon nodded.

“Awesome!” scearemd May.

“Well you may be a Neo Sailor Moon fan but I switched over…” said Mina, “I’m not the biggest Sailor Mercury fan!”

Sailor Mercury sweatdroped, “Great…” she thought.

“You’re not angry May? That I switched over?” asked Mina.

“Of course not… we didn’t know the others existed until now…” said May.

Once they got all the autographs the sailor senshi ran off. They met back in the alley where they arrived where Zatch and Hinata waited as well. They did watch the fight but when they got autographs they went back to this alley. They changed back to being male.

“I can’t believe I have a fan… this is embarrassing…” said Kiyo.

“Hey you’re lucky… I travel with May… now I have to hear her talk non-stop about me…” said Ash.

“Well we should all head back…” said Luna.

“Yeah and I want to put all that happened behind me…” sighed Kiyo.

“Oh come on Kiyo… it’s not that bad…” said Zatch.

Kiyo sighed… and so all senshi and their cats and friend went back to their worlds.

Naruto and Hinata arrived back in their world.

“Naruto…” said Hinata.

“Yeah…” said Naruto.

“I watched the fight… and you did good…” said Hinata blushing.

“You think so…” said Naruto beginning to blush.

The two stood there silently, “We should go eat dinner…” said Naruto.

“Right…” said Hinata.

And things went well for Naruto… however… the next day in Ash’s world… as they walking to their next destination May was hugging her autographs for the Sailor Senshi. Ash just sweatdroped at he walked.

“So Ash how are you holding up?” asked Brock jokingly.

“Not very well…” said Ash, “I just hope… she never finds out… ever…”

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
This chapter is very silly... and it's the first chapter where Ash is made official leader....

Chapter 7: We Love the Leader

It was the first official meeting of the Sailor Senshi, it was held at Naruto’s apartment.

“What’s that smell?” asked Kiyo holding his nose.

“What smell…” said Naruto.

“Never mind…” said Kiyo.

All the senshi as well as the cats and Pikachu were there, Kiyo had managed to leave Zatch back in his world.

“So what are we going to talk about?” asked Ranma.

“Well I think we should discus who’s going to be leader…” said Naruto.

“Ash is the leader…” said Dianna.

“Me?” asked Ash pointing to himself.

“That’s right…” said Luna.

“Now hold on a second… why is Ash the leader?” asked Ranma.

“Because he awakened first…” said Luna.

“Even if he did awaken first… I think I should be leader, after all I am the best fighter…” said Ranma.

“Wait, wait, wait! I think I should be the leader! After all I am going to be Hokage one day so I should gain some experience…” said Naruto.

“Hold one the cats…” said Ash.

“Hamsters…” said Ranma.

“Right… Hamsters…” said Ash, “Said I’m leader and so far I’m doing a good job, I am the one who finishes off the monsters and remember our last fight I was able to coordinate to match the Pokemon’s attack!” said Ash.

“Well I still think that I should be leader…” said Naruto and Ranma at the same time.

Kiyo sighed, “I can’t believe that you’re arguing to be leader…” he said, “Have any of you have any shame…”

“What do you mean?” asked Naruto.

“I thought you and Ash were ashamed of turning into girls… and Ranma…” said Kiyo, “What is your stance… on it…”

“Well I guess I don’t mind so much, my senshi form is a lot stronger than my girl side… the only thing I don’t like the outfit…” said Ranma.

“Right… as I was saying… how can you guys want to be leader?” asked Kiyo.

“I don’t want to be leader…” said Luffy.

“Why?” asked Aeries.

“Well I’m already captain of my own crew so… I don’t think I can handle two leaderships…” said Luffy.

The cat eyes were bugging out.

“Oh my god…” said Minako.

“What?” asked Naruto.

“It’s nothing really…”said Minako.

“Okaay…” thought Naruto.

“I still can’t believe that Luffy is like that” whispered Artemis to the other guardian cats.

“I know…” whispered Aeries.

The three continued their arguing… after a few minutes, then Naruto thought of something.

“I know we’ll settle this though Rock Paper Scissors!” said Naruto.

“All right!” said Ash and Ranma.

Kiyo, Pikachu and the cats sweatdroped.

“You do realize that a two person game right… how are you going to settle things like that?” asked Luna.

“Pika…” sighed Pikachu.

The continued to play the game… after 10 minutes they realized that it always ends in a three tie… so they decided on something else…

“I know! Let’s have a swim suit competition!” sauid Naruto, he used his sexy jutsu expect this time she had a bathing suit on. Both Hermes and Artemis held up a sign, Artemis had one that said 9.5 while Hermes had one that said 7.8… both of them were also drooling. Luna slapped both of them in the back of the heads.

“If it’s a swim suit competition you want I’m in!” said Ranma who binge to chuckle evilly, “They won’t know what hit them…” he thought.

“That’s no fair!” yelled Ash, “I don’t know jutsus… nor do I have a curse that turns me into a girl!”

“Fine… fine…” said Ranma and Naruto as Naruto changed back.

“They are idiots…” mumbled Kiyo.

“No kidding…” said Luna.

“Hey I have an idea… I think I know the perfect person to ask about nonsensical competitions!” said Naruto.

Everyone looked at Naruto…

“Really?” asked Ranma.

Naruto lead them to where he might find him… what they found scared them… he had a big fuzzy eyebrows, a bowl cut and green spandex… what was even more creepy that he had a clone… both were doing push ups.

“Guy!” said Naruto.

“Oh well isn’t it Naruto, my eternal rival’s student!” said Guy talking to Naruto while still doing push ups…

“Yeah… about that… I was wondering what sort of competitions that you with Kakashi that’s suitable for three people…” asked Naruto.

“Well… threw racing which including running, swimming, video games, as well jumping contest see who could jump the farthest and highest… oh yes my personal favorite game of Chutes and Ladders and other board games…” said Guy, “Why do you ask?”

“Well you see me and two of my friends here Ash and Ranma are in argument… and I thought I should ask what you do with Kakashi-Sensei!” said Naruto.

“I see!” said Guy, “Good luck!”

“Can we go now… their creeping me out…” whispered Ranma.

“Yeah…” said Naruto.

And so they all ran away from the “Youthful Duo” as fast as they could…

Meanwhile in the Villains HQ.

“Okay now we shall see who will go next… and since you went last time Amber, you won’t be a part this drawing…” said Jadeite.

“Yes…” said Amber.

He drew the name from the hat and it was…

“Opal…” he said with a sweat drop.

“Yosh!” said Opal while everyone else sweatdroped, “Lord Jadeite I have done some studying and it appears there is an energy stronger than Chakra…”

“What?” asked Jadeite.

“It’s called the Flames of Youth!” said Opal.

There was an awkward since.

“Yeah, you come up with a plan…” said Jadeite with a sweat drop.

“Yosh!” said Opal as she vanished.

“Lord Jadeite… can I kill her if she fails?” asked Amethyst.

“No…” said Lord Jadeite.

“She’s the only one who has gathered energy so I guess I don’t want to kill her any more…” said Ruby.

“Yeah…” agreed Aquamarine and Amber.

“Hey let’s go get something to eat, I ran into this great Yellow Tail burger place on my last scouting mission…” said Ruby as she, Aquamarine and Amber disappeared.

“Lord Jadeite…” said Amethyst.

“No you can’t kill her with a cake, you can’t kill her with a snake, you can’t kill her in your base, you can’t kill her any place… you got that…” said Jadeite.

“Lord Jadeite…” said Meatiest.

“No…” said Jadeite.

“Actually going to ask… why did you sound like a Dr. Seuss book?” asked Meatiest.

“You can go now…” said Jadeite with a sweat drop.

Back in Naruto’s World…

“Okay this is a race to that point where Pikachu is standing…” said Kiyo with a sigh, “The first one there wins…”

“All right…” said Naruto.

“Let’s do this!” said Ash.

Ranma just smirked…

“On your mark… get set… go!” said Luffy.

All three ran… and somehow Ash won.

“All right! So that means I’m leader!” said Ash.

“Pikachu!” celebrated Pikachu.

“Hold on! We’re not done yet!” said Naruto.

“That’s right we have more competitions…” said Ranma.

“I miss the good ol’ days…” sighed Luna.

“Me too…” said Artemis.

A few minutes later… they were at a lake.

“Okay here’s a swimming race, the rules are: no water walking and no using Pokemon…” said Kiyo.

“Oh…” whined Ash and Naruto.

“Okay! On your marks! Get set! Go!” said Luffy.

In this race Ranma won.

“I won this round!” said Ranma-Chan.

“I’ll win next round…” said Naruto.

The next competition… Mario Kart?

“Okay now this weird…” said Kiyo as the three played a video.

“Pikachu Pika…” said Pikachu (Translation: I would have played Super Smash Brothers if I were them…)

“I wouldn’t put it past them to play it…” said Artemis.

“All right I won!” said Naruto.

“Super Smash Brothers is next!” said Ash.

“See…” said Artemis.

“Pikapi pika…” said Pikachu (Translation: Ash will win this round)

And sure enough Ash did…

“All right I’m winning… I’m going to be leader…” said Ash doing the V is victory pose.

“You know your not…” said Ranma.

“I’ll win next round for sure…” said Naruto.

At a training ground and 26 different contests later…

“Okay you each won 10 times…” said Kiyo.

“I think you should give it rest…” said Luffy.

“Pikachu…” said Pikachu.

“You guys should really stop…” said Artemis.

“Now way…” said Naruto.

“I am going to be leader…” said Ranma.

“When are they going to give up…” said Dianna.

“I have no idea…” said Artemis.

Then there were screams.

“That sounded like the Spandex Duo…” said Naruto.

They all ran to where the screams came from, they hid in the bushes and saw Guy was unconscious, while Lee tried to fight off the monster on his own.

“Looks like they need our help…” said Luffy.

“Yeah…” said Naruto.

“Now’s my chance to show how much of a leader I am…” thought Naruto, Ranma and Ash.

“Looks like it’s going to be just you and me Luffy…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

“What do you mean?” asked Luffy scratching his head.

“Never mind…” said Kiyo.

“Moon Crisis!”

“Mercury Crystal Power!”

“Mars Crystal Power!”

“Jupiter Crystal Power!”

“Venus Crystal Power!”


And they all transformed…

Back with Lee…

“Give your energy now human!” said the monster.

“I have no idea what you are talking, just tell what you did to Guy-Sensei!” demanded Lee.

“You will know human!” said the monster ho raised it’s hand.

“Moon Tiara Action!”

“Crescent Beam!

“Supreme Thunder!”

The monster was hit with the attacks…

“Who is there?” asked Lee.

“I’m Neo Sailor Moon!”

“I’m Sailor Venus!”

“I’m Sailor Jupiter!”

“And the leader of the Sailor Senshi!” said all three.

“What was that! I thought we agreed that I was!” yelled Sailor Venus.

“Wait I thought it was decided that I was leader…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“The cats said I was the leader!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

The three continued to bicker…

“Are not you going to help me?” asked Lee with a sweat drop.

“ENOUGH!” yelled Sailor Mercury in a very demonic like way, “I think we should put this all aside and fight the monster!”

The other Sailor Senshi, Lee and even the monster was backed into a small area scared.

“He’s scarier than Akane…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Or Sakura…” said Sailor Venus.

“Or Misty…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Hey why are you guys with the monster?” asked Sailor Mars.

The monster and Lee and Senshi jumped away from each other…

“You can’t stop me! I have the flames of youth!” said the monster.

Sailor Venus shuddered, “Oh great… another one…” she thought.

“Literally and figuratively…” said the monster.

The monster sent out flames. Everyone tried to dodge at best as possible.

“Mercury!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Right!” said Sailor Mercury, “Shine Aqua Illusion!”

“Go Corpfish!” said Neo Sailor Moon letting out his crawfish like Pokemon, “Use bubble beam!”

Both began to put out the flames.

“All right!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“No can extinguish the flames of youth!” said the monster.

“You are right…” said Lee, “But you lack the true flames of youth…”

“But I will steal your flames of youth then…” said the monster.

“Venus Love Me Chain!”

The monster was suddenly tied up the heart shaped chain, Lee smirked, “You see these girls do have the flames of youth, and it burns brightly within them!”

“Someone please attack… before he starts another rant please…” said Sailor Venus.

“I’ll do it…” said Sailor Jupiter, Supreme Thunder!”

The monster was blasted again.

“Now it’s my turn…” said Ash, “Moon Illusion Dispel!”

The monster turned to moon dust and disappeared, the very same moment Guy began to wake up.

“What happened?” asked Guy.

“Oh Guy-Sensei…” cried Lee, “I thought I lost you”

“Get a hold of yourself!” yelled Guy punching Lee, “There’s no way I can die that easily:

Just then the scenery turned to a beach with crashing waves at sunset.

“What the hell is going on…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“This is really creepy…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“This is pretty cool…” said Sailor Mars.

The scenery changed back, “Now who are these lovely young ladies.”

“They are the Sailor Senshi… they are ones that saved your life…” said Lee.

“Thank you!” said Guy doing the good guy pose.

“Um… we have to go now!” said Sailor Mercury.

The senshi began to run off…

“Corpfish Cor!” said Corphish (Translation: Don’t forget me!)

Luna watched the fight, “Maybe we should tell them…” she said.

“What?” asked Artemis.

“Dad… I think mom just tell them about the past lives and leaving out the part about their being their past lives…” said Aeries.

“What?” asked Artemis.

“We don’t tell them the whole story…” said Dianna.

“Oh… I get it…” said Hermes.

“Pika…” said Pikachu, (Translation: I agree), it knew the whole story as well.

The senshi managed to transform back and they were breathing heavily.

“Corphish return…” said Ash.

“What was that?” asked Kiyo.

“I have no idea… nor do I ever want to know…” said Naruto.

“Hey we should still try to figure out who’s the leader…” said Ranma.

“Wait!” yelled Luna.

Everyone turned their attention to the guardian cats. A few minutes later thy were sitting by the banks of a river.

“So what did you want to talk about…” said Naruto.

“We needed to tell you the real reason why Ash was chosen as leader…” said Artemis.

“You see long there was kingdom on the moon in a different world… different form all of yours… the kingdom fell, the Queen sent her daughter, her daughter’s lover and the 4 warriors that protected the princess to be reborn 1,000 years later…” said Aeries.

“The princess, her lover and the 4 warriors faced many hardships and fights… these fights were against monsters that you face today…” said Hermes.

“In these fights, the Princess took on a name similar to the warriors… she went by Sailor Moon… and the warriors were Sailor Mercury… Sailor Mars… Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus…” said Dianna.

“Wait…” said Naruto.

“What does this mean?” asked Ranma.

“We’re not done yet…” said Luna, “After these fights and hardships there was peace… the Princess founded a new kingdom called Crystal Tokyo, it was a peaceful place… the new queen had a daughter and like her mother became a warrior, at first she was Sailor Chibi Moon but when she grew up… she became Neo Sailor Moon…”

“What happened to Crystal Tokyo?” asked Luffy.

“It fell… at the hands of an old foe from the early days…” said Artemis, “All of them died…”

“Now a wait a second… so then what are we?” asked Naruto.

“For some reason you are the chosen heirs to the original Sailor Senshi…” said Luna, “Both Sailor Moon and the original Neo Sailor Moon were leaders the original Sailor Senshi…”

“Oh… I guess me and Ranma nearly blew that whole tradition thing… right?” asked Naruto.

“Not exactly…” said Dianna.

“Back during the early days… the original Sailor Mars would often fight with Sailor Moon at who should be leader…” said Luna.

“Well I guess you kind of gilted us into it…” said Ranma.

“Yeah…” said Naruto.

“Even so… I still think Ash is a good leader…” said Kiyo.

“Yeah… I think so too…” said Luffy.

“So Ash, still want the role?” asked Dianna.

“Of course…” said Ash, “All right I’m the leader!” he began to the V is for Victory pose.

Ranma sighed…

“Great he’s gloating…” said Kiyo.

“This is how it should be…” said Minako.

“What do you mean?” asked Naruto.

“Oh nothing…” replied Minako.

And so that is how Ash became official leader… it really a shame that he gloated for half an hour…

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Here's the latest chapter...

Chapter 8: Kiyo’s Day Off

Kiyo and Zatch got to the concert hall, Tia waited outside for them.

“Zatch! Kiyo!” said Tia.

“Tia!” said Zatch.

“Hey Tia!” said Kiyo.

“So you guys ready for the concert…” said Tia.

“Sure am!” said Zatch.

Kiyo sighed… he hopped the day would go as he hopped…


Kiyo has asked Ranma, Luffy, Naruto and Ash too his house to talk about something.

“Okay… the reason why I called you here is to talk…” said Kiyo.

“What about?” asked Ash.

“Tomorrow… if a Youma comes to attack… do not call me…” said Kiyo.

“Why?” asked Luffy.

“Tomorrow I want a day off… no fighting angst Youma… or mamodo… I’ve been planning this for a while… before even becoming a Sailor Senshi…” said Kiyo.

“So wait you wanted a day from being a Sailor Senshi before finding out you are one?” asked Naruto.

“No… just a day off…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

“So what’s you're plans?” asked Ranma.

“He’s right you must have plans if you want a day off…” said Ash.

“I’m going to a concert tomorrow…” said Kiyo, “Then after wards hang out with some friends of mine…”

“Okay…” said Ash.

“Yeah fine…” said Ranma.

“But what if a Youma attacks near you… or you get directly involved in the attack…” said Luffy.

“Luffy’s right…” said Naruto.

“Oh come on what are the chances that will happen…” said Kiyo.

(End of Flashback)

“I just hope Hermes stays away…” he thought,

In front of Kiyo’s house Hermes was talking to Ponygon.

“So… let me get the straight… you’re real name is Schneider yet everyone calls you Ponygon?” asked Hermes.

“Meru meru…” said Ponygon (translation: That’s right!)

“So I’ll call you Ponygon for my nickname for you…” said Hermes.

“Meru…” cried Ponygon (transition: No…)

Back at the concert hall all three went in, hopping to enjoy the concert…

Meanwhile in the villains HQ.

“Okay so the next one who will go after energy is…” said Jadeite.

Opal took out drums and performed a drum roll.

“Please… don’t do that Opal…” said Jadeite with a sweat drop, “The next person is Ruby…”

“Yes… Lord Jadeite… I will succeed… I even have another target set up… a book keeper by the name of Megumi…” said Ruby.

Amber and Aquamarine sweatdroped.

“Hey didn’t you get that idea from the Yellow Tail burger place?” asked Amber.

“I did some studying and found out she’s a book keeper…” said Ruby with a sweat drop.

“Well very well…” said Jadeite.

Not too long later everyone was enjoying the concert. Ruby appeared floating above the audience.

“Hmmm… I like this music… but doing something like this will already the Sailor Senshi… maybe I can defeat them…” said Ruby.

She created a glowing red orb her hands… it she sent it flying towards the stage… it exploded…

“What’s going on?” yelled Tia.

Once3 the dust cleared a monster stood. Megumi dropped the mike.

“I don’t’ that’s a mamodo…” said Kiyo as most of the audience ran out in fear.

“Is that a mamodo!” yelled an audience member named Eido.

“I don’t think that’s one…” said his mamodo partner said Hyde but noticed Tia and Zatch in the front of the audience not running.

“But I do see Zatch…” said Hyde.

“No way… today’s my day off… thought we agreed on that…” said Eido.

“Oh yeah…” said Hyde as the ran out of the auditorium.

The monster grabbed Megumi and began to drain energy.

“What am I going to do…” thought Kiyo.

“Call the others…” said Zatch, “I know you want to fight today but what about the others…”

“You have a point…” said Kiyo.

Kiyo took out his communicator and called Ranma first

Meanwhile in Ranma’s world Ranma was having a sparing match with Luffy, in his world the straw hats landed on an island and had to say there for a few days while the Log Pose set… this set up the perfect time for a rematch between him and Ranma. Ranma just dodged a Gum Gum Whip when his communicator rang.

“Hold on for a second…” said Ranma calling a time out.

He answered it and it was Kiyo.

“Oh good…” said Kiyo.

“Hey I thought you want a day off…” said Ranma with a sweat drop.

“About that…” said Kiyo.

“A monster attack the concert?” asked Luffy getting into the call.

“You’re with Luffy… your not going to gloat… are you?” asked Kiyo.

“Why?” asked Luffy.

“Oh never mind…” said Kiyo, “So the place is the Mochinoki Concert hall…”

“Gotcha!” said Luffy.

“Right!” said Ranma.

“Looks like we have to cut it short again…” said Ranma.

“Yeah…” said Luffy.

Meanwhile Kiyo called Naruto… Naruto was about to bring up his day off and Kiyo said “Don’t you dare say anything…” threatened Kiyo.

“Fine…” said Naruto.

A minutes later Kiyo managed to call Ash.

“Okay I’m on it… but wait… I thought…” said Kiyo.

“I know Luffy’s right…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop, “Just don’t expect me to cross dress…”

“I under stand!” said Ash.

Kiyo hung up his communicator.

“Kiyo who were you talking to…” asked Tia.

“It was nothing… really…” said Kiyo.

“So how are we going to free Megumi…” said Tia.

“I have an idea…” said Kiyo taking out the spell book... he aimed for a spot to shoot the monster and not hurt Megumi, “You see where I’m pointing?”

Zatch nodded and looked at the spot... where was at the back…

“Zaker!” read Kiyo.

Zatch shot a bolt of lighting from his mouth… the monster drop a barley concouis Megumi and turned it’s attention to Kiyo, Zatch and Tia.

“Kiyo…” said Tia panicking.

“Fire Soul!” came a voice.

A fireball hit the monster head on and two familiar people jumped in front of the group… Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars.

“You okay?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“Yeah… who are you?” asked Tia.

“Just you friendly neighborhood Sailor Senshi!” said Sailor Mars.

Everyone else sweatdroped…

“Mars… have you been reading some my comics before we came?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“Yeah… I thought it would be a great introduction…” said Sailor Mars.

“Well… we should fight the monster… especially since we know a certain someone won’t show up today…” said Sailor Jupiter.

Kiyo began to glare at the martial artist sailor senshi.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that…” thought Sailor Jupiter.

“I think we should get Megumi to a safe stop while they’re fighting the monster…” said Kiyo.

“Right!” said Zatch and Tia at the same time.

“All right! Mars are you ready?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“All right let’s do…” said Sailor Mars.

Sailor Jupiter was about use “Supreme Thunder…” but a shout of “Crescent Beam!” stopped him when it hit the monster arms.

Sailor Venus jumped down next Sailor Mars.

“Venus why did you do that?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“Look on stage…” said Sailor Venus.

She pointed to Kiyo who putting the barley concouis Megumi over his shoulders.

“We all now how scary he is when angry…” said Sailor Venus quietly.

The other two nodded in agreement.

“I could have sworn you just as impulsive as I am…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Oh… that…” said Sailor Venus.

“Don’t worry you can take the credit…” said Minako.

“Thanks…” said Sailor Venus.

“Well if we can use our power that mean’s physical attacks are the way to go…” said Sailor Jupiter.

The other two smirked.

“Gum Gum Pistol!” yelled Sailor Mars delivering a rubbery punch to the face of them monster who began to get angry.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu!” said Sailor Venus using her trademark jutsu, a making a few clones of herself

“Time to lay the smack down!” said one of the Sailor Venuses.

All the clones began to attack the monster then suddenly they all kicked the monster in the air.

“Let me handle it form here!” yelled Sailor Jupiter jumping to the air.

“But this is my move…” said Sailor Venus then remembered something… “Got ahead take it…”

Sailor Jupiter began to punch and kick the monster while in mid air, them monster landed in a heap on the ground… while Sailor Jupiter landed on her feet.

“Why the change of heart?” asked Jupiter.

“Well the move I was about to do… is named after me so I think best for now not to use it…” said Sailor Venus.

The other two senshi anime fell.

“Their off the stage!” said Sailor Venus as Kiyo with Megumi on his back ran towards a part where he could hit in the seats away from harm.

“Well I guess we could finish it off!” said Neo Sailor moon finally showing up with Dianna and Pikachu behind her.

“Why did it take so long?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“Well Max… was thinking I was sick with all the times I’ve been using the bathroom lately wanted to see I was fine…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

The other three sweatdroped.

“I guess… that makes sense…” said Sailor Venus.

“Well to finish it off!” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Moon Illusion Dispel…”

The monster became moon dust and disappeared.

Megumi began to fully wake up.

“What happened?” she asked.

“That monster stole your energy… but you’re okay now…” said Kiyo.

“These really cool super heroes came called the Sailor Senshi!” said Zatch.

“They are pretty cool…” said Tia.

Megumi sat up and saw them… she gave a smile.

“Maybe if Kiyo asks nicely then maybe you can thank them…” said Zatch.

Kiyo sweatdroped…

Just then… a fireball came from the ceiling… heading towards the Sailor Senshi.

They barley managed to dodge.

“What happened?” asked sailor Mars.

“Oh hello… pleased to meet you Sailor Senshi… my name is Ruby and I am one of the 5 Jewels of the Neo Dark Kingdom…” said Ruby floating down from the ceiling, “Oh so you’re missing someone…”

“Yeah we are…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Where is she?” asked Ruby.

“It’s her day off…” said Sailor Venus.

“Tell me… where is she?” she asked dangerously.

“We don’t know…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Fine then…” said Ruby… she held out her hand in front of Sailor Jupiter and shot out a fire ball at her sending her feet away.

“Jupiter!” cried the other three.

“Now tell me again… where is she?” asked Ruby.

“We don’t know…” said Sailor Mars.

“Wrong answer…” said Ruby shooting fire at her sending her flying.

Kiyo began to feel guilty.

“What should I do…” thought Kiyo griping his hand tightly.

“Now once again tell me where he is…” said Ruby.

“Like we said… we don’t know…” said Sailor Venus.

“Quit lying…” said Ruby shooting fire at Sailor Venus… once again hit the senshi sending her flying

“Kiyo…” said Zatch.

Kiyo nodded, “But what should I do… should I run away… or transform in front of Megumi and Tia…” he thought.

“Tell me where she is…” said Ruby to Neo Sailor Moon.

“I have no idea…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Well sorry I’m going to have to blast you too…” said Ruby blasting Neo Sailor Moon with fire sending her flying.

“Pikapi!” said Pikachu (Translation: Ash!)

Pikachu shocked Ruby… Ruby took it.

“Stupid rat…” said Ruby kicking Pikachu.

“That’s it I’m going to transform here…” thought Kiyo, “Megumi… Tia… promise you’ll this a secret… and please don’t laugh…”

“What do you mean?” asked Megumi.

Kiyo took out his transformation wand, “Mercury Crystal Power Make-Up!”

He transformed into Sailor Mercury… both Tia and Megumi stared with their mouth opened a gasped and their eyes were dots.

Sailor Mercury got up, “I’m here! So stop hurting them!”

“So Sailor Mercury wants to play…” said Ruby she held out her hand to blast fire once again.

“I don’t think Shine Aqua Illusion will work…” she thought… then she somehow felt another more powerful attack come to her. She materialized a harp made of water, “Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!” she began to play and a blast of water destroyed the fire that was launched at her… also blasting Ruby as well sending her flying to the wall…

“Damn it… I’ll be back next time…” said Ruby disappearing.

“Oh man… I was hopping that I’d get in another shot before she left…” said Sailor Venus getting up snapping her fingers.

“Your okay… that mean all of you are okay?” asked Sailor Mercury.

“Hot… hot…” whined Sailor Mars who was dizzy.

“No… Charizard…” mumbled Neo Sailor Moon who was out of it.

“Not the Full Body Cat tongue…” muttered Sailor Jupiter with anime swirl eyes.

“No… I just heal rapidly…” said Sailor Venus with a sweat drop.

Tia finally snapped out, she got onto a chair and yelled “Can someone tell me what’s going on!”

Later in Megumi’s dressing room… all the senshi in their male forms were there, Tia was on the ground laughing, while Megumi was giggling a little.

“You said you wouldn’t laugh…” said Kiyo with a sigh.

“Sorry…” said Megumi, “So are we the only ones who know?”

“Well all of Ash’s Pokemon…” said Kiyo.

“All of my Pokemon that I’m currently carrying…” corrected Ash.

“Yeah… that, one of his traveling complains Brock… one of Luffy’s crew members Usopp, one of Ranma’s fiancés, Akane…” said Kiyo.

“One of his fiancés?” asked Megumi.

“It’s a long story…” said Ranma.

“And Naruto’s girlfriend, Hinata…” said Kiyo.

“She’s not my girlfriend…” said Naruto blushing a little.

“Oh and of course me too!” said Zatch.

“Please don’t tell anyone…” said Kiyo.

“Don’t worry… I promise…” said Megumi.

“Yeah me too…” said Tia who stopped laughing, “Wait does Ponygon know?”

“I don’t think so…” said Kiyo.

Meanwhile back at his house… Ponygon was laughing on the ground… he just found out Kiyo’s Sailor Mercury… Hermes told him… he knew Kiyo wouldn’t mind… after all no one else can understand Ponygon… right?

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Here's the latest chapter...

Chapter 9: Ranma’s Advice of Love

Brock slumped in the seat he was sitting in the lobby of the Pokemon Center.

“Why me?” he asked.

The had hoot on many girls… and failed again… of course all those times were caused by Max tugging his ear… he missed the days before Misty stopped by for a vista… before Max learned the dreaded “Ear Pull of Doom”

“Shot down again…” said Dianna since there weren’t that many people around she could talk to him.

“Yeah…” said Brock.

“You know if you managed to get a date with one of them you would be considered a two timer… like Ranma…” said Dianna.

“Oh that’s right… Ranma has three fiancés and another girl after him…” said Brock.

“I was trying to discourage this behavior…” mumbled Dianna with a sweat drop.

“Maybe I can ask him for advice…” thought Brock out loud.

“I’m not talking to you for a while…” said Dianna walking away.

“But Ash is the only who can contact him… maybe I can ask him about it…” said Brock.

At the very second Dianna was talking to Ash.

“You think Brock might want to tell to Ranma about love?” asked Ash.

“Yeah… I don’t think it’s a good idea though…” said Dianna.

Ash began to think, “Wait it might be a good idea…” said Ash.

“Why?” asked Dianna.

“Ranma might be able to show him how to finally get a girlfriend…” said Ash.

“Oh… I guess that might work…” said Dianna.

“Hey Ash I need to talk to you!” said Brock.

“Sure what is it?” asked Ash.

Brock explained the situation…

“Well I guess you could hang with Ranma for a while… but he might be busy…” said Ash.

“Sure can you check?” asked Brock.

Ash called Ranma on the communicator.

“What is it?” asked Ranma answering it.

“Are you busy?” asked Ash.

“Kind of…” said Ranma.

“Ranma! Aren’t you going to fight me or talk to that watch!” yelled a voice.

“What do you need help with?” asked Ranma.

“I need you do me a favor…” said Ash.

“Sure just wait for at the dojo…” said Ranma who then hung up.

“Looks like he might help us…” said Ash.

“Good… I might finally get a girlfriend with his help…” said Brock crying.

“Let’s go to a place to use the time key…” said Ash.

Meanwhile Ranma was in a (surprise, surprise) fight with Ryoga.

“So Pig Boy what did I do this time?” asked Ranma.

“Can’t this for once be about fighting even if I’m not some sort of monster?” asked Ryoga.

“You know!” yelled Ranma.

“That’s right Sailor Jupiter…” said Ryoga, “Akane told me…”

“I should have aside her not you tell P-Chan.…” said Ranma.

“Don’t blame me…” said Ryoga.

As fate would have it, a random splash of water hit the both of them…

In front of the Tendo Dojo, both Brock and Ash landed in a pile…

“You have to figure out a way to fix that…” said Brock.

“I know…” said Ash.

They passed the gates to find Kasumi sweeping.

“Oh hello Brock… hello Ash here to see Ranma?” asked Kasumi.

“Yes…” said Ash.

Brock’s eyes erupted in heart and he ran towards Kasumi.

“Oh Kasumi, with you beauty…” said Brock but was cut off by Ash tugging him by the ear.

“Sorry but Max doesn’t know…” said Ash.

Later they were in the living room… waiting for Ranma…

“I wonder when he’ll get here…” said Brock.

“Ranma’s got a challenge from Ryoga.” said a voice.

Both turned around and saw Akane with Luna by her feet.

“I still can’t believe him…” said Luna.

Just then there was a huge crash of Ranma-Chan fighting P-Chan.

“Oh that…” said a very angry Akane.

Akane got up, pulling a bamboo sword from pocket space and hit Ranma-Chan in the head multiple times with it…

“Why did you that!” yelled Ranma-Chan.

“How many times have I told you not to pick on P-Chan?” asked Akane.

“You did him my new secret…” mumbled Ranma-Chan.

“What was that?” asked Akane cuddling with P-Chan

“Nothing… oh hey Ash, Brock…” said Ranma-Chan walking to the room still covered in bumps and burses.

“Are you going to be okay?” asked Brock.

“Yeah I’m fine…” said Ranma, “So Ash what did you want to talk about?”

“Well I need you to do me a big favor…” said Ash.

“What?” asked Ranma-Chan.

After telling him… Ranma-Chan sweatdroped.

“What?” asked Ranma-Chan.

“Please teach me your ways with women…” said Brock.

Ranma sweatdroped…

“Are you serious about this?” whimpered Ranma-Chan to Ash.

“I am… this might be good for him, I’ve traveled with him since not too long after I started my joinery… expect for when I was in the Orange Islands… something happened to him there…” whispered Ash.

“What?” whispered Ranma-Chan.


“Don’t say that name…” said Brock going into fetal position while the air turned blue around him.

(End of flashback)

“He doesn’t like talking about it…” said Ash.

“Fine…” said Ranma-Chan, “Okay Brock… I’ll teach you how to get girls…”

“All right!” cheered Brock.

“I think I’m going to stay here…” said Ash with a sweat drop.

“Okay I’m going to get changed and I’m going to introduce you to some people and ask them why they like me…” said Ranma-Chan.

“Yes sir… ma’am…” said Brock.

“Just call me Ranma…” said Ranma-Chan leaving the room.

Later Ranma (who was once again male) and Brock were walking down the street.

“Okay first I need too ask… how bad was your dad…” said Ranma.

“Well…” said Brock.

One sad story later…

“So your dad’s a coward and a wimp… but not enough to get yourself a fiancé…” said Ranma.

“What do you mean?” asked Brock.

“Well…” said Ranma.

Several horrible sorties later…

“And that is why I have the current number of fiancés…” said Ranma.

“I have to apologize to my dad…” said Brock.

“Well here we are…” said Ranma.

“The cat café…” said Brock.

“Yeah we’re going to get lunch and see one of my fiancés…” said Ranma.

They went inside.

“Ranma!” said Shampoo glomping him the moment he entered.

“Oh hi Shampoo…” said Ranma, “Oh year… I’d like you to meet someone this is an acquaintance of mine named Brock…”

He turned around and saw Brock’s nonsexist eyes turned to hearts… he produced a bouquet of flowers from nowhere.

“Shampoo… what a lovely name…” said Brock.

Needless to say, Shampoo didn’t like Brock hitting on her.

Later at Ucchan’s Okonomiyaki…

Brock was covered in bruises, cuts and bumps.

“Sorry… I should have known Shampoo would beat you up…” said Ranma with a swat drop.

“It’s okay…” said Brock.

“I didn’t say napalm, I said Aipom!” said a voice.

Brock looked towards who said that, it was group of girls, one was blonde, one was a red head and the last had sky blue hair.

“Did she say Aipom… no couldn’t be…” thought Brock.

“So Ranma Honey… who’s your friend?” asked Ukyo.

“Oh this is Brock…” said Ranma.

With the group of girls…

“Not funny…” said the red head.

“It would be funny if you been to my assigned world more often…” said the blonde.

“I guess… but that story was so fake…” said the blue haired girl.

“Oh really I’d like to hear tell a true story…” said the blonde.

“Fine…” said the blue haired girl.

Just then a women enter the restaurant, he had purple hair and wore sunglasses… she looked over the restaurant and saw the three girls and scoffed. She walked over to their table.

“What are you three doing here!” she yelled.

“Amethyst!” said all three girls.

“Amber, Ruby, Aquamarine… I told you that none of you can hang out in my assigned world… get out no and leave!” said the woman who turned out to be Amethyst.

“Why not… you don’t own the world and we have the day off unlike you… your name was pulled out of the hat...” said the blonde who was Amber.

“Leave now!” said Amethyst.

“Fine… we’ll go…” said Aquamarine.

Ruby and Amber scoffed as they leave.

“By the way… you’re paying the bill…” said Ruby.

“Fine…” said Amethyst.

The three girls left the restaurant, of course Ukyo was mad.

“Why did you get rid of them…” asked Ukyo.

“Don’t worry… I said I was going to pay for their bill…” said Amethyst.

“I’m not talking about that… I mean you had no means to…” said Ukyo.

“Are you one of the famous martial artists?” asked Amethyst.

“What do you mean?” asked Ukyo.

Amethyst removed her disguise and revealed her self… both Ranma and Brock’s eyes were wide… well with Brock’s eyes you get the idea…

“Who are you?” asked Ukyo.

“I’ll let my little friend explain!” said Amethyst.

A Youma appeared from nowhere, it looked like a monster made from ivy grabbed Ukyo with one of them…

“No my Youma will feed…” said Amethyst.

Both Brock and Ranma hid…

“Looks like I have to call the others…” said Ranma.

He took out his communicator.

He called Ash first since he was in that world…

Meanwhile Ash had just come back to the Tendo Dojo, he has left for few minutes back ot his world so he get Pikachu, then his communicator beeped, he of course answered it.

“Ranma what is it?” asked Ash.

“A monster is a attacking…” said Ranma thought the communicator.

“Okay… where are you?” asked Ash.

“I’m at Ucchan’s…” said Ranma.

“Okay…” said Ash who hung up the communicator, “Hey Akane… which way to Ucchan’s…” he asked with a sweat drop.

“Fine I’ll show you…” said Akane.

A few minutes later after Ranma called the others…

“Okay… Jupiter Crystal Power Make-Up!” said Ranma.

Ranma transformed into Sailor Jupiter…

Back with Amethyst and the monster the monster tossed the completely drained Ukyo away.

“Now I remember other two people…” said Amethyst.

“Over here!” yelled a voice.

It of course belonged to Sailor Jupiter.

“How fitting… that you’re here alone… after all… I was the one that you…” said Amethyst.

“She must be talking about the previous Sailor Jupiter…” she thought.

“History will repeat self…” said Amethyst.

“Crescent Beam!” came a voice.

“Well sorry… but all of are already here…” said a voice.

Amethyst turned around and saw all 4 of the other Sailor Senshi.

“Fine but I’ll be back… take care of them…” said Amethyst disappearing.

“All 4 of you came fast…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Actually…” said Sailor Venus.

There were three puffs of smoke that revealed 4 Sailor Venuses… the real smiled sheepishly “Sorry I just shadow clones with the transformation jutsu…” said Sailor Venus sheepishly.

“Show off…” mumbled Sailor Jupiter, “I think we should get out here… Hey Brock can you take care of Ukyo?”

“Way ahead of you!” said Brock.

Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus and the shadow clones. Ran out of the restaurant… the monster fallowed.

The monster grabbed the various Sailor Venus clones with some of it's vines and drained them…

“Should have saw that coming…” said Sailor Venus.

“Burning Mandala!” came a voice.

Several rings came towards the monster… hitting it…

“All right!” yelled a voice.

“Quiet…” said another voice.

Both turned around and saw Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars… as well as Zatch and Aeries.

“That was so awesome!” yelled Sailor Mars.

“Keep it down for once…” said Sailor Mercury.

“Where Ash?” asked Sailor Venus.

“He should be here any minute… he’s in this world…” said Sailor Jupiter.

Meanwhile Ash had just taken another wrong turn.

“Ash it’s this way!” yelled Akane.

“Oh right!” said Ash running back the right way.

Back with the senshi fight…

“I hope…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“What a haul! What a haul!” yelled a voice.

“Oh god no!” said Sailor Jupiter.

Happosai ran by but then backtracked.

“Hot babes…” said Happosai with a perverted grin.

Happosai went to all of them… in other words snuggled in their boobs… first was Sailor Jupiter… then Sailor Venus… then Sailor Mars and faintly Sailor Mercury, she was the one that threw him towards the monster, she began to hyperventilate.

“Now I hate Fulgore’s song even more…” said Sailor Mercury.

“He’s more perverted than the Pervy Sage…” muttered Sailor Venus.

The monster grabbed Happosai… and began to drain his energy. Then the monster began to look sick.

“Why am I not surprised…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Finally!” yelled a voice from behind the monster.

It was Ash… and he was tired form turning all the way there, Akane was with him as well…

“He was in such a hurry he kept turning the wrong way…” said Akane with a sweat drop.

“All right… I’m ready… Moon Crisis Make-Up!” said Ash transforming into Neo Sailor Moon.

She took out her wand “Moon Illusion Dispel…” she said using her attack.

The sicken monster, (sick from Happosai’s energy) turned to dust which disappeared.

“So what do we do with him?” asked Sailor Mars.

After detransforming they split into two groups, one consisting of Ranma and Ash with Aeries, went to check on Ukyo and make sure she’s okay, while Kiyo, Luffy and Naruto with Zatch and Aeries figured out a way to get rid of Happosai hopefully once and for all… then all three of them went back to their worlds…

Meanwhile at Ucchan’s Okonomiyaki, Ukyo was just waking up…

“What happened?” she asked.

“Don’t worry that monster is gone…” said Ranma.

“Good…” said Ukyo.

“Oh yeah… didn’t Brock want to ask me something…” said Ukyo.

“Oh it’s all right I don’t need to know…” said Brock.

Later when Ranma and Akane with Ash, Pikachu and Brock were walking back ot the Tendo Dojo Ranma asked “What made you change your mind?”

“It’s hard to explain…” said Brock.

Ash somehow knew the answer “Did it have to do with the fact that monster looked like it was made from ivy?” asked Ash.

Brock stopped fell to the ground, went into the fetal position while the air turned blue “Don’t mention that name… he muttered.

“What happened to him?” asked Akane.

“He doesn’t like talking about it…” said Ash.

Tabby Catty

Courtney loves Ruby
“He’s more perverted than the Pervy Sage…” muttered Sailor Venus

True, true! Brock is also like Jiraiya too! It has been going pretty good so far. Keep it up. I like Naruto's appearence too!

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
To Tabby Cat... if like Naruto you'll love the upcoming arc which I dubbed the Naruto's Doubt/ Naruto's Secret Arc... a 6 part arc in which Naruto worries that the other will abond him if they find out Kyubi... it's really good and will start the chapter after next... and also I have never compared compares Brock to Jiraya... I've compared Brock to Sanji and Jairya to Happosai but never Brock to Jirayra... considering that they're on the opposite ends of what I call the "Perv Scale"... Brock has to be the cleanest one I know... any ways here's the new chapter...

Chapter 10: Strange Behavior

It was lunch time on the Merry Go… and it was strange… it was strange that Luffy wasn’t there yet… he would always show up at least 5 minutes before bothering Sanji… if not earlier than that… not only that but this was the 4th time in the last month that this happened…

“I wonder where Luffy is…” said Nami in a somewhat scared tone.

“I don’t know… but he’s late…” said Sanji.

“Don’t worry! I’m sure he’s fine…” said Usopp in “I lying/ I’m hiding something voice/ coward voice”

“Usopp… are you hiding something?” asked Zoro.

“No of course not!” yelled Usopp, “I hope that meeting ends soon” he thought.

Meanwhile in Naruto’s apartment, it was a meeting with all the senshi, guardian cats as well as Zatch and Hinata.

“Okay… I think it’s time you meet someone important…” said Luna.

“Put your time keys together…” said Artemis.

All 5 of the senshi put them in a pile on the table the sat at… however nothing happened.

“I should pointed out it should be a formation for it work…” said Luna.

All 5 of them sweatdroped, all of them placed the keys in a formation, with the bottoms of the keys pointed at them while the head touched each other… there was a blight flash of light… when it disappeared a light came from the keys and in that light was a hologram of a woman with dark green hair, tan skin and wore the senshi uniform but black.... Sailor Pluto.

“Whoa…” said Naruto.

“That is so awesome!” said Luffy.

“It is good to finally meet you all… I am Sailor Pluto… the Guardian of Time and Space…” said Sailor Pluto, “It is also nice to meet some of the friends whom you trusted your secret too…”

“So are you really a guy too?” asked Ash.

Sailor Pluto shook her head no, “I’m the only Sailor Senshi from the original generation alive…” said Sailor Pluto.

There was a silence in the room.

“Soon I’ll be able to help you…” said Sailor Pluto, “I don’t know when but it will be soon…”

“Really?” asked Ash.

“Wait…” said Kiyo, “I you’re Sailor Pluto are there Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune as well?”

“There are… but…” said Sailor Pluto.

“They haven’t been reborn?” asked Luffy.

“They don’t want to show their faces yet…” said Sailor Pluto.

“Let guess… cross dressers too…” said Ranma.

Sailor Pluto just laughed, “That and they are very powerful so we don’t need their help yet…”

“When will they help us?” asked Ash.

“They haven’t told me yet… but they have been wakened almost a year ago…” said Sailor Pluto.

There was a silence in room, “Great there’s more of us… and they are afraid to show their faces…” said Ranma.

“D-don’t worry… I’m sure their appear soon…” said Hinata.

“Yeah and I’m sure there’s a very good reason…” said Zatch.

Luffy’s stomach rumbled, “Oh man… I think it’s lunch time… I have to go… I think I’m late…” said Luffy he ran out the apartment.

Everyone else sweatdroped… “Um… he forgot his key… and me…” said Aeries.

“We should cut this short… oh yes Ranma… Kiyo…” said Sailor Pluto.

“What?” said both.

“I will become a teacher at one of your schools… I will go by the name Setsuna Meioh.

“Okay…” said Kiyo.

“I doubt your going to be my teacher…” mumbled Ranma.

“I hope to see you all soon…” said Sailor Pluto who disappeared.

There was a banging on Naruto’s door.

“Um… I forgot my time key…” said Luffy.

Everyone in the room sweatdroped…

“He just realized that?” asked Kiyo.

A about a minute later Luffy and Aeries got back to the ship… with a crash.

“We have to ask Pluto fix that…” said Aeries.

Both entered the Galley, the other crew members stared at him.

“Luffy… where were you?” asked Nami.

“Um… I was lost…” said Luffy.

Everyone else sweatdroped.

“You got lost on this ship…” said Nami.

“Luffy… I don’t think anyone could get lost on this ship…” said Sanji.

In Ranma’s world Ryoga sneezed…

“Is someone talking about me?” he thought, he turned his attention to two teenaged girls and a 10 year old boy, “Hey can you tell me how to get to Furinkan High?”

The two girls and boy looked at him.

“Um… this is Mahora academy…” said one of the girls who had red hair in pig tails with bells in her hair.

Back in Luffy’s world on the Merry Go or Going Merry… whatever the ship’s name is…

“You know I believe him…” said Usopp.

Everyone looked at Usopp...

“What are you two hiding?” she asked.

“Nothing…” said Luffy and Usopp at the same time.

The others stared at the two with sweat drops. Aeries gave a heavy sigh.

The next day in the Neo Dark Kingdom HQ…

“Okay let’s spin the wheel!” yelled Opal.

“We pull names out of the hat…” said Jadeite.

“Oh yeah…” said Opal.

Jadeite pulled the name out the hat.

“Aquamarine…” said Jadeite.

“Right…” said Aquamarine, she pulled a wanted poster form where, “Roronoa Zoro shall be my target..” she thought.

Later on an island Luffy was walking the streets with Zoro…

“Why do you have to fallow me Zoro?” asked Luffy.

“Because Nami’s making me… I don’t partially like doing this either…” said Zoro.

“Oh…” whined Luffy, “I promised Ranma that I’d be able to have a sparing session with him today too…” he thought.

Meanwhile on the Going Merry… Usopp was working on some experiments when Nami walked up to him.

“Hey Usopp can we talk to you about something in the Galley?” asked Nami

“Sure…” said Usopp, “When I’m done with this…”

Then the thing he was working on exploded in his face.

“I’m done…” he said.

After Usopp washed the soot from his face he met the others in the Galley.

“So what do you want to talk about…” said Usopp.

“Well you know how Luffy have been acting strangely… we think you know what’s going on…” said Sanji.

Usopp sweatdroped, “Great…” he thought.

In the skied above the island Aquamarine floated. A small pearl appeared in her hand, she tossed to the ground. “Go find Roronoa Zoro!” she said.

The pearl fell down to the ground and grew… then became an egg and monster came out… “Jaja!” yelled the monster.

With Luffy and Zoro…

“Come on!” cried Luffy.

“Look… I can’t lose you… if I do that ***** will add more to my debt…” said Zoro.

“Jaja!” yelled a voice.

“Monster!” scearemd a voice.

“Monster?” said Luffy who ran off to see what it was.

“Luffy!” yelled Zoro chasseing him.

They got to where the monster was… it was a sliver monster with blades coming out it’s arms… the monster saw Zoro and ran strait for him.

“What the hell!” yelled Zoro.

Zoro instantly took out his swords and the two were locked with the blades and swords.

“I’m going to get help!” yelled Luffy.

“Hey! You don’t think I can handle it on my own…” said Zoro but Luffy was already gone. He couldn’t help but to sweat drop.

Luffy went into alley and took out the communicator… after making the calls he transformed.

Back with Zoro the monster pushed him away, then touched his forehead with it hand… it slowly began to drain Zoro’s energy.

“What’s going on?” he thought as he could barley move.

“Burning Mandala!” shouted a voice.

Rings of fire appeared from nowhere and hit them monster while managing to miss Zoro. Monster let got of Zoro however he now exhausted.

“Hey you alright?” asked a voice.

Zoro turned around and saw Sailor Mars…

“Uh… yeah… who are you…” said Zoro.

“I’m Sailor Mars… I’m a warrior who fights those evil monsters who drain energy from people…” said Sailor Mars rubbing the back f her head while giving her (Luffy’s) trademark smile.

“Okay…” said Zoro with a sweat drop, then he noticed something strange… the infamous straw hat… “That can’t be… no way… why would she have it…” he thought.

“Jajaja!” yelled the monster getting back up.

“Uh-oh…” said Sailor Mars.

“Sparkling Wide Pressure!” came a voice, then a ball of lighting hit the monster.

“Hey Mars… where were you?” said the same voice.

Both Zoro and Sailor Mars turned around saw Sailor Jupiter.

“I know we were supposed to spar but I couldn’t get away from someone…” said Sailor Mars sheepishly.

“Hey you… you should get out of here… this fight could get pretty ugly…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“No…” said Zoro.

“What was that?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“I’m not leaving…” said Zoro.

“Look that monster is clearly after you…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“It’s okay if he stays…” said Sailor Mars.

Sailor Mars walked over to the Martial Artist senshi and whispered “That’s Zoro…”

“That’s Zoro? He’s definitely nothing like Kuno…” said whispered Sailor Jupiter who smirked, “Fine you can stay… even if you are a good fight don’t blame me with your energy gets 100 percent drained…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Whatever…” said Zoro.

“Jaja!” yelled the monster preparing another attack.

“Hey Jupiter… want to try that move we’ve working on…” said Mars.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea?” asked Sailor Jupiter.

“Come on I’ve been wanting to pull of that move agaisnt a bad guy!” said Sailor Mars.

“Fine…” said Sailor Jupiter.

They stood by side.

“Punch of a Thousand Fists!” yelled both as Sailor Mars used Gum Gum Rapid Fire and Sailor Jupiter Chest Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire. Monster flew away after getting pummeled by the punches… Zoro stood there wide-eyed.

“She… that was… Gum Gum Rapid Fire… I’m sure of it…” he thought looking at Sailor Mars.

“Show offs!” yelled a voice.

“Don’t tell me there’s more of them…” thought Zoro with a sweat drop.

Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury and Neo Sailor Moon were there… Sailor Venus was pretty… well it’s hard to describe.

“You could have at least waited a second ‘till you found that we got here and then I find that you two have a cool combo move!” yelled Sailor Venus.

“Can you please calm down?” asked Neo Sailor Moon.

“Why should I!” yelled Sailor Venus.

Sailor Jupiter walked over the ninja senshi grabbed her by the mouth effectively shutting her up, “Fine if you shut up… we’ll schedule a date where you and I could practice our own combo… would you like that?” she asked.

Sailor Venus nodded…

“Okay then…” said Sailor Jupiter who let Sailor Venus go.

“Maybe you should just use your final attack… and get this over with…” said Sailor Mercury.

“Yeah…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

Neo Sailor Moon took out her wand, “Moon Illusion Dispel”

The attack hit the monster, turned it to dust and it disappeared.

Zoro breathed a sigh of relief… some how he could feel his strength returning, he turned towards the Sailor Senshi.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Just call us the Sailor Senshi…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“And we should really get going…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Yeah…” said Sailor Mars.

All 5 of them ran off...

“Well I better find Luffy…” mumbled Zoro, “Unless… no it can’t be… I was just imagining it…” he thought.

Meanwhile in an alley the 5 senshi retuned to being male.

“I hope he doesn’t figure it out Luffy...” said Ranma.

“What do you mean?” asked Luffy.

“We just saved Zoro… if he doesn’t somehow figure it out that your Sailor Mars I would be very surprised…” said Ranma.

“We just saved Zoro?” asked the other three.

“Yep!” said Luffy, “Oh should really get back to him, he’s probably looking for me…” who then ran off.

The other 4 sweatdroped.

“Luffy’s weird…” said Naruto.

“I think weird is understate…” said Kiyo.

A shot time later Luffy managed to find Zoro.

“So where have you been?” asked Zoro.

“So is that monster gone?” asked Luffy.

“Yeah…” said Zoro.

“That’s good…” said Luffy playing dumb.

“Luffy…” said Zoro thinking about Sailor Mars.

“What?” asked Luffy.

“Never mind…” said Zoro deciding not to ask the question, “We should get back to the ship…”

“Okay!” said Luffy.

Not long later the others were still interrogating Usopp.

“Fine I’ll tell you the truth!” said Usopp, “Luffy is a member of an interdemensional cross-dressing group of super heroes!”

Everyone stared at him with sweat drops… it became especially awkward when Luffy and Zoro entered the room at the moment he said that.

“That had to be your worst lie ever…” said Sanji.

“Well actually…” said Luffy, before he could fish his sentence Aeries who had stayed on the ship attack his arm for obvious reasons.

Later at the bow Luffy, Usopp and Aeries had a conversation…

“I can’t believe they didn’t believe me… of all times…” said Usopp.

“We also need to schedule the meetings better…” said Aeries.

“But they are worried about me...” said Luffy, “I wish I could tell the rest…”

“I know and that why I let you tell Usopp… now one would believe him…” said Aeries.

“Hey, I resent that…” said Usopp.

“But it’s the truth…” said Aeries.

“I know…” mumbled Usopp.

“Because remember if the Neo Dark Kingdom finds out your secret identity then they might go after the rest of the crew…” said Aeries.

“I know… and I don’t want that happen…” said Luffy.

Little did they know was that someone was listening in on their conversation… Zoro.

“Well I guess I could this to myself for now…” he thought.

Meanwhile elsewhere the three mysterious senshi watched this though a mirror with the Neptune symbol on the back.

“So someone figured it out…” said the shoulder length haired senshi.

“Well it was bound to happen… Luffy is very obvious as Sailor Mars, his hat and his powers…” said the shorted hair senshi.

“At least Zoro’s keeping quiet…” said the wavy haired senshi.

“He really has a great crew…” said the shoulder length haired senshi.

“Yeah he does…” said the wavy harried senshi.

Tabby Catty

Courtney loves Ruby
Once again, it was wonderful, is it just me or am I the only one that is still a loyal fan? I don't know but keep it up!

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
Yes you are... well on this site anyways, this stie is so strict this migth be the final update on this site... unless more people get their heads from up their butts and read around the grammar for once and read the excenlt though strange adn bizare plots... spelling and grammer dosn't make a good story... while it does make it better it jsut puts more stress on the authors here I think... trying to make perfect... Tabby Cat... I advise you to read this on fanfiction.net.... it's way ahead and already relived who the outer senshi are... so here's the possble last chapter (on Serebii) of New Lives...

Chapter 11: Untied we Stand

Jadeite had called a meeting for the 5 Jewels of the Neo Dark Kingdom… all 5 girls wanted to know what was going on.

“There is something I would like you to do…” said Jadeite.

“What?” asked Opal.

“I would like for you 5 on the next mission work together as a team…” said Jadeite.

All 5 of them were shocked.

“Why… I don’t need them I can work alone…” said Amethyst.

“That’s an order… and don’t pretend that what happened with your last mission…” said Jadeite to Amethyst referring to the time when she kicked Aquamarine, Amber and Ruby out her assigned world.

“I’m okay with it Jadeite!” said Opal.

“Yeah me too…” said Aquamarine.

The other two nodded in agreement.

“Fine…” growled Amethyst.

“I have an idea where we should attack…” said Amber.

“Where?” asked Amethyst.

“There’s a festival in Fortree City coming up very soon… it would be perfect place to suck energy from human and Pokemon…” said Amber.

“Interring…” said Jadeite, “Very well then… that is where you shall attack.”

The next morning in Kiyo’s world, he was walking to school with Zatch and Hermes trailing behind him.

“Will you two stop fallowing me!” yelled Kiyo.

“Kiyo!” yelled Suzy, who was running up to him, “I just heard the news…”

“Hey… Suzy… wait news…” said Kiyo.

“Mr. Toyama was fired…” said Suzy.

Mr. Toyama was the history teacher at Mochinoki JR. High… he was fired after discovering that he was out to get Kiyo…no really he was out to get Kiyo…

“There’s going to be a substitute until the new teacher arrives… I hope she likes fruits…” said Suzy.

“I wonder…” thought Kiyo.

Meanwhile in Ash’s world, he and the others were enjoying a festival… not just any Festival... the Fortree City Feather Festival, he was also excited that tomorrow that he would finally be able to win his 6th Gym Badge, he couldn’t today as the Gym Leader Winona was busy helping out with the Festival, so Ash decided to enjoy the festival.

“You’re certainly in a good mood…” said May.

“Yeah because for the next two days I get the day off…” said Ash.

“The day off from what?” asked Max.

He had the asked the other Senshi if for the next two days he could get the day off… however Max and May didn’t know about his secret.

Ash froze… “Um… nothing…” said Ash, “Hey look a concert.” He said distracting them.

All 4 of them waked up the concert of a 10 year old blonde girl singing in Japanese while wearing a pink outfit.

“I think I’ve seen her before…” said Ash.

“Hey!” came a voice.

They turned around and saw Peter behind them holding on to Mina’s Smoochum.

“So I see you guys here too…” said Peter.

“Yeah… wait then that’s…” said Ash.

“Mina’s the one singing… one of the performers canceled so Mina volunteered…” said Peter.

“She’s really good…” said May who sighed, “I don’t think I would have won that karaoke contest…”

“Yeah… so what are you doing here?” asked Peter.

“Tomorrow I’m going to challenge Winona.” said Ash.

“Weird… yesterday both me and Mina challenged her… I lost… so did Mina… she’s a tough opponent…” said Peter.

“That’s not going to discourse me!” said Ash, “Wait you and Mina are going for the Pokemon League too…”

“Yeah… so you’re going after it too…” said Peter with a smirk.

“Sure am!” yelled Ash.

Everyone else stared him… Ash sweatdroped and thought “I’ve been hanging out way too much with Luffy and Naruto…”

“Well… any ways how many badges do you have…” said Peter.

“I have 5… but I’ll have 6 tomorrow.” said Ash with pride.

“Well I have 5 too… but Mina has 6…” said Peter, “I think the concert’s over…”

IT was indeed over, “Thank you… thank you! I was Mina and now enjoy… Jerry the Abstinence Clown?”

Mina left stage and joined the others, Smoochum jumped out Peter’s arms and ran over to her trainer. Mina bent down to her Pokemon’s level.

“So you want to enjoy the festival now… right?” asked Mina.

Smoochum nodded.

“Okay…” sauid Mina.

Smoochum ran off to enjoy the festival, “Yo May how’s the No. 1 Neo Sailor Moon fan?” asked Mina.

“Great!” said May, “How’s the Greatest Sailor Mercury fan?”

“Perfect!” said Mina.

Ash shivered slightly… he also felt bad for Kiyo. “You know I think I’m going to check on some stalls over there…” said Ash.

“I’ll join you…” said Brock knowing Ash was feeling uncomfortable around May and Mina.

Ash and Brock walked away and talked about the senshi.

“This is the only world where we’re known to the general public… and May just happened to my biggest fan…” sighed Ash.

“Really what about the other worlds…” said Brock.

“Well in Kiyo’s world no one investigated the concert incident, in Luffy’s world no one had witnessed any battles expect for Zoro, in Ranma’s world everything weird is written off like that and in Naruto’s world… well then again we’ve have been told about the general public but there’s no fans… unless you count those two weirdoes…” said Ash shuddering at the thought of Guy and Lee.

“Well who knows, maybe they will develop fans in their world too…” said Brock.

“Pika!” yelled Pikachu running towards Ash with Dianna in tow, both went to enjoy the festival on their own.

“Ash… you have to see what we found…” said Dianna.

“What?” asked Ash.

They showed them to a rather large stall, it was ran by four woman in different colored jackets, they were selling various objects such as accessories, Poke food, berries, Poke blocks, Poke block cases, ribbon cases, badge cases, special Pokeballs and other things a trainer would need.

“Do any of the women there look familiar?” asked Dianna.

Ash and Brock saw two of them woman… one was purple haired woman who was being yelled at by a red haired woman about being nice to customers.

“Amethyst…” said Brock.

“Ruby…” said Ash.

“Ruby?” asked Brock.

“She’s the one who attacked the concert…” said Ash.

“I’m guessing that this stall in planning something…” said Dianna.

“Yeah…” said Ash.

“Hey Ash! Brock!” yelled May who bought something from the stall, “Check out this really cute ribbon case…” showing them the ribbon case she bought.

Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Dianna all sweatdroped…

“Pikachu…” said Pikachu (translation: Her energy is so stolen…)

Dianna nodded in agreement.

“I’ll be right back…” said Ash running off.

He managed to find a place in town that was didn’t have many people, he took out his communicator and began to call the others.

Luffy was first, in his world he just relaxing in his seat, the ship was still docked at the island as the Log Pose had yet to set. That’s when his communicator went off, it was of course Ash.

“What is it?” asked Luffy.

“It’s an emergency I need you here right now… I’m in Fortree City…” said Ash.

“Right!” said Luffy.

He hung up his communicator and was about to leave when Nami caught him.

“Where are you going?” asked Nami.

“I’m going to explore more of the town…” said Luffy.

“Oh no… you’re not going alone…” said Nami.

“I could go with him…” said Usopp was doing nothing in particular.

Nami sighed, “Fine…” she said.

Both left with Aeries and Nami snapped her fingers in disappointment.

“You know… it doesn’t matter if Luffy’s hiding something…” said Zoro who was lifting weights.

“What?” asked Nami.

“Unless he begins to act strangely then we should be worried…” said Zoro.

“What do you mean?” asked Chopper.

“I mean depressed, not acting like his usual Luffy self…” said Zoro.

The others who heard this knew he was right… even if Luffy was disappearing every now and then it doesn’t mean that he was hiding something... or so they thought…

Back in Ash’s world he had just finished the calls and that’s when all of them came at the exact same time ending up in a large pile of 4 cats, 4 teen age boys, a teen aged girl and a 6 year old boy.

“Ow… so what’s going on?” asked Ranma-Chan.

“Yeah… you have the next two days off because of the gym battles…” said Naruto.

“Well…” said Ash whop explained what’s going on.

“That’s bad…” said Zatch.

“so what are we going to do… they haven’t drained anyone yet…” said Ranma-Chan.

“I have an idea…” said Kiyo.

Later, Luffy, Naruto and Zatch were all sitting on a bench in front of the stall… all of them were bored out of their minds. Luffy yawned.

“This is so boring… make a move already…” mumbled Naruto.

“It’s only been 5 minutes…” said Kiyo with, Ranma-Chan and Usopp all of them had a huge amount of festival food (cotton candy, candy apples, frozen bananas, corn dogs, Takoyaki among other things)

“So when do you think they’re going to strike…” said Naruto.

“Who knows…” said Kiyo.

“So how much did everything cost… after all Ash did give us the money…” said Naruto.

“Not much…” said Ranma-Chan.

“Yeah… thanks to Ranma…” said Kiyo with a sweat drop.

“Yeah…” said Usopp.


“Please… can you please give me another one please…” said Ranma-Chan being very cute.

“Sure…” said the man working at Thwe stand blushing.

Both Kiyo and Usopp sweatdroped while they watched this display.

“Ranma… has no shame…” said Kiyo.

“I don’t even think Luffy would do that…” said Usopp.

(End of flashback)

“What’s wrong?” asked Luffy.

“Nothing…” said both Kiyo and Usopp at the same time.

“What’s going on here?” asked a woman with purple hair wearing a blue outfit… she was Winona the Fortree City Gym Leader. She was fallowed by Ash, Brock and the cats.

“What’s wrong?” asked Aquamarine.

“May I see your permit…” said Winona.

“Sure… but first how would you like this free Great Ball…” said Aquamarine giving the Gym Leader a free Great Ball.

“Thanks?” said Winona.

That’s when all 5 of the woman snapped their finger… everyone who bought something from the stall began to have energy drained, including May, Mina who bought a badge case and Peter who bought a few Pokeballs as well as Winona.

Ash, Naruto, Luffy, Kiyo and Ranma-Chan ran off somewhere while Brock, Zatch and Usopp watched this happening.

“All right it worked!” cheered Opal.

“Quite a good plan Amber…” said Amethyst.

“Thanks…” said Amber.

“Stop right now!” yelled 5 voices.

Then the Sailor Senshi appeared.

“The Sailor Senshi… interesting…” said Amethyst.

“I guess we should introduce ourselves… I’m Amber, my assignment is to drain Pokemon…” said Amber.

“I’m Ruby and my assignment is to drain mamodos and bookkeepers in the battle for mamodo king…” said Ruby.

“I’m Aquamarine and my assignment is to drain pirates…” said Aquamarine.

“My name is Amethyst and my assignment is to drain martial artists of Nerima.” said Amethyst.

“And I’m Opal, and my assignment is to drain of the Chakra of the ninjas in the Village Hidden in the Leaves…” said Opal.

All the senshi were angry about what they just heard.

“Well I’m Neo Sailor Moon and I’m also a Pokemon Trainer…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

Almost on cue all 5 of her current Pokemon showed… and they weren’t happy.

“Well I’m Sailor Mercury… I’m uh… friends with mamodo and bookkeepers…” said Sailor Mercury trying to hide the fact that she’s Zatch’s bookkeeper as well as Zatch’s spell book behind her back.

“But Sailor Mercury…” yelled Zatch who was watching but Usopp covered his mouth and shhed him.

“If you tell you might give away his identity…” said Brock.

“I’m Sailor Mars and I’m a pirate!” yelled Sailor Mars.

“I’m Sailor Jupiter and I’m a martial artist from Nerima…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“And I’m Sailor Venus and I’m a Ninja from the Village hidden in the leaves…” said Sailor Venus.

“Interesting… looks like our opponents have been chosen…” said Amethyst.

Amber jumped in front of Neo Sailor Moon, Ruby jumped in front of Sailor Mercury, Aquamarine in front of Sailor Mars, Amethyst in front of Sailor Jupiter and Opal in front of Sailor Venus.

“Oh yeah…” said Amber, a monster appeared from nowhere.

“Drain whoever is left...” said Amber.

The monster went to look fro some victims.

“Hey!” yelled Neo Sailor Moon.

That’s when the fights really began…

“All right! Let’s do that thing!” yelled Opal.

“Um… how much sugar have you had today?” asked Sailor Venus with a sweat drop.

Opal began to count her fingers… “I don’t know… I lost count after 6 cups…” said Opal.

“Great I get the sugar high one…” thought Sailor Venus.

Opal shot out a beam of light from her hand and Sailor Venus barely dodged.

“I have light powers!” said Opal.

“That’s interesting…” said Sailor Venus.

Meanwhile Sailor Jupiter and Amethyst were fighting in hand to hand combat.

“You really are a Martial Artist of Nerima…” said Amethyst.

“And I’m the best!” said Sailor Jupiter.

“No I believe Ranma Saotome is the best…” said Amethyst.

Sailor Jupiter sweatdroped, “Well Ranma… is better then me…” said Sailor Jupiter with a sweat drop, she had never said that about anyone… however since she was really Ranma she was basically complementing herself… however by saying that she also felt her Ego being damaged… in other words… at that moment she was very confused… but she didn’t let it effect her battle.

Meanwhile Sailor Mars and Aquamarine were just standing there…

“Now… now… you say you’re a pirate… not only that but I sense you have devil fruit…” said Aquamarine, “Why don’t you show me!”

“Fine then! Gum Gum Pistol!” yelled Sailor Mars throwing a rubbery punch.

But Aquamarine dodged it… “That was too easy…” said Aquamarine.

Meanwhile Sailor Mercury and Ruby just stood there…

“So looks like we’re fighting again…” said Ruby.

“Yeah…” said Sailor Mercury.

Ruby sent out a large fireball, Sailor Mercury ran away to dodge.

Meanwhile Neo Sailor Moon and Amber were facing each. Neo Sailor Moon grabbed her tiara.

“Moon Tiara action!” she yelled as it became disk like… it aimed towards Amber but she caught it like it was nothing.

“Nice try…” said Amber she tossed the tiara back at Neo Sailor Moon who caught it.

“Pikachu!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Pika!” yelled Pikachu using Thunder Bolt on Amber.

The attack hit but Amber was unaffected… she began to laugh, “My power are electricity… so it doesn’t matter…” she said.

“Oh man…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

Meanwhile with the monster was searching for people to drain… Brock, Usopp and Zatch watched the monster from some nearby bushes.

“Should we do something?” asked Zatch.

“We should… we don’t know how long this fight will go on for… who knows if they will done by the time the monster finished…” said Brock.

“Right!” said Usopp with his leg’s shaking, “You go handle that monster Brock!”

“I don’t know how to fight…” said Brock.

“Zatch…” said Usopp.

“Kiyo can’t read my spell book right now…” said Zatch.

“Well I can’t…” said Usopp.

“Aren’t you Luffy’s sharp shooter?” asked Brock.

“Yes I am… or at least that’s what we tell people…” said Usopp.

“Don’t you have the stuff you use?” asked Zatch.

“Yes I do!” said Usopp proudly.

“Then you fight the monster…” said Brock and Zatch the same time.

“Fine…” said Usopp with a sigh… he knew when he was beaten.

He ran out of their hiding place, took out his trusty slingshot and ammo from her purse… uh… bag and shot at the monster... The monster turned it’s attention towards Usopp.

“Oh man this is bad…” thought Usopp shaking.

The monster was about to attack him…

“Dead Scream…” whispered a voice.

Then a purple orb slammed into the monster making it collapse.

“What just happened?” asked Usopp.

“Don’t worry everything’s fine…” said a voice behind Usopp.

Usopp turned around and saw Sailor Pluto… Zatch and Brock left their hiding place.

“Who are you asked?” asked Usopp.

“Sailor Pluto!” said Zatch happily.

“It’s good to see you again Zatch…” said Sailor Pluto.

“Sailor Pluto… the Sailor Senshi that not a cross dresser?” asked Usopp after being told about Sailor Pluto.

Sailor Pluto gave a small laugh, “I guess you can say that…” she said.

That’s when Brock began to hit on her…

“You are visions of true beauty…” said Brock.

Then Usopp began to tug his ear.

“Ash told me if something like ever happened then I’d be in charge…” said Usopp dragging Brock away by the ear.

“Not… the ear…” said Brock.

“You don’t have to worry about the monster…” said Sailor Pluto, “I’m going to fight it myself…”

“Okay!” said Zatch.

“Right…” said Brock.

“Let’s go hide in the bushes!” said Usopp.

Usopp ran towards the bushes fallowed by Zatch and Brock.

“I thought there was only 5 Sailor Senshi…” said the monster getting up.

“There are more… but they aren’t going t show up…” said Sailor Pluto.

“Why not…” said the monster.

“Because it’s not time…” said Sailor.

Back with Sailor Mercury’s fight… the two stood across from each…

“Okay Mercury… it’s go time!” said Ruby.

Ruby began to make a giant fireball…

“Okay… remember that attack…” thought Sailor Mercury.

When Ruby let loose the fireball… Sailor Mercury sued Mercury Aqua Rhapsody… the attack hit each other… the water attack dominated the fire attack and hit it’s target…

“Damn you…” said Ruby, “I have failed… but I’m sure the others will fight…”

She teleported away…

“Mercury!” came Luna’s voice behind her…

“What?” asked Sailor Mercury.

“Go fight the monster…” said Hermes tossing Zatch’s spell book towards her.

“When did you have it?” asked Sailor Mercury.

“That doesn’t’ matter just go!” said Hermes.

Sailor Mercury headed to find that monster…

With Sailor Venus’ she was dodging Opal’s light attacks… as best she could… that’s when she got an idea.

“That’s it…” she thought.

“Man… no wonder you the Number 1 Hyperactive Knuckle Head Ninja… but will it work…” thought Sailor Venus.

She used the Transformation Jutsu… not any old transformation jutsu… a new variation of the Sexy Jutsu… the Hot Guy Jutsu that she just invented three seconds before… it involved her transforming into an older muscular version of her true self (that being Naruto) and begging naked with smoke in the right place… Opal began to blush bright red while drooling.

“I feel so dirty…” thought Sailor Venus.

“So hot!” screamed Opal.

That’s when Sailor Venus undid the jutsu and unleashed Crescent Beam on Opal… it hit her dead on but…

“Nice try… that weak attack won’t work on me…” said Opal.

“Oh man…” said Sailor Venus.

With Sailor Jupiter’s fight…

The two continued to fight… that’s when Sailor Jupiter unleashed Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire…

“You’re good…. I’m not surprised you’re second to Ranma…” said Amethyst.

“Well… I’ll take that complement…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“But it will take more than muscle to defeat me…” said Amethyst she placed her hands on the ground… that’s when vines came out of the ground… Sailor Jupiter managed to get a good distance from the vines.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do now…” thought Sailor Jupiter that’s when she felt a new power go thought her… she began to spin as leave shaped balls of energy attack the vines and quite a few hit Amethyst, during this attack she shouted “Jupiter Oak Evolution”

“I misjudged you…” said Amethyst, “You are not like you predecessor… you are stronger… I now know that you aren’t not to be messed with… I leave this to the others…”

Amethyst teleported…

“Jupiter…” called Luna.

“Help with the monster?” asked Sailor Jupiter, “Sure thing…”

She ran off to fight the monster…

With Sailor Mars’ fight… she continued to use the rubber punches witch Aquamarine continued to doge… that what she smiled evilly, huge waves of water appeared behind.

“You ate the Devil Fruit… you can’t swim…” she said, “Water Typhoon!”

The huge waves of water crashed onto Sailor Mars… engulfing her…when the water resided… Sailor Mars could barely stand.

“Oh did I forget to mention… I control water…” said Aquamarine.

“That doesn’t mater…” said Sailor Mars, “Because I’m still going to pound you…”

“I’d like to see you try…” said Aquamarine.

With Neo Sailor Moon’s fight…

Neo Sailor Moon and the Pokemon glared at Amber…

“Time to make things interesting…” said Amber she began to spark with electricity.

“Guys…” said Neo Sailor Moon, “Please don’t get involved…”

All her Pokemon were shocked…

“Grovyle!” yelled Grovyle. (Translation: Hey!)

“Swellow, swell!” yelled Swellow, (Translation: How come!)

“Hey… now… I don’t want you guys to get hurt…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Pikachu… pika...” said Pikachu, (Translation: I… agree…)

“Cor?” said Corpfish, (Translation: Why?)

“Pikapi Pikachu… Pikachu pika chu…” said Pikachu (Translation: Ash would feel bad if we got hurt… this is not a Pokemon battle after all…)

“Tor…” cried Torkoal (Translation: So true!)

All 5 of her Pokemon nodded… Neo Sailor Moon smiled and went back into battle. She charged strait into battle but Amber struck her with a lighting bolt head on.

“Pikapi!” cried Pikachu (Translation: Ash!)

With Sailor Pluto’s fight…

The monster stared at Sailor Pluto… then turned it’s attention to the nearby bushes…

“Oh man!” said Usopp in the bushes.

The monster held out it’s hands and let out a small blast out energy… destroying the bushes. There stood Brock, Usopp and Zatch.

“Your energy is mine!” said the monster.

That’s when two streams of water fallowed by a spinning metal… thing… hit the monster. When the attackers were done they stepped in front of Brock.

“Mudkip! Forretress! Lombre!” said Brock happily.

Each one shouted in glee…

“Zaker!” came a voice.

Zatch’s eyes went white… and shot a lighting bolt from his mouth. At the same time Sparkling Wide Pressure hit the monster… the monster was zapped and collapsed to the ground.

“Kiyo!” said Zatch regaining conciseness.

“Ranma!” said Usopp.

That’s right Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter made the scene.

“Our opponents ran away…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“The others are still fighting…” said Sailor Pluto.

“Sailor Pluto!” said Sailor Mercury and Jupiter at the same time.

“I can see you gave it a shock… it will be out for a few minutes…” said Sailor Pluto.

Back with Sailor Venus’ fight she was trying to figure something out… that’s when she felt a power within her…

“That’s it!” said Sailor Venus. She winked and gave a blow kiss, “Venus Love and Beauty Shock!” she said shooting a heart at Opal… she of course collapsed.

“You may have won... but I’ll get you next time! Time Gadget! Next time!” yelled Opal.

Sailor Venus stared at her opponent with a sweat drop.

“Never mind…” said Opal as she teleported away.

“That attack! There’s no I’m using it again!” yelled Sailor Venus.

“Well until you come up with one more powerful you’re stuck with it…” said Minako teasing him.

“I know…” sighed Sailor Venus.

“Venus! Help out with the monster…” called Artemis.

“Right!” said Sailor Venus.

With Sailor Mars’ fight things weren’t going so well… she switched over to using fire attacks but it didn’t work…

“You lost… maybe when I’m done I’ll drain your energy…” said Aquamarine.

“There’s no way you’re going to win…” said Sailor Mars that when she felt an new power within her… she didn’t know but she moved like shooting an arrow… “Mars Flame Sniper!” she shouted as she shot a fiery arrow… however… it missed… Luffy/ Sailor Mars was never good at aiming… after all that what Usopp’s for.

“Hahaha! You missed… you missed!” laughed Aquamarine.

“Um…” said Sailor Mars pointing at her, “You’re clothes are on fire…”

TI was true… the fiery arrow missed… but was close enough to set her clothes ablaze.

“Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!” screamed Aquamarine turning screaming.

After about a minute or so, the fire was out… but most of her clothes were burnt off… fortunately enough for cover.

“I’m done… I don’t care… I’m so embarrassed!” yelled Aquamarine who teleported away.

“That was odd…” said Sailor Mars with a sweat drop.

“Mars! Help with the monster…” came Aries voice.

“Right!” said Sailor Mars.

Back with Neo Sailor Moon’s fight it wasn’t going good… Amber had just sent yet another bolt of electricity toward Neo Sailor Moon struck her head on.

“I’m not smart like Kiyo… nor do I know how to fight like Luffy, Ranma or Naruto… I’m unsure if I can beat her…” thought Neo Sailor Moon as she flew though the air.

She landed with a thud… her Pokemon over to her…

“Pikapi…” said Pikachu (Translation: Ash!)

“Pikachu…” said Neo Sailor Moon weakly.

“Isn’t it sweet… your little friends are saying good bye to you…” said Amber.

All her Poke growled at Amber…

“Guys…” said Neo Sailor Moon who was about to cry… that’s when something in the ground began to glow.

“Pika?” said Pikachu (Translation: What?)

“No… she found one of them…” said Amber.

Neo Sailor Moon sat up a little and dug though the ground… she found a blue gem…

“One of the 7 Rainbow Crystals…” said Amber, “And she found it… give it not!”

“I have an idea…” thought Neo Sailor Moon.

She once again grabbed the tiara “Moon Tiara Action!” yelled Neo Sailor Moon.

“This again? You know I’m going to catch again right?” asked Amber.

“I know… everyone! Pikachu use Thunder Bolt! Corphish use Bubble Beam! Grovyle use Bullet Seed! Torkoal use Flame Thrower! Aim all of it at the tiara!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“What?” said Amber.

All 4 of the Pokemon attack merged with the tiara… it was no longer a glowing disk but a fiery disk buzzing with electricity and bubbles and seeds circling around it! It hit Amber head on… Amber fell to the ground… she got back up.

“I’ll be back… and I’ll that Rainbow Crystal from you!” said Amber who teleported away.

Neo Sailor Moon fell to the ground…

“Neo Sailor Moon!” called Dianna.

“Hey Dianna!” said Neo Sailor Moon weakly, “I’ll handle the monster…”

Neo Sailor Moon collapsed to her knees.

“No relax… I’m sure the others can handle it…” said Dianna, “You really took a pounding… more than Luffy… and you’re not used to it…”

“Yeah…” said Neo Sailor.

“That’s…” said Dianna looked at the gem in Neo Sailor Moon hand.

Meanwhile with Sailor Pluto’s fight…

The monster had once again gotten up… Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars had joined the fray as well… the monster was defeated when Sailor Pluto once again sued Dead Scream… disincarnating the monster.

“Yay! It’s beaten!” cheered Luffy.

“We should find Ash right away…” said Brock.

“I have a bad feeling…” said Sailor Pluto.

They went to find Ash/ Neo Sailor Moon as everyone else woke up from getting their energy drained… however, 4 other people found her first…

“Are you hurt?” asked May.

“I’m fine…” said Neo Sailor Moon with a sweat drop.

It was indeed May, Max, Mina and Peter…

“You must taken a beating in that fight…” said Peter.

“What happened anyways?” asked Max.

May, Mina and Peter shrugged…

“Hey!” came Sailor Mars’ voice.

“Guys…” said Neo Sailor Moon trying to get up.

“Good you’re okay!” yelled Sailor Mars.

“You won’t believe this! We defeated the monster with out you’re final attack!” said Sailor Venus as if she defeated the monster on her own.

You didn’t know anything… you joined pretty late in the game and Pluto was the one to finish it off…” said Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Venus went to sulk under a nearby tree…

“Well he might haven’t done anything…” said Usopp, “But I helped out quite a bit!”

“Weren’t you hiding behind Brock?” asked Sailor Mercury.

Usopp joined Sailor Venus sulking under the tree…

“Who’s that?” asked May.

“He’s a friend of mine…” said Sailor Mars.

“Well I’m sure everything is A-Okay!” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Don’t say that… it’s jinxed…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“My Pokemon!” cried a voice.

“They stole mine too…” cried another voice.

“Don’t tell me…” said Neo Sailor Moon with a sweat drop.

That’s when a giant robot with a large box on the back.

“Prepare for Trouble!”

“And make it double!”

Neo Sailor Moon, Pikachu, Brock, May and Max sighed heavily.

“Them again?” said May.

“Who are they?” asked Sailor Mars.

“They fallow us around…” said Brock, “Trying to steal Pikachu…”

“I see…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Hey aren’t you listening to our motto!” yelled Jessie.

“I’d rather listen to Fulgore singing…” said Sailor Mercury.

“But Sailor Mercury… I thought you liked Fulgore’s singing…” said Zatch.

“I don’t…” said Sailor Mercury.

“You stole Pokemon didn’t you?” asked Neo Sailor Moon.

“Who are you?” asked Meowth.

“And where did you get that cute outfit?” asked James.

Jessie and Meowth looked at him with their eyebrow’s raised.

“I’m Neo Sailor Moon…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“She’s a totally cool Super Hero!” said May and Mina as the same time.

Neo Sailor Moon sighed…

“Oh really…” said Jessie.

Neo Sailor Moon was about to do something… but the pain was too much… and she collapsed to her knees.

“Hey are you sure you’re okay?” asked Max.

“I’m fine…” said Neo Sailor Moon.

“Hey I’ll take down them!” said Sailor Mars with a smirk.

“Are you one of sidekicks or something?” asked Meowth.

“And what’s with the stupid hat?” asked Jessie.

“What did you say about my hat?” asked Sailor Mars dangerously.

“Um… it’s stupid…” said Jessie in a confused tone.

“Uh-oh…” said Usopp with a sigh, “One thing you have to know about him… her... never disrespect the hat…”

Sailor Pluto laughed a little… she knew the history of the hat…

Faster then you can say “Hungry! I need Meat!” the robot was destroyed and the compartment that held the Pokemon was removed… freeing the Pokemon…

“Never say anything about the hat…” said Sailor Mars.

“Yes ma’am…” said Team Rocket shivering.

“Pika…” said Pikachu angrily.

“It’s the Twerp’s Pikachu!” cried Team Rocket.

“Chime?” said the Chimecho that James caught earlier in the day but didn’t show off because they didn’t get a chance to…

Pikachu sent a Thunder Bolt to Team Rocket… causing them to blast off…

“Well we better get going…” said Sailor Jupiter.

“Yeah…” said Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter helped Neo Sailor Moon to her feet… the Sailor Senshi as well as the cats, Zatch and Usopp went into the woods.

“I wonder where Ash is…” said May.

“I hope he’s all right… after all… I’m unsure what happen here…” said Max.

“Don’t worry… I’m sure he’s fine…” said Brock, “I hope…” he thought.

They got to a part of the nearby woods… where they all detransformed… including Sailor Pluto… she looked a little like her transformed state but a little different.

“I guess I should introduce myself…” said the detransformed Sailor Pluto, “My name is Setsuna Meioh… or Meioh Setsuna in Naruto and Luffy’s worlds…” said Setsuna, “And of course I know all of your names all ready.

“Do you think I all get better?” asked Ash.

“Don’t worry… I’m sure you’re be better for your gym battle…” said Dianna.

“I hope so…” said Ash, “I just hope nothing happens…”

“We should all get back to our worlds…” said Naruto.

“Oh yeah…” said Luffy.

“We better go…” said Ranma-Chan.

“Wait!” said Luna, “There’s an emergency meeting tomorrow! After Ash’s gym battle… ”

“Why?” asked Luffy.

“It’s that gem Ash found…” said Dianna.

Ash still had the Gem with him…

“What is it?” asked Ash.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow…” said Luna.

“Oh yes… I’ll be seeing one of you tomorrow for school…” said Setsuna.

“Yeah, yeah…” said Ranma-Chan, “I doubt it’s mine…” she mumbled.

And so they all went back home… with the mystery of the Gem on their minds…