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new Manga fan i need some help if anyone is in victoria help me out


Well-Known Member
hey im a new manga fan i just read volume 4 and 5 of the pokemon manga i bought it from this shop but the problem is the shop cant get any other volumes in anymore and his closing down so i need to know does anyone in melboune victoria know where i could buy some manga i would appreatiate it if you could leave me the shop phone number or maybe their website so i know what their selling

i would really appreatiate the help thanks


Thunder Trainer
I'm stationed in Melbourne Victoria but I sell the books directly to you via Singapore. If you're scared of Paypal, you can always just do a bank deposit in my bank account.


The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Hey! Welcome to the manga biz!
Seriously though, I may not live in Melbourne like Grimsg, but don't forget if you run out of resources in your hometown you can always try Vancouver or the internet (try the Where to buy manga sticky in another thread)!;388; ;429; ;397;


Well-Known Member
true true but i dont have paypal or a credit card so local is the only choice for me you can only imagine my reaction yesterday i found an anime,manga shop where they sell nothing but anime dvds and manga books and you can rarely find shops like that in australia so i run into the shop and i buy pokemon adventures volume 4 and 5 for 5 bucks each and to my shock i find out that the shop is closing this month or next month

i was torn o.o i almost came to tears in frustration >.< so the shop owner said he would sell the dvds he has left over at home but he cant get anymore manga books he said to try the actual city but to get there i need to catch a train walk though the massive city and all. im willing to do that but the problem is i dont want to walk all day looking from shop to shop because i have an injured ankle so i need to find a website or a phone number of the manga shops in the city and phone them ahead asking if they have the books that i want you know o.o


Well-Known Member
does anyone in the actual city have an address to a book store or an anime store

For Chuang Yi's translated editions? If so, then I'm quite confident that you won't be finding them in any retail store...