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New MD If They Ever Come Out With One

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Here is where you can talk about a new MD with D/P pokemon if they come out with one.You can post your team, who you and your partener would be, and stuff like that.For example:


Something like that.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt that they would make another game to just add new pokemon to it. But then again, Fr/Lg did.


It would have to depend on what Pokemon they had in it, otherwise I might end up with the same starters. haha I'm attatched to them. :B~


Well-Known Member
I dont like the new starters it DP, when I get it I will probably ditch the one I pick and start with a wild one.

I would also pick the old ones (Charmander/Squirtel).


Glitch Hunting Freak
You know... I've always been a fire/ psychic fan but ever since I started playing this game I've been in love with swampert.
If I could I would go with mudkip and pocchama....

weavile/perap eater

Well-Known Member
maybe there will be a team you fight last instead of ledgendary and the dungeon will be the base there will be a war causing the unnatural disasters and in one dungeonthere is an army monster house boss also at the end of the story you find a lucario statue it turns into lucario and joins your team to defeat the army since its the ultimate pokemon


Well-Known Member
Yeah. It is an expansion to the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series.

And have 2 new versions; one for the Wii and one for the GameCube.

And you can hook up the GBA version to the GameCube version with the GCN-GBA Cable into sockets 2, 3, or 4. And you can do rescues between the GBA and the GameCube. And you can do rescues between 2 memory cards for the GameCube version. And you can hook up the DS version to the Wii version by hooking the DS-Wii connector between the GBA slot in the DS and the external connector on the Wii-mote.
And you can do rescues between the Wii version and the GameCube version by inserting a GameCube memory card into any GameCube memory card slot on the Wii. Maybe you can use the GCN-GBA cable between the GBA and the Wii. And rescues between the same version for the Wii by using a LAN or by going online.
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