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new?not really...

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I'm ?Latias?! re
its ?Latias?, but i got logged out and i couldn't log back in because of the error on the forums, so i made this account... i don't really wish to stick with it so i made this account to tell people so they wouldn't worry about my nonative-ness.so, if a admin could please atleast take the hearts out of my old name or please try to fix the problem i would be grateful...i don't really like being a low post count because it doesn't look very nic O_O you could take the post rank from my old account and put it on this,(i was the rank after rain trainer)sorry for the huge mess but i'm just glad i can finally post this to youall so i can get it off my chest!
it was because the server was busy, try again. When the username change thread opens up again you can vanquish those hearts. But I bet someone already has latias as their name. =P


I'm ?Latias?! re
its not because the server was busy, it still won't work.
i just want my old account back, or this one with the post amount my other acount was >.>
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