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new person


Amy Rin

hello i'm kaitlyn and i'm 6 years old and my big sister is ratiasu

sorry for double post i deleted it

my big sister told me too

fixing spelling mistakes
Last edited by a moderator:


Well-Known Member
Alright, excuse my little sister for her double post. She's only 6.


Oceanic Legend
Welcome to the forums and have fun. Try to refrain from double-posting though, since it's against the rules. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to PM me. ^^



Think Different
Erm watch your fingers when you're typing and welcome I guess.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Don't typ lik dis. :< But welcome to the forums.


Welcome! I'm kachichu, I'm 11, and I hope you like these forums!

Hip-Hop Master

kachichu said:
Welcome! I'm kachichu, I'm 11, and I hope you like these forums!

post, except the Kachichu part, I'm Hip-Hop master! yayz. OMGWTFHAX!!11one11!oneone!!11



pokemon/mew master
welcom to the forms.

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
Hiya! Welcome to the forums! If you wanna be friends (and I'd be glad to be your friend) just PM me! PM me if you need help or want to chat too! ^_^ I'm sure you'll enjoy it here!



true love
Welcome to SPPf, I guess, and remember to read the rules often.. It's important.. <<; But enjoy your stay and try to type as best as you can so people can understand.

Welcome anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hello,I`m The General of Terror call me "GOT" for short,please follow the rules and do NOT double post,please request help from your sister if you can`t spell a word,and PM me for help or for a frend.


Welcome if you need help want to talk or be friends pm me. And if you want to use good spelling. Just type everything in to Microsoft word. That’s what I do.


I ain't witty, so no
Hi Amy! Welcome. If you need a hand, feel free to PM me!


Hey! Welcome to the forum^^ Cool, you`re 6 years old. I`m 12^^


awww! couchie couchie coo!*pinches cheaks* welcome. if u need a friend just send me a private message. so cute!

Perfect Darkness

Hey, I'm Perfect Darkness, welcome. You may want to get someone to spell check your posts or something...but follow the rules and have fun!



Well-Known Member
Thank you for welcoming my sister. Although she's not on as often as me (because I hog the comp). I didn't know there was a spell check for the posts until now ><