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New Phantom of the Opera Club

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The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
This Club was Approved by PsiUmbreon.

Welcome to the New Phantom of the Opera Club. Everyone is invited to join, all you have to do is ask. If you are interested in being co-owner of the club please say so in a post. Thank-you. Please follow the rules and have fun.

{Sing once again with me, our strange duet, My power over you, grows stronger yet.}

The Masked Trumpet

Perfect Darkness

Gotta love Phantom of the Opera. Can I join? Being co-owner might be cool *cough*. But yeah, I love the play and the movie ^.^


The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
Welcome to the club Perfect Darkness. You will be the co-owner of the club. Thank you.

{Masquerade, paper faces on parade, Masquerade, Hide your face so the world will never find you}

The Masked Trumpet
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