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New Pics.


I don't know if these are old or not, but anyway, here you go!


Scream at me "Old" if they are.


Crazy bush lady!
These are from a video that was released a couple days ago. Nice pics anyway. Expect the usual "ZOMG!!R u seriius!!!This is so OlD!!!!11!one!!" though.


Awaiting B&W
Lucario does look great and I am going to have one on my team.

pokemon master 4ever

Rainbow trainer
Lucario looks alot cuter in this picture.
I say this game should be rated a 10 out of 10 for the best Wii system game.

pokemon master 4ever

Rainbow trainer
Lucario looks alot cuter in this picture.
I say this game should be rated a 10 out of 10 for the best Wii system game.


Well-Known Member
Ugh. Is it just me, or are some parts of it getting worse and worse and worse? I love the battle effects, but Parukia's crappy, and in the video it looks like Rentoraa's havin' a seizure every three seconds.


Ugh. Is it just me, or are some parts of it getting worse and worse and worse? I love the battle effects, but Parukia's crappy, and in the video it looks like Rentoraa's havin' a seizure every three seconds.

It's probably just beacause it's a Beta test. The real game should look incredible.