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New Pokémon translation names?


Well-Known Member
New Pokémon translation names?

I think that...

Pochama would be Penguain (Penguin + Rain)

Neatoro = Turap/Turpling (Turtle + Sapling)

Hikozaru = Can’t really think of one…

Mukuru = Graling (Grey + Starling)

Bippa = Bee something

Korobooshi = Craket (Crawl + Cricket)

Korinku = Can’t really think of one…

Subomi = Budlia (Bud + lia (Like Roselia))

I’ll think of more later
All of those are horrible.


I think that...

Pochama would be Penguain (Penguin + Rain)

Neatoro = Turap/Turpling (Turtle + Sapling)

Hikozaru = Can’t really think of one…

Mukuru = Graling (Grey + Starling)

Bippa = Bee something

Korobooshi = Craket (Crawl + Cricket)

Korinku = Can’t really think of one…

Subomi = Budlia (Bud + lia (Like Roselia))

I’ll think of more later
All of those are terrible, And if you can't think of a name, Why do you even put it on the list?


Well, first; there's already a topic like this in the D/P section (Official Nametalk or someting like that).
second, now I'm already posting; I heard someone (or actually two people) talk about Rozerade (as Rozereidu) and Darpion (instead of D(o)rapion. But Scropoison could also be realistic (altough I don't really like it.)
Scorpi would prob. stay Scorpi, and Perappu Perap, Buizeiru Buyoscel, and Tamanta Tamanta also. (Mantiny sucks =\)
Well, first; there's already a topic like this in the D/P section (Official Nametalk or someting like that).
second, now I'm already posting; I heard someone (or actually two people) talk about Rozerade (as Rozereidu) and Darpion (instead of D(o)rapion. But Scropoison could also be realistic (altough I don't really like it.)
Scorpi would prob. stay Scorpi, and Perappu Perap, Buizeiru Buyoscel, and Tamanta Tamanta also. (Mantiny sucks =\)

Those are the Roman spellings of Rozerade and Drapion and Perrap,Bouysel,Tamanta. In other words that is how you pronounce the names.For example you don't pronounce Rozereidu "Row-Zay-rey-doo" You pronounce it "Ro-Ze-rade" like the Roman Spelling.