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New Pokeball idea thread.

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pik achoo

I think a legendaryball would be sweet. Like it's almost a masterball and you only get 5 in the game. Anyway, other ideas?


Storm Trainer
You made like 4 of this thread


I agree, there should be something between Master Ball and Ultra Ball. More good balls could include:

Mini Ball: Works better for Pokémon under X height

Dew Ball: Works better for catching Pokémon in the morning

Sun Ball: Works better for catching Pokémon during the day

Star Ball: Works better for catching Pokémon at night

May is so Kawaii

good ideas i think there should be a female and male ball

female ball: better chance at catching female pokemon

male ball: sam eas female but male


Live Long & Prosper
More like the Love Ball be brung back. I propose the Resent ball: 25% better than an Ultra, but 50% harder to make em love ya
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