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new Pokemon Battle Revolution video..... i think


were not open anymor


were not open anymor
what only like 2 veiws??

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
The video was a bit glitchy, but it definatly looks nice.


Just me
This video has been posted before, but this one is in better quality.

And don't double post to bump your thread, please.


were not open anymor
This video has been posted before, but this one is in better quality.

And don't double post to bump your thread, please

no i didnt ....... i never double post to bump my threads..... i was bored and wanted sum one to reply.....gosh

Topaz Archer

no i didnt ....... i never double post to bump my threads..... i was bored and wanted sum one to reply.....gosh

dude. we just saw you do it. o.0 don't deny it.

ANYWAY.... although this video was better quality, it seemed to have a darker tinge to it. i couldnt see much.


Well-Known Member
ANYWAY.... although this video was better quality, it seemed to have a darker tinge to it. i couldnt see much.

That's probably the idea... I'm sure the videos aim to whet our appetites and leave us all hungry for more.


Hmm....PBR looks pretty good so far.I think most people with Pearl and Diamond will buy it (Due to the fact that no one needs to buy a link cable to connect to the Wii.).Who doesn`t want to see their small little Pikachu defeat a large legendary fire bird like ho-oh?


Powerplay Champion
looks cool... although it looks like they gave up on destructable enviroments:(

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
Hmm....PBR looks pretty good so far.I think most people with Pearl and Diamond will buy it (Due to the fact that no one needs to buy a link cable to connect to the Wii.).
Yeah. That's a definate plus for me.

I just hope that they don't get lazy and recycle the models for Pokémon #1-251. #252-386 were decent enough.


The new tuxedo look!
That video is pretty cool, but it kept pausing on me.


Pme 4 fc
What you do that for a triple post with 3 words and 16!sprites.Really that was 3 useless post right there.