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New Pokemon Cries

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*~Water Lover~*

You. Get it?
Which one do you like? My favorite is Parrap, its cry sound like it's saying its name! If you haven't heard the new cries, go check on Youtube for Pokemon Pearl (Diamond won't get as much hits.)
P.S: I can't post this on the D/P Forums. When I did, it got deleted on the spot. Is the topic rule still on?
the starer's cries weren't that special although they are faily unique~

The pre evo of Domira (that electric lion) the middle one of the line, its cry is amazing!

it sounds like someone actually recorded it.



You guys should hear Giradina's cry, it actually sounds like a scream straight out of hell!

*~Water Lover~*

You. Get it?
The one you should hear is Donkrow's cry. THAT is a scream right out of hell.
Anyways, one that is really creepy is Greggle's evil chuckle O_O;.


Well-Known Member
Giratina's is amazing and I simply adore Rentoraa's and Weavile's cries. Yet i'm biased, i'll always love Sneasel's more than anyone elses. *shrug*


Haven't heard em, and won't until they're out for US!


Well-Known Member
I like these Pokemon's cries:

Korotokku, Bippa, Biidaru, Parukia, the legendary trio, Mukkuhawk, Minomadamu, Mimiroppu, and Kureseria.


The new tuxedo look!
All hail to the cuteness of perap's cry!



Veteran Trainer
I was so dissapointed in Diaruga and Parukia's voices,I thouht they sound vicious and deep,those two dont deserve the term pocket monster...wimps more I like it.......hmph

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
Other than the ones that have been said, I like Furuwaido's cry, it's so random. IMO the DP cries are the best so far.


Well-Known Member
I just can resist perap's cry.... So cute!.... *Pet's it*
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