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new pokemon in old places?


Scuffle of Legends
Well, first things first, please do not be like DUH YOUR SMELLY STUPID, cause I know on that on this forum people think that over everything.

This thread is basically me asking why that in the anime there are new pokemon in places they shouldn't be.

I know that the people of the anime want to promote the next place and get people pumped so they put new pokemon in. (Example: Marill in Orange Islands, Bonsly and Mime Jr. in Kanto. And I think there was a Wynaut or something like that too.) But it doesnt make sense with the storyline, unless a trainer caught a pokemon and released it into a different continent.

And also, in the Battle Frontier series, Ash and his gang and Team Rocket see many many many non-kanto pokemon, like Scizor, Elekid, and Cleffa.

What happened!?!?!



Contaminated KFC
We're just supposed to assume that these pokémon have been living in the pokémon world for all this time, and we just haven't seen them on screen. That's really all there is to it.

Though I suppose if you want to bring actual theorys to the table, you could point out certain species migrating, trainers bringing pokémon over from foreign lands, native pokémon from said region being able to give birth to pokémon from recent games all along (ie. Electabuzz wouldn't give birth to an Electabuzz) and so on.

I personally don't understand why so many people find this to be such an incredibly difficult concept to grasp, but whatever...


christian 4ever
because the trainer should know this kind of pokemon already..the writes just wait until is the right time like masukippa..james knew it all the time


I like pie.
And also, in the Battle Frontier series, Ash and his gang and Team Rocket see many many many non-kanto pokemon, like Scizor, Elekid, and Cleffa.

well, scyther, electabuzz, and clefairy are all in kanto so why shouldn't their other evolutionary forms be in kanto too?

well, shinou is directly north of kanto so it makes sense that some of them would wander into kanto.

and mime jr. also goes with scizor elekid and cleffa. mr mime is in kanto, so why shouldn't it's baby form be in kanto as well? jeez.


It's good to b back!
Maybe the pokemon is from there, you remember, farfetch'd ;083; is from jhoto(because is available to catch there), as like Mr mime;122;, soodowoodo;185; and snorlax;143; are from Shinou (For its pre-evolved forms;manene; ;bonsly; ;munchlax;)


Well-Known Member
its funny that the second Ash finishes a journey...



I own the 5th gen
it's very simple: several times, the writers will f*** up and actually mention the number of Pokemon (namely in the first generation), or other such things. Then, when the revelation of a new generation comes up, they'll retcon everything.

That aside, you know what bugs the crap out of me? I can understand several Pokemon never appearing until after the respective games are released, but how come we never seem to see hide nor hair of a certain Pokemon until it's showcased? I mean, all those times that random Pokemon will be used as background props or whatever, 99% percent of the time they'll use a Pokemon either from an older generation, or a Pokemon from this generation that was already showcased a few episodes ago, while pretending like a Pokemon that has yet to debut in the anime doesn't even exist (the first generation, obviously, as well as the movies/specials apparently, seem to be the only exception to this rule). Like, what the hell? A Pokemon like Ootachi, which should by all means be common as dirt, never shows up until the end of Jouto? Afterwards, all the sudden, this Pokemon is all over the place, getting captured in Rocket Dan's nets or whatever.


I own the 5th gen
meh, they're just showing off a select few of the new Pokemon (most of which were already revealed before the games were released) for the first episode, likely to get everyone excited for the new series. Afterwards, we're back to only seeing previously-showcased Pokemon in the background. The same thing happened in AG (in which we saw Yomawaru, Kyamome, Agehunt, and some others make brief appearances).


The Plot Thickens
A long time ago there was an episode, about a year after gs came out, and it had kecleon. i was like "Dag, a new pokemon? Whazzit?"


Scuffle of Legends
it's very simple: several times, the writers will f*** up and actually mention the number of Pokemon (namely in the first generation), or other such things. Then, when the revelation of a new generation comes up, they'll retcon everything.

That aside, you know what bugs the crap out of me? I can understand several Pokemon never appearing until after the respective games are released, but how come we never seem to see hide nor hair of a certain Pokemon until it's showcased? I mean, all those times that random Pokemon will be used as background props or whatever, 99% percent of the time they'll use a Pokemon either from an older generation, or a Pokemon from this generation that was already showcased a few episodes ago, while pretending like a Pokemon that has yet to debut in the anime doesn't even exist (the first generation, obviously, as well as the movies/specials apparently, seem to be the only exception to this rule). Like, what the hell? A Pokemon like Ootachi, which should by all means be common as dirt, never shows up until the end of Jouto? Afterwards, all the sudden, this Pokemon is all over the place, getting captured in Rocket Dan's nets or whatever.

i completley agree


Well-Known Member
maybe a breeding thing... all tho ones you have mentioned are all mainly evolutions or pre evolutions... so it could be that in the anime pokemon dont need special items to breed or evolve... so of course to mr. mimes could breed and hey! mime jr. appear...


Powerplay Champion
yeah... i can understand the new evos and prevos of the onld pokemon, but seeing a taillow or mudkip in the wild, in kanto,
is simply ridiculous.
those pokemon are supposed to be specific to a certain region.


Scuffle of Legends
maybe a breeding thing... all tho ones you have mentioned are all mainly evolutions or pre evolutions... so it could be that in the anime pokemon dont need special items to breed or evolve... so of course to mr. mimes could breed and hey! mime jr. appear...

yes, but then ash or whoever could have gotten a new pokemon by breeding a while back.