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New Pokemon or Fakes?

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Rev up those fryers
This box includes 4 x 15 cards decks. (total 60 cards.) Mew ex, Rukario ex, Shizarigar ex, Guraena ex exclusive foil cards are included to these decks. Besides these decks, 2 Pokemon star cards are included, Pikachu star, Mew Two star. Also includes coin, dounter and markers, palying mat and gorgeous can box as seen in the picture. This is absolute pleasure for your kids as a Christmas gift.
As a rule, production of Pokemon gift box is very limited every year. There is no re-sale. Sorry if they are all gone very quickly.

Release date in Japan : Nov 16, 2005

Link: http://www.wakaba.net/new_arrival.htm

So what are Shizarigar and Guraena????


one love
Shizarigar is Crawdaunt and Guraena is Mightyena. They're just the Japanese names, though I haven't the foggiest clue why they weren't translated.

Flying Tropius

Shizigar is Crawdaunt and Gureaena is Mightyena in Japanese I don't put effort into my spelling but still readable
I was thinking those might just be Japanese names but wasn't sure which Pokemon they were. Looks like I was right, LOL. Anyways, the question's answered so I'm going to close this.

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