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::New Scanner Pic!::

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Well-Known Member
Huzzah, after an hour of trying to save it to a correct file type for uploading, I have succeeded in scanning my masterpiece today....me! Well, not the real me, but the Burakki me. ^^


Yes, I know, the legs are long, XP, but I couldn't earse the gel pen!
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Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
Coolness. ^__^
The legs aren't that long. Maybe a tiiiny bit too long, but I think they look fine!
The neck looks too thick, but other than that, it's really good!
I like the color, too. X)


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I usually don't draw Pokemon, I usually draw people, but it's nice to know that if I post my work on the forum, I can learn something I didn't know! x)


God of Fusions
Burakki said:
Thanks! I usually don't draw Pokemon, I usually draw people, but it's nice to know that if I post my work on the forum, I can learn something I didn't know! x)

They're classic picture. Keep um the good work umbreon( Burakki is the japenise anme of umbreon right?). Your the opposite of me. Normally I don't draw people, I dark freakin'g awsome dragons( and gryfons, but they're hard). All I need is a scanner.....


Yeah, the neck does look a little thick, but it looks fine to me. I love this drawing, Umbreon's one of my favorite Pokemon ^_^ I also like the tuff of hair on the top of her head and the spiked collar. Very cool! Is you're name Cynthia? Mine is too XP


Well-Known Member
o.o Whoa, that's cool! Now I know 7 different Cynthia's! (including me! ^^)

And yes, Burakki is the Japanese name for Umbreon. ^^


Hello! :3
I found it skinny, also, you could practice on the atriculations of the legs.
But still is a good drawing. Don't take my opinion too seriously, i'm not the goddess of art. ^^


Well-Known Member
Atriculations? Umm...what does that mean?

Don't worry, your advice is helpful. She's really supposed to look like me, and I'm....very skinny. My wrist is thinner than 2 inches!

OK, getting off topic here. She's really supposed to be based off of me, but I think she's too tall. I'm not tall at all. I'm just too undersized for 11. T_T

And you're right, the legs...look wrong somehow. ^^
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