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New scans of Mysterious Dungeon/Ranger

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Golden Darkness

Spikeshell Trainer
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Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Yeah I saw them, it reveals that the sexy pokemon ranger girl has a plusle in the anime dosen't it?

and it appears that the three birds are in mysterious dungeon


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
All 386 Pokémon are in Mysterious Dungeon...its just a matter of where and doing what


Well-Known Member
It also seems that Mysterious Dungeon will contain many of the items that we've seen in the RPG games.

Is anybody able to translate the text?

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
This seems cool. I wonder what all those items do in Ranger. Also I can't tell what pokemon the male ranger is battling in the pic. It looked like quilava but, the head looked odd and its fire is usually lit on its back. Also do you pick male/female or do you control both. I assume you pick but, you never know.


you amaze me.
Wow looks really great! Thanks for finding the scans Golden Darkness!

Diamond and Pearl

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Serebii said:
All 386 Pokémon are in Mysterious Dungeon...its just a matter of where and doing what

WHAT! even missingno Hmm I wonder what he will look like.

Maybe we can get all the event pokemon and trade them to R/S/E/FR/LG/Colo/XD etc.


Serebii said:
All 386 Pokémon are in Mysterious Dungeon...its just a matter of where and doing what

Web translating a bit from the Chunsoft product page:

Various Pokemons become companions while advancing the adventure though the member when the rescue team is formed only is you and a partner Pokemon.
There will very be 380 kinds or more of Pokemons that can adventure together.

Which implies to me, at least under the right conditions, any of the pokemon might be possible as pals/team members.

Another cute bit I read via a web translator is the "Friends Circle" area where you recruit new members. By what I gathered from the description its a bit like your town's own little "Safari Zone" or zoo with whatever native habitats YOU bother to purchase. Assumably once you have the right habitat back home future guys of that habitat you defeat might come and settle here as future recruitable team members.

I also finally get that it looks like you are always a two man team in all of the gameplay footage I've seen so far BUT its not so clear if one of them always has to be your starter since it appears that in some of the screen shots both members were not any of the known starters (or have all of the footage shown the lead character ALWAYS as one of the possible starters?).
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Super Gamer
MissingNo isn't a Pokémon >_> - it was a glitch...I also think that Munchlax & Bonsly and other 4th Generation Pokémon will be in the games.

Can't wait to play this game in a few days!



Well-Known Member
PikaPika said:

What's in the Ranger's hand?

It seems like some sort of controller for the Beyblade-like device that it used to "capture" pokemon...


you amaze me.
JazzJazz said:
It seems like some sort of controller for the Beyblade-like device that it used to "capture" pokemon...

I was just about to post that....darn you beat me to it!

Diamond and Pearl


Storm Trainer
There is an anime picture there. Cool, Joe should make a charecter profile for her. (Plusle)


Hive Trainer
The birds look cool in those screens. Interesting that theres new Ranger info.


Storm Trainer
Well, given the chance that most Pokemon games take to be brought to the US, I'd say that Ranger and Mysterious Dungeon won't come out until maybe Spring of 2006. And Pokemon Diamond & Pearl won't come out until 2007, or even Q4 2006!
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