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Well-Known Member
If they're there, most of the differences will be hard to see as the details are quite small and negligible.


christian 4ever
if they are differences just like in d/p there will be extremly small besides it wont accep the game

Korobooshi Kojiro

So? It's still neat.

Some of the differences are pretty noticeable, mainly Hippopotas and evo (different colors), Yukikaburi (the female has more snow on it), and Wobbuffet...(lipstick, ftw!)
Nice find. It's good to see they're carrying on the gender differences. =D


Well-Known Member
good find, ++++ ignore all of the other people who are being rude.

Are you referring to the fact that I said most of the differences are unnoticeable? I wasn't being rude, but stating the obvious. I, too, think it's good to see them in the game, but it's just a shame that most of the differences are small.
you know, this game is gonna be sweet... they did lotsa details, i mean, they put in gender diferences
Yeah I agree, when I first saw it I fell off my chair laughing, wonder where it gets the lipstick unless its "natural". Anyways, nice find, wouldn't have noticed it if I was staring at it for an hour or so. I still feel that gender differences are kind of useless, all the sprite space could have been used for other things, but it is very creative nonetheless.


<- He want da cookie
I love the way Munchlax and Bonsly look!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome. This game looks just great. Cant wait till its released.


The Lost Mareep
Ah hah I was waiting until we'd have some form of confirmation on this topic. I hope this is correct, it sure looks it! Awesome new screens in general too, thanks!

Also, that background scenery is so lush, I'm loving everything in this so far, along with D/P it is going to be such an amazing Wii title.


<<< MY BISHIE!!!!!!!
elikible looks freakin sweet in that picture