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New Structure Deck and Master Collection

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Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
Credits goes to GONDORA for this and no fart jokes about the title :p

Structure Deck - Champion of heavy wind (SD8)
Releasing Date : 16th March 2006
Total 40 cards
1 Construction Arranged Deck Set
1 Rule book
1 Playing guide
1 Duel field
3 New cards
Price 1000 Yen (tax included)

Releasing Date : 16th March 2006
【DUELISTPACK -Judai-・DUELISTPACK -Munjyome-】1 pack each
【PREMIUM PACK 9】1 pack

4 Secret Rare Attachment Cards
- Cyber End Dragon
- E HERO Shining Flarewingman
- Phantom Emperor - Ravel
- [SPOIL]E HERO Shining Phoenixguy[/SPOIL]
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Yea, I heard about this, supposedly it'll support harpies.

And master collection 2 is already out...


Phaeton said:
Yea, I heard about this, supposedly it'll support harpies.

And master collection 2 is already out...

I believe the numbering is different in other countries. Anyway...

I'm rather... not bothered about the next Master Collection's cards. Cyber End Dragon looks cool though, but still. Rather boring compared to the previous set's Breaker the Magical Warrior, (Which I hate. :3) Exodia Necross and Guardian Sphinx.
MC2 contains:

guardian sphinx, necross, breaker, Bls-EOTB, blowback dragon, and theinen the great sphinx


TCG Trainer
Tamer Zack said:
Credits goes to GONDORA for this and no fart jokes about the title :p

Structure Deck - Champion of heavy wind (SD8)
Releasing Date : 16th March 2006
Total 40 cards
1 Construction Arranged Deck Set
1 Rule book
1 Playing guide
1 Duel field
3 New cards
Price 1000 Yen (tax included)

Releasing Date : 16th March 2006
【DUELISTPACK -Judai-・DUELISTPACK -Munjyome-】1 pack each
【PREMIUM PACK 9】1 pack

4 Secret Rare Attachment Cards
- Cyber End Dragon
- E HERO Shining Flarewingman
- Phantom Emperor - Ravel
- [SPOIL]E-HERO Shining Phoenixguy[/SPOIL]

SD8 seems interesting. It's supposedly based on Harpy cards, so for all those Mai fans, get ready for some support.

AS for MC2, the Japanese Master Collections are different from ours. Their Master Collection 1 had Horus LV8, The Creator, Pheonix, and Ancient Gear Golem. However, I'm pretty psyched about [SPOIL]E-HERO Shining Phoenixguy. Now we know we're getting many of Edo's E-Hero Fusions. Hey, maybe we'll get some D-Heros.[/SPOIL]
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onix lord

Well-Known Member
The Master Collection looks really cool. Im a big fan of the E-Heroes so im glad to see that theres an easy way to get Shining Flare Wingman. And same with Shining Pheonix guy. And if the next structure deck is Harpies then I might want to pass on this one.


Sorry but, we are not getting MC2(Japan) because it has been spoken by Kevin Tewart himself that we are not getting Expert Edition 3, and Enemy of Justice isn't coming out until early to mid summer, we don't get Premium Packs, and we have no word about the Duelist packs(I might have to doublecheck on Pojo).

Sorry though.

I'm looking forward to the structure deck.

PS: Mobile Fortress Stronghold maybe coming to the states soon as a SP promo so that means the Gadgets are coming!

Eon Chao

Phoenix Clan Samurai
Actually as far as I was aware there are pictures of the english duelist packs from gencon floating around online somewhere. So perhaps replace the premium pack and EE3 with those two?

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
That just ruined my day. Thanks a lot, Kev.

Not even the healing powers of Fezzini can save me now...


The Duelist Packs are coming; those English packs weren't just for show (okay, they were, but still).

Expert Edition 3 is nothing more than a straight reprint of Soul of the Duelist, Rise of Destiny, Flaming Eternity, and The Lost Millenium. There isn't even any change in RARITY for crying out loud. There are no promos or anything; the "267" report was a case of false information. It sucks, but such is life. Any promos we may have gotten would have been jacked up in price anyway.

Our Master Collections have ALWAYS been different from Japan's Master Collections. 'sides, we got 3/4ths of their Master Collection Volume 1 in the form of the Elemental Energy Special Edition packs.

OBVIOUSLY we aren't getting Premium Packs.

And Enemy of Justice is a long ways off.

Chill out.

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
Actually, I was just upset about not getting the new Japanese Master Collection or Expert Edition 3. I'm fully aware that we've never and probably won't ever get the Premium Packs (that is unless KONAMI decides to reprint all the PP in a single set, but I'm skeptical of that) and I can wait for Enemy of Justice.


Actually, we DID get one Premium Pack; PP7. Remember Exclusive Pack 1?

However, note that this was due only to a licensing deal between all of the parties involved with the movie.

We'll probably see the OCG Master Collection 2 promos (or some of them) pop up in a Special Edition promo set somewhere down the road.

As for Expert Edition 3; as Kevin asked on Pojo, what do you want out of it? The reprinted sets in question are still quite easy to find; just look around wherever you live. It would be easier to get whatever cards you wanted out of the sets than EE3. Besides, it wouldn't sell. I'd be willing to bet money on that. Heck, I think it was a mistake to reprint Series 4 sets while Series 4 is still running in the first place.
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