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New Super Mario Bros. DS


Well-Known Member
I am getting a Nintendo DS Lite tomarrow (Yay!) and I was thinking about getting Super Mario Bros. DS since I like the Mario Party and Super Smash Bros. games. Do you guys like it? Is it fun? Thanks!


Heat Trainer
You should definitely get it. It's a very good game. It has awesome music, cool levels, and new power-ups. I think it's the best mario game this year.


ev trainer
New Super Mario Bros. is a great game! It's not perfect, but if you like Mario, you'll love this. At the moment, NSMB is my second favorite DS game (I like mario kart DS better). But yeah, this is one of the best games to pick up for the DS and has everything a Mario fan could want.


Insert Title Here
Really short, too easy to get extra lives, and pretty easy. But it has excellent replay value, and despite these, it's a great game. 8/10 from me.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
It's a fairly fun game that should last you a weekend. It's just easy as hell and tries way too much to be similar to the original SMB, ignoring the expansions that the sequels made. I disagree about the replay comment, though. Sure, I had fun during the few days it lasted, but I have absolutely no desire to return to it. I fact, I'm considering selling it.

I'd rent it and purchase something like Elite Beat Agents instead.