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New Ticket/Map/Whatever...?

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~Lord Doku~

Well, in the other versions (RSE/FR/LR) we had the tickets and the map(s) so what do ya think that we'll (probobly) have in D/P?

I'm guessing another ticket, something like the Cloud Ticket.

Well, if this is in the wrong forum or whatever its obvious you can close it...or move it, well, whatever you fancy doing really...

Oh, and if its been discussed before, well, do what I said above I guess...


Jade Star Trainer
i also think there will be more tickets available for legendary pokemon but i dont no what pokemon or even what kind of pokemon will be available with the ticket so i have no idea what it would be called

~Lord Doku~

Well, we're short of ice Pokemon I think so maybe the Frost Ticket...?


X the.only.trainer.ever X said:
Rukario ( I think that's its name,or if it's even considered a legendary for all we know ) could require a ticket
i think he is rare/legendary cuz hes featured in the 8th mmovie so most likely he is.

i hope not he looks so cool i hope they dont ticketitize him
hope hes like the mew2/rayquaza of d/p


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping that with online capabilities, we would be able to download the ticket from some 'special event'. Of course, I'm not aware of how useful the online functions will be, but I would assume if we can Trade, we could at least have an event.


-Koumori- said:
I'm hoping that with online capabilities, we would be able to download the ticket from some 'special event'. Of course, I'm not aware of how useful the online functions will be, but I would assume if we can Trade, we could at least have an event.

i hope they have mix records thing so if someone online got it we can mix records (smart idea lol)

~Lord Doku~

I think that they should break from the tradition and make something new!

But I have no idea what that new thing might be, a token, maybe?


you amaze me.
I hope that there aren't any tickets. They tick me off!

~Lord Doku~

Opposite tickets? A Magma Ticket for a special water/ice Pokemon and an Aqua Ticket for a fire/ground Pokemon!


one love
I like the prospect of another Fire/Ground type, but no more Water/Ice types please ;_;

And yes, there will definitely be more tickets. I HOPE that there will be a ticket each for each four of those small legendaries with 100 base stats across the board, released every year or something like that (in the order of D/P small legendary, Celebi, Jirachi, Mew), but I know that'll never happen.


Well-Known Member
On the subject of tickets, I was thinking that Diamond/Pearl could be a place to get the Old Sea Map, as it will be of old regions and you can see Hoenn/Kanto on the screen but when you mix records/trade/something with Emerald the Old Sea Map is transferred.

Arcanine Apocolipse

I guess its a pretty good idea, maybe you could get the ticket within the game, but i'm not really sure how you could...

Beat the E4 a lot of times?


Mew The Origin
What i want is that trainers get different tickets at one stage of the game for saving the region or something heroic. The ticket the trainer gets could perhaps be base off the Trainer I.D of that trainer. This way, the pokedex can be completed without much difficulties. I'm sure nintendo would promote trading by forcing trainers to trade pokemons with each other to complete the pokedex. Nintendo has already done it but all you need is each and every catridge of that certain generation. Some kids have all they need to complete the pokedex such as i having ruby and sapphire to complete the honen dex. So, nintendo would make like... maybe 5 legendary pokemons which you can get depending on your I.D number, not just the catridge you are playing. So more people may trade pokemons form diamond to diamond or pearl to pearl.

Exel 4.0

A bit of a dumb idea, but you could get a master ticket from a nintendo event OR the the pokemon lottery in place of a masterball.


Diamond and Pearl said:
I hope that there aren't any tickets. They tick me off!

Agreed! Unless there's the capability to download the tickets via the internet through special online events. That would make it fair.


Catching up on XY
PkmnTrainerJ said:
On the subject of tickets, I was thinking that Diamond/Pearl could be a place to get the Old Sea Map, as it will be of old regions and you can see Hoenn/Kanto on the screen but when you mix records/trade/something with Emerald the Old Sea Map is transferred.
Yeah, maybe when you get the map u use Dive and find a treasure chest that has something in it!!!!!!!!!!;224; ;116;

Light Wolf

Holy Wolf of Light
munchlaxboy said:
I think their should be a map at the bottom of the DS, and we play on the top!!!
We're not talking about that, man. And don't double post.

I'm almost sure I've said this in another thread but, anyway, I'll post it again:
I hope that, if there are tickets or something like that, they are easier to get, like that online event -Koumori- said. After all, with online trading (that is almost a fact), everybody in the world could be able to get every Pokémon (there must be somebody who can trade and trade back with you, come on, we're talking about ALL the world), so why this need to be so exclusive, if everybody will have it after a time. It could be easier for everyone to make events accesible to everyone.

Oh, no, I suddenly had a thought that IMO is very likely to happen but I doubt everybody will like it. And it may kill almost all the hopes I have in this game.
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