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New Vanilla Scented Girl Here^^

hey all i'm a huge pokemon fan. but i'm the only person my age i know who is, lol. but i don't care....pokemon is addicting and adorable.....
hi my name is vanilla and i'm addicted to pokemon, lol.
well see ya all around. i'm lookin to make some poke-friends so pm anytime!'^^ see ya round the boards.....

;151; :025n172: {---cute^^}
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Hello! Welcome to the forums and have a good time yes.

If you like cherimu, then PM me and we can be cherimu-friends. If not, you can still PM me to be friends anyways.


I'm baaaaaack
Hey! I am Sneasel Inferno, or SI for short.

Have a fun time here, READ AND FOLLOW the rules, and PM/IM me for help with anything!
LOL, I'm ShinyManafi, no initials

Read the rules,have fun and PM me for a friend :) Or I'l just PM you


My favourite
my name here is Dry Martini and real life martin
tip: dont double post
if you want to write more, just edit

otherwise than that and the rules, have fun
thanks for all the hellos^^ you all seem very sweet and friendly....i am drum roll 27 years old. anyone even close to that age? lol
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Hey, i like your name, ha. Well, welcome. Hope you you have an Outstanding time.;151; If you need a friend or help, i'll be here.

Sceptile Master

Survivor of the Great Avatar Depression
I'm um................... 9 and welcome to the forums. Proves that people of all ages are on the forums.