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New Video Game Series Teamwork

Is this a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
Ok if anyone wants to make an "E" rated game series now's a chance. I can make games and am starting a new series.

Will feature Penguins as very important characters.
Pokemon like creatures needed.(Not as important though)
No rip offs of pokemon but can base things off of them.
Not taking place on Earth, come up with some of your own towns,places etc.
High tech region(NOT low tech)
Need characters, make your own species, or humans, penguins, or turtles, or monkeys

Anyways be creative because this will be made. AND you get credit. Just remember it has to be E rated.

I'll get a list of stuff up soon, and maybe a site for this project.

Korobooshi Kojiro

What kind of diploma's do you have? How large is your team? Who would be your publisher?

And, Monkeys, Penguins, Turtles....hmmm? Sounds fammiliar!


Aim for the Top.
Why blow things out of proportion!?!?

I can't see how this game can be made unless it seems similar to pokémon some how.

Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
Okay. Let me explain better.The monkeys/ turtles are just like side characters to use for parts of the game. Penguins... there important because... well because they fit best for what's needed. This will be like pokemon. But not a total rip-off or exactly like it. Humans, just because our team really agree that if we didn't use humans as a species with a lower population than the penguins the game would be ruined.I have a fairly large team. Now if you still do not understand, tell me.

Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
Okay. Let me explain better.The monkeys/turtles are just like side characters to use for parts of the game. Penguins... there important because... well because they fit best for what's needed. This will be like pokemon. But not a total rip-off or exactly like it. Humans, just because our team really agree that if we didn't use humans as a species with a lower population than the penguins the game would be ruined.I have a fairly large team. Now if you still do not understand, tell me.