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new yellow team

Dragon trainer

Arise from the Ashes
yeah re-started yellow version

new team (in progress)

ice beam
mirror coat? or barrier?

swords dance
wing attack/rock slide?

sleep powder
razor leaf
mega/giga drain

punch - thunder/fire/ice
punch - thunder/fire/ice

- will be bred from crystal

raichu (elvoved pikachu)
surf (may need to cheat since no sadium)
thunder wave
focus punch?

OR as a subsitute for Raichu

pin missile

rock slide

IF not golom then subsitute for this is Rhydon

earthquake - can trade over one level before and learn on GCS and trade back have done this before for bellydruming and rock sliding on gold before it went with snorlax for breeding purposes

not sure with rhydon

others to consider on yellow include

Mew (via glitch)
soft boiled
tri attack
sub/dragon rage?

could be replacement for 'zham

noted subs for raichu and golom

? - not sure for move

thanks in advance dragon trainer


Here comes da boom!
Swords Dance

Dragon trainer

Arise from the Ashes
cool ok but alazham or mew? alzham has a great speed/special attack but mew i like it?

and you have a ms for rhydon? which is better that or golom? and hows the raichu and jotleon set?

thunder bolt is stab, thunder wave is para, alightly is speed, and bite is filler, and pin missile irrc hits pshysics hard and fast! with raichu surf hits ground/rock/fire and thnder bolt hits hard aero/water and flying. it hurts dragonite as well irrc or is just ice which kills? thunder wave para support.

with alazham it is a standard set which hits near enough everything and dragonite with ice punch.

venusaur is a defensive tank, toxic saps health backed up by draining attacks and theres STAB as well.

charizard does a job as a physical wall, rs hitting at flyers and eq at electrics parshaly (sp), and most other things, fires and stuff and flamethrower is stab, as is wing attack.

blastoise works with this ice beams hurts the grass which is its main enermy, surf is stab, but i'm un sure of the last two moves?


Active Member
nice team.........

nice team!


Active Member
here's my team

My team- Pikachu lv.100
Zapdos level100
Moltres lv.100
o and alot more i dont want to mention it

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
yeah re-started yellow version

new team (in progress)

ice beam
mirror coat? or barrier?

Mirror Coat is not an RBY Move. Blizzard over Ice Beam, has more punch. barrier is pointless, Blastoise is not a victim of physical attacks. Earthquake in last spot.

swords dance
wing attack/rock slide?

Body Slam.

sleep powder
razor leaf
mega/giga drain

Toxic and Sleep Powder Conflict. Giga Drain is not an RBY Move. Body slam and Swords Dance.

punch - thunder/fire/ice
punch - thunder/fire/ice

- will be bred from crystal

Seismic Toss and Thunder Wave. Punches are redundant.

raichu (elvoved pikachu)
surf (may need to cheat since no sadium)
thunder wave
focus punch?

Focus Punch? What generation do you think this is? Have you ever played Pokemon before RSE? If you don't have Stadium, then don't cheat. If you're going to cheat then get a team of six Electrode and give them all Spore and OHKO's. Seismic Toss and Reflect.

OR as a subsitute for Raichu

pin missile

Focus Energy.

rock slide

IF not golom then subsitute for this is Rhydon

earthquake - can trade over one level before and learn on GCS and trade back have done this before for bellydruming and rock sliding on gold before it went with snorlax for breeding purposes

Substitute and Rest. For either.

others to consider on yellow include

Mew (via glitch)
soft boiled
tri attack
sub/dragon rage?

could be replacement for 'zham

Dragon Rage? This team is seriously losing my ability to take it seriously. Also since when has Mew been able to learn five moves? Depend swhat you want Mew for. Special, Physical or Exploding.

? - not sure for move

Really? I'd have never of thought a question mark in place of a move meant you were unsure.
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Dragon trainer

Arise from the Ashes
Mirror Coat is not an RBY Move. Blizzard over Ice Beam, has more punch. barrier is pointless, Blastoise is not a victim of physical attacks. Earthquake in last spot.

ok then but ice beam for accuracy havent played the game in ages been mostly on the 3rd gen games so sorry for getting a lil mixed up

Body Slam.

Rock slide is flyers and wing attack is STAB

Toxic and Sleep Powder Conflict. Giga Drain is not an RBY Move. Body slam and Swords Dance.

Ok then

Seismic Toss and Thunder Wave. Punches are redundant.

Can get them on crystal and trade back onto yellow

Focus Punch? What generation do you think this is? Have you ever played Pokemon before RSE? If you don't have Stadium, then don't cheat. If you're going to cheat then get a team of six Electrode and give them all Spore and OHKO's. Seismic Toss and Reflect.

YES I HAVE PLAYED EMERALD I OWN AN EMERALD VERSION AND A LEAFGREEN VERSION and this is the 1st gen games if you havent noticed[/B]

Focus Energy.


Substitute and Rest. For either.


Dragon Rage? This team is seriously losing my ability to take it seriously. Also since when has Mew been able to learn five moves? Depend swhat you want Mew for. Special, Physical or Exploding.

Never properly used it so dont kill me only used it for pokedex reasons

Really? I'd have never of thought a question mark in place of a move meant you were unsure.


10 char

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
ok then but ice beam for accuracy havent played the game in ages been mostly on the 3rd gen games so sorry for getting a lil mixed up

Blizzard has 90% accuracy

Rock slide is flyers and wing attack is STAB

Wing Attack only has 35 base power; less than it does in GSC onwards where it is 60; making it pointless. Charizard has nothing to fear from Bug, Fighting and Grass types. Or Fliers for that matter so why bother with Rock Slide? Body Slam has a chance of causing paralysis, has excellent accuracy and will be boosted by Swords Dance. Win win.

Can get them on crystal and trade back onto yellow

Oops, I seem to have said "impossible to get" when I meant to say "redundant". My mistake. Why load up Alakazam with Fire and Ice attacks? Will it's 386 special backed, STABbed Psychic not hold it's ground against the Bug pokemon those attacks are clearly aimed at? Surely Beedrill's weakness to the attack and Parasect's inability to do anything with the slightest speed will leave this standard metagame pokemon shivering in it's metaphorical boots. 'Zam doesn'\t need them.

YES I HAVE PLAYED EMERALD I OWN AN EMERALD VERSION AND A LEAFGREEN VERSION and this is the 1st gen games if you havent noticed[/B]

I think you're the one who hadn't noticed. By the fact that you can equate 2nd gen onwards battling with 1st gen teams. The games are different, the moves are different, the types are different, the stats are different, the mechanics are different.

Never properly used it so dont kill me only used it for pokedex reasons

Then why put it in your team? HM Slaves stay in the box until needed. This makes your team five members and one short of a full rota.

Free Man

Active Member
I don't recommend Jolteon using Pin Missile. You'd think it would be great to take out Psychics, but the truth is that you'll do a lot better paralysing with Thunder Wave, boosting your speed with Agility and therefore getting a high Critical Hit ratio with STAB Thunder Bolt. The only Pokémon I can think of who's widely used in competitive battle which Pin Missile would be useful against is Exeggutor, but it's not worth wasting a slot just for that. Bite isn't really a good option, as it's a Normal type move in RBY (as opposed to being a Dark type move, like on GSC). So I recommend using a move like Double-Edge, so you can do a lot of physical damage if necessary. Bear in mind that Jolteon can overcome type difference because of it's ability to raise it's speed so far above it's opponent's, to get lots of Critical Hits. Concentrate on it's Special strength, but it could be handy to have a physical move there as well.

Dragon trainer

Arise from the Ashes
Not noticed golom/rhydon then ...

Blastoise/Charizard/Venusaur/Raichu OR Jolteon/Golom OR Rhydon/Alazham OR Mew

Free Man - i know that bite is normal on RBY i only put it in as a filler but thanks, double edge though recoils damage in RBY doesnt it? Thunder bolt and TW are put in for STAB and para support, but jolteon already has a high enough speed though doesnt it?

Free Man

Active Member
Free Man - i know that bite is normal on RBY i only put it in as a filler but thanks, double edge though recoils damage in RBY doesnt it? Thunder bolt and TW are put in for STAB and para support, but jolteon already has a high enough speed though doesnt it?
Double-Edge does recoil 25% damage, but it's worth thinking about. I believe it's the highest damage attacking move Jolteon can learn, other than Hyper Beam. You could use Hyper Beam - the turn you lose out on could be covered by inflicting Paralysis. However, that's a bit risky, and unless you knock out the opponent's Pokémon, you could leave yourself vulnerable for one turn.

If you'd rather use a move without recoil, then Body Slam does more damage than Bite. You could also Paralyse with this move (although since you're using Thunder Wave, that shouldn't have much bearing on your strategy).

Personally, I use Double Kick. This is a pretty weak move, but at least I have something to counter Rhydon or other Rock types. It's quite risky if the opponent uses something like Sandslash - if I can't switch out, then I'm left having to spam Double Kick until Jolteon faints. Still, it could come in handy.

Jolteon is indeed very fast, but bumping up it's speed with Agility for extra Critical Hits (which occur very frequently if the opponent is also paralysed) means that you can take less turns (and hence less damage) to knock an opponent out.

Whatever you decide, I think you should definately stick with Thunder Bolt and Thunder Wave, as you could even switch in Jolteon for quick paralysis to make it easier for a more appropriate Pokémon to take it out.


Well-Known Member
looks nss



Well-Known Member
yeah re-started yellow version

new team (in progress)

~ Blizzard
~ Surf
~ Body Slam
~ Mimic

~ Swords dance
~ Earthquake
~ Flamethrower/Fire Blast
~ Body Slam/Hyper Beam

~ Swords Dance
~ Sleep Powder
~ Razor Leaf
~ Body Slam

~ Recover
~ Psychic
~ Seismic Toss
~ Thunder Wave

~ Thunderbolt
~ Thunder Wave
~ Surf
~ Body Slam

OR as a subsitute for Raichu

~ Thunderbolt
~ Thunderwave
~ Body Slam/Double Kick
~ Pin Missile

~ Rock Slide
~ Earthquake
~ Explosion
~ Body Slam

~ Earthquake
~ Rock Slide
~ Body Slam
~ Substitute

~ Swords Dance
~ Hyper Beam /Swift
~ Earthquake
~ Softboiled/Explosion
Suggestions in bold
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Ultimate Destoryer
yeah, make sure you have Blizzard in RBY since it's alot more accurate (my blastoise oddly NEVER missed with it), but keep Flamethrower over Fire Blast, for some reason Fire Blast tended to miss more back then than it does now.
Regarding the choice of rhydon or golem, I've always preferred Rhydon considering he has the strongest STAB EQ out there, and also, he looks cooler. :(

For this team though, you'd probably want golem due to his booming capability; a capability your team is in need of.