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Newb...not to to be confused with n00b

the nimi

New Member
Hello, Names Nimi, I'm kinda new here, Kinda in the sense that I've visited before, but this is my very first post, so...

I have a question
Where can I get pictures of the new pokemon
Not the sprites, just pictures
I've seen some of the on the forums... So...


Josh trainer
Welcome to the forum.

As to your question, there is Sugimori art of the DP Pokemon in the forum avatars.
Only a few Pokemon have been done, though.


<- sensual
welcome have a fun time here


Welcome and you can use some pics as avatars just like Levski said.
They don't have all of them yet but they'll come.Eventually.
*in abnoxious voice*HIIII!


Hope you enjoy the forums. Pm me if you want to be friends.