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Newbie Here!



Also, writing in pink is an eyesore to lots of people. I have to highlight the text or squint.
Anyways, have fun! Also, don't run with scissors.


Bring me the grapes.
hey there if u just follow the rules u should be fine!


Omg..Wat did u eat??
Hey if you want to be my friend just pm me. And PLEASE dont type in pink it hurts my eyes;)


true love
Welcome to SPPf, and remember to follow the rules as everyone else said already. And try to keep to the default font, as everyone may have different background styles.

But welcome! And cute icon. ^^;

(Small text: My keyboard is dying.. too much cat fur on the laptop. >_o)

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
Welcome pikapuff to the forums, i hope you enjoy your time here and make loads of nice friends


~* mudkip girl *~