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Newbie needs a few questions answered?


Friend by note
Erm... Hello. I'm new on Serebii.
My internet name is Mika...
I perfer not to give out my real name or age.
I live in Pennsylvania.
And I've liked Pokemon since I was around five.

And this newbie has a few questions about terms used on Serebii?
What is a 'Cookieshipper'? And a 'Contestshipper'? (I think that's what it was)


Erm... Hello. I'm new on Serebii.
My internet name is Mika...
I perfer not to give out my real name or age.
I live in Pennsylvania.
And I've liked Pokemon since I was around five.

And this newbie has a few questions about terms used on Serebii?
What is a 'Cookieshipper'? And a 'Contestshipper'? (I think that's what it was)
i'd like to know what a Contestshipper is too.


Friend by note
Not really. I'll check them out! Thanks, Virtual Headache. =D
I had looked around last night for help threads, but I couldn't find any.


Friend by note
Wow. Long list.... Thanks again.