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Hiya, I'm new to the boards although i've been checking hte site for a while. I have never really been good with HTML so I apologize for my lack of signiture. I'm looking for new friends online so post if you feel inclined!

Note: I normally don't talk like that.


Welcome, if u like pokemon contest then my club would be great for you.


I've never been great at them...

I think I have beaten master level with one or two pokemon but thats not much of an achievement is it? No, I'm not great at them. I like pokemon breeding more which is basically how I won those contests.


I think I have beaten master level with one or two pokemon but thats not much of an achievement is it? No, I'm not great at them. I like pokemon breeding more which is basically how I won those contests.
If yo beat Master ranks then your a good coordinator
to me. if u ever feel like join' my club the link is above my banner


Well-Known Member
welcome! have fun here! pm me if ya wanna be friends! i always answer them!


BLAZIKEN trainer
hi, i'm quite new here too!