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Newest Recruit


Mii,myself and...Wii
The name is self explanitory, all you have to do is say your newest recruit, ex. newest recruit (the one you got before your newest) and the location they were recruited at.
For me my newest recruit is horsea from silver trench and my ex newest recruit is Lugia from silver trench.


ello there!
mines grovyle from western cave.


Well-Known Member


Furret rocks
Mine is Poochyena from Thunderwave Cvae.


Who can say?
Paras - Silent Chasm

I had gone through Silent Chasm a nuber of time recruiting all possible pokemon, but I could never get a Paras. I would either run out of food or risk being blown away.


Strawberry fields.
I recently recruited a Poliwag, and I evovled it into a Poliwhirl. Now, I'm off to find a Water Stone (or a King's Rock) so I can evovle it.


Well-Known Member
Um...Vibrinna (SP) I think, its been awhile since i've tried for any certian Pokemon.


Onions? Where??
Spoink from ??? I don't remember anymore


ooo, what's cooking?
hm, i thionk i giot a mawile from buried relic but i let it go, sweet thread man...


Tails the Bouyzel
1 Feebas From Waterfall pond
2 Celibi from Purity forest
3 Suicune from Northwind feild