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Newest Recruit


Well-Known Member
A Flaffy.
And...I beat Raikou for the third time and no luck....
Maybe on my fourth time, I will catch a Pikachu on the way there...


<-- Solves any case!
Slopoke in Kyogres dungeon, but I have to get resqued before I can go on. Stupid liquid oozing tentacruel.
Igglybuff and Ekans for me. I kept them alive the whole time through Western Cave XD


I wanted ketchup!!!
Mr.Mime is my is my newest recruit


Ho-oh on Mt. Faraway. But I did get a Castform lv. 50 and Lunatone lv. 24 but sadly I had to release them to get Ho-oh. Oh and you can't recruit people from the mazes or fully evolved forms. The person who said Octillery is a liar. Unless it's on the rom.
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Ho-oh from Mt. Faraway.

Going for: Celebi, Pikachu, and evolving Pupitar.

EDIT: Rank up, woot!
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