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Before Vulpix was Spheal, I believe... no wait, make that Lunatone. Before Vulpix was Lunatone, so yeah, and in Solar Cave. Forgot what level I recruited Lunatone is though.
That's it for now. I'm so happy now though! Next stop might be Charmander, but we'll see.
I do it's on level 92. Kecleon is recruitable with a chance of 0,01 when a pokemon is level 90+ and holds a friend bow (My articuno). Also i just recruited Octillery from team constrictor maze.
No I'm not lying. It's very possible to recruit boss pokemon from the Team Mazes. I have recruited Tentacruel,Octillery,Cradily,Graveler,Shiftry, and Nuzleaf. All from the Team dojo mazes. But the fully evolved forms have a recruit chance of 0.1 with all of the boosters.