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Next Gen systems pros and cons

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The Battousai

please discuss, argue, debate, and add to this post
updated by Yamato-San's and Shadowfax's request

Xbox 360


1. Lot's of third party support from American and Japanese developers
2. Halo III online plus alot of other great xbox exclusives
3. earlier launch
4. funded by microsoft, a very wealthy company ruled by a very wealthy man
5. xbox live is still the best way to go online, it laughs at it's competitor's pathetic online attempts
6. allowing you to put your music in the game like the previous xbox, you can listen to gold digger while playing a classic halo slayer mode
7. mass compatibility with many devices such as mp3's that allow you to customize your experience even if it doesn't have as much usb ports as we would like


1. no HD-DVD drive ready for launch
2. not totally backwards compatible, requires emulator on hard drive
3. eerily similar to dreamcast
4. above average console launch price ($400.00 for the premium with all the essentials and $300.00 for the core the rip-off bundle missing the hard drive needed for backwards compatiblity)
5. launch titles need work and we will have to wait till mid-late 06 to experience the real good games (gears of war, halo 3, oblivion)
6. only 3 wired players can play at a time
7. only 3 usb ports
8. updatable and hopefully will use HD-DVD's on future models



1. most powerful of all the next-gen consoles
2. mind-blowing MGS4 and solid playstation exclusives
3. still has some great 3rd party support
4. use of blu-ray discs allow developers to make more expansive games (imagine how long a final fantasy could be)
5. strong fanbase may keep this system around for a while similar to its predeccesors
6. lots of usable memory from flash cards to memory sticks to the hard drive
7. up to seven players wirelessly and four wired
8. crapload of usb ports and fire wire cables allow alot of places to connect mp3 players or other devices
9. totally or 99% backwards compatible


1. may have an above average launch price similar to 360's premium package
2. some developers seem to dislike the ps3 development kits
3. may have a launch very late next year or early 07 which may give it a hard time to catch up to 360 and revolution
4. hot-headed kutagari is turning some adopters away
5. online system was reported to be similar to ps2's I guess there is no more playstation live as Kutagari stated
6. playstations are usually built cheaply
7. if the console even has a music system it will probably be complicated like sonic stage



1. Made by nintendo, besides the virtual boy and maybe gamecube most of their systems were very succesful
2. lots of great franchises such as mario, zelda, metroid and pokemon are coming to this system
3. no reported price but nintendo is trying to keep this system much cheaper than it's competitors
4. online system, while still not an xbox live, is free (if you have a router)
5. virtual console allows you to catch up on the older nintendo games you never got to play


1. the controller most likely will take a while to get used to (if you got used to the gamecube cntroller)
2. decent 3rd party support but not as much as the other two competitors
3. nintendo games are getting much shorter and becoming long tech-demos as seen on DS
4. virtual console may have a pretty high fee since nintendo wanted us to pay $20.00 for the original zelda and the original metroid
5. very little extra features

Pro's and Con's depending on your taste

focus on wireless controllers for all the next gen consoles even though microsoft doesn't force this upon you
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XBox360 Cons: Rabid fanboys

PlayStation 3 Cons: Rabid fanboys

Revolution Cons: Rabid fanboys

Fanboys suck, hard :/


I own the 5th gen
the idea of wireless controllers is also a con for me, personally. I'm really hoping traditional wire-attachments are provided as an option.


Compatability should be listed as a Pro for the 360. they're making it compatable with everything. It can wirelessly connect to windows to stream music, video, pictures, everything. It can be used like a TVio or whatever those things are called to watch, and record TV shows, and it can connect to almost every other digital device you can think of. It can take pictures from Digital cameras, stream music from iPods and the PSP, etc.

They aren't being evil and forcing you to buy Microsoft products to do this, you can literly use anything, whether it's Microsoft made, Apple, or even Sony. The way they see it is, if it's good for the consumer it's good for business.

And yeah, the online mode > all. There's not even a need to buy an $8 magazine to get demo's and what nought anymore, as they can all be downloaded. Plus there's the Live arcade, similiar to what Nintendo are doing with being able to download lots of old games. Expect to see things like Ace Combat and Mortal Kombat, etc to be available.

And as for Sony allowing you to listen to music during games like the Xbox, I see that as being unlikely. They're incredibly tetchy when it comes to piriting, have you seen how difficult it is to listen to your own music during PSP games? You need to download a special program to convert music CD's, etc, etc..


Well-Known Member
Er, Nintendo has loads of 3rd Party Surport, right? I swear I've been reading that all the big names (ie. EA, Ubisoft, Square ect) all said they "love" the Revolution controller, system and are looking forward to developing for it.

Also, considering the controller is aimed at new gamers, I dought it'll take a while to get used to, probably no longer than the 360's or PS3's maybe even less.

Finally, what do you mean by little features? Because the Revolution can play DVDs, CDs, Revolution Games, GC Games, Any Nintendo Game, loads of options for extras/add ons for the controller and free online gaming.

I'm not trying to "defend" the revolution or anything (hell no, I'm getting a 360 for sure) but I just feel you've missed out on alot of the good Revolution features. But, we still can't really say wnyhting about compairing them if we still a haven't seen the graphics for the revolution.

The Battousai

You made some good points but the features if it has any at all will most likely be add-ons to keep the console price down. The controller probably will be easy for new gamers to use but hardcores who are used to the older controllers may have some difficulty (like getting used to the n64 controller).


Queen of Orudoran
It will be expensive
ridiculous Game Disc Protection only allowing you to play that game on one PS3
Noone wants to buy it since it has too many flaws
Games will be very expensive (since it will use blu ray)
Too many fanboys.
Late release dates
XBox 360
Media Center Extender ability (if you own a Media Center PC)
Hard Drive
Compatiblity with xbox games
It will be expensive for the essentrals bundle, the cheap bundle doesn't contain a hard drive required to play old xbox games
You have to pay to play online gaming.

Games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Pokemon.
Free Online Play
Compatiblity with Gamecube games
Can play older games.
The Control will take awile to get used to
You have to pay a high fee to download older games.


No additional equipment is required (except a faster graphics card and memory)
Very Extendable (with addons and expansion packs)
Easy to learn the controls
High Graphics quality (if you are using a dedicated graphics card) and performance
Can do about anything.
It can be expensive to update your PC.


Meteor Trainer
Controller of Flames said:
What is with the "take a while to get used to" thing I keep hearing for the rev's controller, if you just plug in a dang traditonal controller attachment you don't have to get used to anything!
That's a bad idea... why would you get the Revolution just to play games the same way we've already been playing them for decades? That kind of nullifies the whole term "Revolution"...

Pros -
More unique and original
Developers love the controller
Extra features are actually related to gaming.

Cons -
Weaker than the other consoles

Pros -
Getting good Japanese support

Cons -
Too many hip-hop or mainstream games
Expensive hardware add-ons
Extra features which have nothing to do with gaming.

PS3 -
Familiar name and possibly controller

Cons -
Games are too expensive
Less original than the other two

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
I'd just like to say halo 3 shouldnt be a pro for the xbox for some people FPS may not be their preference and i dont see you listing great games on other systems as pros. Its quite obvious as to which system you're getting after reading your pros and cons it would be better for someone with an unbiased opinion to make this thread. Also nobody better even try to say I just dont like xbox, microsoft etc. I own an xbox and halo 2 I like both.

Alyssa Picariello said:
ridiculous Game Disc Protection only allowing you to play that game on one PS3
Not confirmed do your homework little girl

Alyssa Picariello said:
Noone wants to buy it since it has too many flaws
your opinion

Alyssa Picariello said:
You have to pay to play online gaming.
I'm very interested in where you get your information

Alyssa Picariello said:
The Control will take awile to get used to
And you know this how?

Alyssa Picariello said:
You have to pay a high fee to download older games.
Again please do your homework $1.75 osnt that much at all unless you're dirt poor.

Alyssa Picariello said:
No additional equipment is required (except a faster graphics card and memory)
Very Extendable (with addons and expansion packs)
Easy to learn the controls
High Graphics quality (if you are using a dedicated graphics card) and performance
Can do about anything.
It can be expensive to update your PC.
The utter fanboysim of this post disturbs me please die. You also cancelled out some of your pros and forgot many a con. Such as a PC costing way more than a counsole, having to buy a graphics card for quality graphics, uses valuble memory, controls are harder, and much, much more.

Btw i'm not a sony fanboy but her review of the ps3 had more things wrong with it than the others.
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Don't forget that Revolution has no Hi-Def or a built-in DVD drive.



I think it's slightly unfair to say the 360 will have expensive add ons, as the other consoles probably will as well. For example we know the Revolution will have multiple controller accesories you'll have to buy that will probably only work with one or two games.

The Battousai

I'd just like to say halo 3 shouldnt be a pro for the xbox for some people FPS may not be their preference

Naruto, I didn't enjoy fps's at all until I played halo, it was just so well done that anyone could enjoy if they were optimistic about it. Riding in the warthogs, ghosts, banshees, shooting up aliens and unparalleled co-op and online play give the halo series an unforgetable experience. I wonder if you ever played halo, some may say it's overratted but you have to give xbox some credit, this game was just plain awesome. I could pretty much tell your a nintendo fan, but many of gamecube's nintendo sequels were subpar compared to n64's. They made mario games repetitive (spray this, spray that, find the shine sprites find the blue coins) ,they killed console pokemon (dull colloseum and XD) and made it about purifing shadow pokemon over a great story and gameplay elements from the gameboy games. They basically overall messed with the platforming goodness that came from nintendo consoles. The only thing I felt nintendo did well this generation was SSBM, that was great. I didn't really find anything on gamecube but melee as fun as halo was though.

No additional equipment is required (except a faster graphics card and memory)
Very Extendable (with addons and expansion packs)
Easy to learn the controls
High Graphics quality (if you are using a dedicated graphics card) and performance
Can do about anything.
It can be expensive to update your PC.

PC controls aren't really that comfortable and easy to learn. I usually need to use a gamepad to enjoy a good game on a PC. PC's are pretty much great for everything but games, that's why I prefer buying a game console over buying a graphics card that costs as much as a game console. The GeForce 7800 is like $300.00! Also games on a PC don't run as smooth as they do on a game console. All I play on my PC are online rpg's every once and a while.

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Shiny Charizard said:
Naruto, I didn't enjoy fps's at all until I played halo, it was just so well done that anyone could enjoy if they were optimistic about it. Riding in the warthogs, ghosts, banshees, shooting up aliens and unparalleled co-op and online play give the halo series an unforgetable experience. I wonder if you ever played halo, some may say it's overratted but you have to give xbox some credit, this game was just plain awesome. I could pretty much tell your a nintendo fan, but many of gamecube's nintendo sequels were subpar compared to n64's. They made mario games repetitive (spray this, spray that, find the shine sprites find the blue coins) ,they killed console pokemon (dull colloseum and XD) and made it about purifing shadow pokemon over a great story and gameplay elements from the gameboy games. They basically overall messed with the platforming goodness that came from nintendo consoles. The only thing I felt nintendo did well this generation was SSBM, that was great. I didn't really find anything on gamecube but melee as fun as halo was though.
How do you know anyone would enjoy it, have you done scientific studies? What about the next GTA you didnt list that under the ps3? In my post I clearly stated I own halo 2 and an xbox and I like them both so its pretty obvious that I've played it. I honestly think halo 2 was overated I like it but its the same as every other FPS you have a gun, you shoot stuff with it oh good it has co op! And how could you tell that I was a nintendo fan? Was it because I stuck up for the other two systems who arent getting the same kind of attention? I'm also a sony fan and a microsoft fan also how did my post make it seem like i'm a nintendo fan? I think you should find an ps3 fanboy and a revolution fanboy and have them wright the previews for those two counsoles that way their all their attributes will be shown.
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ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Damn but how about God of war I heard they're making a sequal(sp?)


Well-Known Member
I'm not going in-depth, but let's say I started looking for a next-gen console in a shop. I know about their predecessors, but don't care about in-game details. If I saw a PS3, I'd say it'd be good because of the PS2, but it looks a lot like it. I'd go to the Revolution, and say it's bad because of the Gamecube, but I'd get interested because of looks. But you'd get mostly interested in the XBox 360, not only does it look different, it also had a good predecessor. But the price would be too much.

That sounds like rubbish, but it's not just fanboys who'd buy it.


Twilight of Aquarius
Xbox Pros:
Free online service
Good selection of launch titles, and Halo 3 later
Interchangeable faceplates

Xbox cons:
Nothing really outstanding about it
2 models, one worthless, the other quite expensive
Limited quantity at launch

PS3 Pros:
Processing power
No doubt the same franchises that PS2 fans loved

PS3 Cons:
Difficult dev kits
Unpopular controller
Expensive games
Potential anti-piracy deal
Unchanged online system

Revolution Pros:
Innovative controller
Backwards compatibilty with GCN and downloaded games
Free online service
Continuation of classic franchises

Revolution Cons:
Weakest hardware wise
No built in DVD player
Continuation of classic franchises
A wireless router is most likely required for online, so broadband doesn't cut it
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