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next handheld video game mascot and gamename

What should the next handheld video game name &
pokemon mascot of that game should be.

Horn Drill

They should be GSC remakes with Ho-oh, Lugia, and Suicune as the mascots, of course. :p


Well-Known Member
I dunno...
I atleast dont want any remakes again >.<


I love garlic. :P
It should be a new pinball game...! With Lucario as mascot...
PLEASE nintendo
make a G/S remake for DS.

Do they not realise that it's no good putting johto pokemon hither and thither?

we need the region!

hop to it!


Contaminated KFC
Next pokémon game eh? Alrighty, lets see...
How about Pokémon Bloody Meat-Cleaver version and Pokémon Rusty Butcher-Knife version. The featured legendary pokémon this time around will be a radioactive space chicken with drumstick missles for legs, and a giant T-bone steak with a happy smiley face and baggy clown pants filled with BBQ sauce. Alzues created them when it couldn't think of any more phallic dragon pokémon to populate the pokéverse. Also, you'd be forced to start the game with Charmander, and each time you catch a wild pokémon that isn't Charmander, your save data will be deleted as punishment for your insolence.

Though seriously...
I'd like another Pinball game, actually. Pinball R/S has to be one of the most insanely addictive games I've ever had the pleasure of wasting hours of my life with, so a new installment would be welcomed with open arms. Although, this time, I'd like a little more variety...how about 12 tables to corespond with each main RPG game released? That'd make things a hell of a lot more interesting.
And perhaps some optional mini-games accessible from the main menu. Personally, I thought stuff like capturing the legendary pokémon (especially Rayquazza), finding the invisible Kecleon and ghostbusting the Duskull were great fun, and it was a shame that you had to play through the main game just to access them.
As for the mascot?....Koroboshi, obviously.


Well-Known Member

Yea sorry about that XD
But yea a Johto game would rule on DS


I dropped my balls
I'd like a Pokemon Coloseum remake... for the DS :D
I've always wanted to play a game with shadow pokemon, but I don't want to buy a frikkin gamecube to do it!

I think the regi's would make great mascots :3

Korobooshi Kojiro

As for the mascot?....Korobooshi, obviously.


Hell, give us "Korobooshi Commie Red" Version and "Pidgeot Capitalist White" versions of Pinball DS.

In the Korobooshi version, knock down the Bourgeiose with a giant metal ball, and use the KBG to arrest disjoiners!

In the Pidgeot version, have fun...promoting free business and killing monopolies!

Fun for the whole family, these games get good MARX from me! Nyeheheheh!


SPPF's spammer
Next pokémon game eh? Alrighty, lets see...
How about Pokémon Bloody Meat-Cleaver version and Pokémon Rusty Butcher-Knife version. The featured legendary pokémon this time around will be a radioactive space chicken with drumstick missles for legs, and a giant T-bone steak with a happy smiley face and baggy clown pants filled with BBQ sauce. Alzues created them when it couldn't think of any more phallic dragon pokémon to populate the pokéverse. Also, you'd be forced to start the game with Charmander, and each time you catch a wild pokémon that isn't Charmander, your save data will be deleted as punishment for your insolence.

Though seriously...
I'd like another Pinball game, actually. Pinball R/S has to be one of the most insanely addictive games I've ever had the pleasure of wasting hours of my life with, so a new installment would be welcomed with open arms. Although, this time, I'd like a little more variety...how about 12 tables to corespond with each main RPG game released? That'd make things a hell of a lot more interesting.
And perhaps some optional mini-games accessible from the main menu. Personally, I thought stuff like capturing the legendary pokémon (especially Rayquazza), finding the invisible Kecleon and ghostbusting the Duskull were great fun, and it was a shame that you had to play through the main game just to access them.
As for the mascot?....Koroboshi, obviously.
8D That was hilarious! I'd so buy one immediatley. Do you think a Pokemon TCG game remake would be good?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, I think those would be very interesting.

Realistically though, I'm expecting a Giradina one for the 4th generation- Pokemon Opal maybe?
They may do GS remakes as there are so many who would love to see them (me included) which would obviously have Ho-oh and Lugia as mascots. I doubt Crystal will be included though- it was an extra. And we didn't get Water Blue or Lightning Yellow did we?

you know that makes no sense. It was a side quest, there so you could level up your pokemon. It wasn't that good, no, but surely you'd rather have it than not?
I mean its more for your money :/


Hilo Thar!
if u read the discovery thread is says that they might make a game that is lik emerald only with d/p i think it is going to be called pokemon opal and the mascot will be that ghost/dragon type legendary.


Well-Known Member
Pokemon Kamaitachi and Pokemon Banshee, two rather "evil" games where you're the Pokemon who goes around scaring the crap out of humans with either your sickles (( Kamaitachi )) or your high pitched screaming (( Banshee )) and you get "badges" as more victims fall. The mascots would be Sneasel for Kamaitachi and Misdreavus for Banshee.

Biased? Me? Duh.