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next nintendo handheld console?


< looks friendly
hey, i know its a bit far off, but what are your ideas for the next nintendo handheld console.

mine is like this.

it would have a a psp sized screen maybe a little less wider. it would have wireless capabilities of course and be recharged the same way as usual. it would be a touch screen. it would play umds and umd movies. it would have wi-fi and be able to do picto chat with nintendo ds. it could have perhaps some kinda connection with the ds games, say for example for pokemon, if they made a pokemon game for it, youd be able to trade ur pokemon from diamond and pearl to the new pokemon games wirelessly. and if possible, not have to use a memory card like psp.
and perhaps its wirless capabilities could go further than the ds did, say 500 meters.
it would be shaped like the gba micro but of course be 3 or 4x the size.
it would have the microphone and good speakers.

so those are my ideas, what are yours?


Awaiting October.
um yeah their was a topic like this..

i doubt Nintendo would use UMD's ever..
um i would just like and upgraded DS that is able to play DS & GBA games..
it should look like a DS lite
I Think that the next handheld that
nintendo will create will look like the
nintendo ds except on the bottom
there would be a wrist strap to put the console
on your wrist.
Plus the games it would play would be all the game boy,
gameboy color, GBA and nintendo ds games.


Well-Known Member
I dont know why, but i recall hearing something about the "game boy evolution". If someone could tell me if this is fake or something then please. Personnaly the next one should basically a new game boy that plays small discs(smaller than UMD) and would be about the size of the DS Lite.



Well-Known Member
Do you know that UMDs consume more battery power? >.> Besdies, I don't see anything wrong with the catridges Nintendo is using...

I kinda think it's quite unlikely for Nintendo come up with a new handheld console any time soon in the near future. That is, until they can come up with more innovative ideas to improve gaming. So until then, it'll probably be just like the DS lite except...

-Better visuals?
-More battery life?
-The ability to play games from Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS?
-Better Wi-fi capabilities?
ugh why think about this now the DS is doing fine as it is.


< looks friendly
ds is fine as it is, i was just wanting 2 know your ideas for the distant future.
but about the cartridges, i think that cartridges are limiting gameplay and graphics, i think a small disc would be better, or they could make big ds game cards. and cobalt latios i couldn't find anything bout gameboy evolution.


Well-Known Member
UMD is a proprietary format made by Sony. Therefore, Nintendo wouldn't use it because of licensing fees. The reason why they didn't use DVD's in the GCN was for the same reason.

They still couldn't use DVD's because it wouldn'tr fit in the GCN slot.

Back on topic, I think they should have something a little bit bigger then the size of a closed DS Lite. No touch screen. The games will be gamecube size. The system can play gamecube games, and games for the system that gamecube can't play. It would have a mic and bulit in speakers on the bottem of the system. IT would have the same functions as ds like download and play. It would also have a special picto chat where you can chat on the mic with your friends. Graphic would be a little bit better than PS2 graphics. IT won't use memory card and it can play ds games. IT can also connenct with the ds. IT still has wifi. Thats mostly it and I will edit when I get more ideas.


< looks friendly
They still couldn't use DVD's because it wouldn'tr fit in the GCN slot.

Back on topic, I think they should have something a little bit bigger then the size of a closed DS Lite. No touch screen. The games will be gamecube size. The system can play gamecube games, and games for the system that gamecube can't play. It would have a mic and bulit in speakers on the bottem of the system. IT would have the same functions as ds like download and play. It would also have a special picto chat where you can chat on the mic with your friends. Graphic would be a little bit better than PS2 graphics. IT won't use memory card and it can play ds games. IT can also connenct with the ds. IT still has wifi. Thats mostly it and I will edit when I get more ideas.

great ideas, but still i don't think that a console could be almost as small as a closed ds lite, and have 2 screens, and fit a gamecube game in it.


Well-Known Member
I'd actually like the DS to use memory cards (though Sony) because memory cards help to store the games so it makes it easier to sell the whole package when you can just delete the games from the memory card instead of selling the game to the buyer and he has to start a new game.


Awaiting October.
I'd actually like the DS to use memory cards (though Sony) because memory cards help to store the games so it makes it easier to sell the whole package when you can just delete the games from the memory card instead of selling the game to the buyer and he has to start a new game.
No memory cards

and i wish that they leave the DS except improve everything..Graphics, memory, sound and the pictochat makeing it able to go Wi-Fi


they shpuld make a Wiitendo DS, use can you can hook your DS up to your Wii and then use the Channels on the DS


jenni is 14 :(
I dont know why, but i recall hearing something about the "game boy evolution". If someone could tell me if this is fake or something then please. Personnaly the next one should basically a new game boy that plays small discs(smaller than UMD) and would be about the size of the DS Lite.

well nintendo has come out to say it isn't planning on continuing the "gameboy" because the DS is doing so well.
even though they initially said it was in a seperate vein and that gameboy would continue.... but who knows, they might change their minds... but with the failure of the micro and the massive success of the ds and ds lite, i doubt it.


Super Gamer
Your thread has been deamed pointless.

What is the point of talking about this. DS is going to be around for alot longer than any Game Boy.



Well-Known Member
great ideas, but still i don't think that a console could be almost as small as a closed ds lite, and have 2 screens, and fit a gamecube game in it.

I never said have 3 screens. But when you think about it like AussieFan said, how it will it play ds games.