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NFS Most Wanted

I've been playing NFS Most Wanted for the last month(got it Oct 2) and it's fun! I'm at Kaze right now, and I swear I wanted to get Jewels's car SO BADLY!!! Doesn't it have a Direct Port Nitrous!? I need that so badly!
I bought an RX-7, and I already had a really good car(mitsubishi - earl's) and somehow, RX-7 is supposed to be better, right? Cuz I went to the car garage, and I saw that RX-7 was way more expensive than the mitsubishi, so I assumed that it was better!
And btw, what do those timestoppers do?


Ghost Pokemon King
Speed breaker as u call them time stoppers help you make corners and under truck for easy get away from teh cops i won all the blacklists cars so i didnt have to buy any

EDIT: your avatar is sick and wrong


Well, it doesn't hurt to turn off autosave. That way, you could race them again if you got the markers you didn't want.


Ghost Pokemon King
thats what i did u can beat anybody with the viper u get from i think his name was JV and razor is so easy