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Nice to meet you all, I'm sure~


Well-Known Member
Hey there, Im new here...most obviously...
Iv been visiting this site for quite some time, finaly decided to join, mostly because I dont know that many ppl who are pkmn fans... and so I have no one to talk to...but now I have this place!~yay!!

Iv owend at least one of each generation of the games... I cant wait until Diamond and Pearl come out...Im trying to avoid reading anything about those games so that its more of a surprise and exciting when I actualy get to play it^^.....which means Im gonna have to avoid a hell of a lot of topics here~lol

Lets see...I'm also into manga and anime...Full Moon wo Sagashite, Love Hina, Chobits and Card Captors being ammong some of my favs...

As for posting and spamming and all, no worries, Iv done it all before, so no worries about spamming and flaming....

Anyways...sry for the rant... hope to make friends here and contribute to topics~
And a lil warning, my spelling does suck^^''

Trooper Guy

Lost in history...
^^Would you quit it with the hentai links?

Anyways, hello and welcome to the forums. Needless to say, but have fun here and about spelling, that's okay. We all make mistakes from time to time.

Jimmy P.

First shiny!!
Unfortunately there are people like him ^ on the forums. But you seem like a nice person, so I don't think there will be any trouble from you. Have a nice time here and just ignore people like him, and don't worry about the spelling. I'm sure it will improve over time.


Hey there, Im new here...most obviously...
Iv been visiting this site for quite some time, finaly decided to join, mostly because I dont know that many ppl who are pkmn fans... and so I have no one to talk to...but now I have this place!~yay!!

Iv owend at least one of each generation of the games... I cant wait until Diamond and Pearl come out...Im trying to avoid reading anything about those games so that its more of a surprise and exciting when I actualy get to play it^^.....which means Im gonna have to avoid a hell of a lot of topics here~lol

Lets see...I'm also into manga and anime...Full Moon wo Sagashite, Love Hina, Chobits and Card Captors OMFG me TO :D being ammong some of my favs...

As for posting and spamming and all, no worries, Iv done it all before, so no worries about spamming and flaming....

Anyways...sry for the rant... hope to make friends here and contribute to topics~
And a lil warning, my spelling does suck^^''

hello nice to meet ya *shakes hand*
if you wanna friend im here i dont charge to muchhh ><


Natsu no Maboroshi
Welcome and have fun :p


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome everyone^^
eh, I see this place does have its spammers and troublmakers then... but seems strict here, will keep me in check then, not that I need it lolz

Ahaha, and many of you seem to have new pkmn in your sigs and avies...so much for avoiding them, aah well, cant beat them join them~

jpkmnl2006>How much do you charge? O.O''
I thought forums were free~lol

Once again, thanks for the welcome~
Last edited:

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
It's pretty much trying to delay the inevitable by attempting to join a pokemon forum whose site has the most d/p info, and still trying to avoid the pokes. :p

Anyways, welcome.


Josh trainer
Welcome to the forums :)
Here are some useful links;

Rules - Read them and follow them.

- Check here if you have any questions. Very useful.

Search - Use it if you're looking for something. And also, before making a thread, check if there's one like it already.

User Ranks - Many members ask about them, so look before you ask.

User CP - Change your avatar, signature and profile here.

Signature Rules - Don't break them, or staff members may delete your signature. If you want to check your sig, go to the Signature Check Thread.

Fan Art Requests - This is where you can request the ever-wanted trainer cards, among others.