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Nice Trades!

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Fog Trainer
I have recntly got a really nice trade from a dumb kid... A nephew of my mate.

it was a Ho-oh from collosseum and a squirtle lvl 5. for a SHINY sudowoodo and a duskull.
I think this was a really nice rip off for him and i said there is no other way to get a Ho-oh. So he did it.

Discuss other good or bad deals in this topic...


Live Long & Prosper
Well, technically, unless you live near an event, there IS no other way...

I traded a kid a lv. 29 Meganium(no not Bayleef) for a lv. 100 Kingdra...

Pokemon Master Elite

Trading your Ho-oh would mean that you'd have to do that whole Mt. Battle thing over again just to get it back. And from my previous experiences, it was very time consuming and was a complete drag. IMO, you should have just kept the Ho-oh. There's nothing really special about shinys just that they are rare and Ho-oh is a much stroger Pokemon.

Anyways, I traded my friend a lv. 36 Feraligatr for all the starters I didn't have.


Fog Trainer
Thats the best thing... im half way through another colloseum so ho-oh aint that far away. I have basically got another ho-oh and a shiny sudowoodo. ho-oh is time consuming... through mt battle but the one i already had was a relaxed nature... and i think that isnt the best nature for a ho-oh anyways.

im happy for now i have 2 shinys and it is a lot more rare


Well-Known Member
Do u think that I got screwed? I totally messed up my 3 dogs and worst natures. Movesets here.




Something like that. I traded them to take these(I would breed them):
-A modest Porygon2

Did I did the right thing?

BTW I never used the dogs.


Fog Trainer
you could of done the right thing... depends how you look at it. u can easily get the dogs agen... but then the other pokemon u can very easily get.

Flying Tropius

Well it isn't a rip off my friends traded me Charizard Venusaur Blastoise Mewtwo Celebi and Jirachi and Persian, Scyther for alot of of my pickup-zagoons


Fog Trainer
what lvl ziggys? were they sharked? celebi etc etc


This is what i do: trade good items from my other emerald (i will refer to it as my crap emerald) into my emerald. i tdrade ziggys into crap emerald and then restart it.


i beat all 100 trainers but forgot to clear a space in my party, so i didnt get ho-oh,lol;385;

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
no bad nor fooling trades to report. I did receive a L12 zigzagoon which is now a L96 linoone used for rare pickups and lottery purposes at least.


~*Jirachi~Chan*~ said:
i beat all 100 trainers but forgot to clear a space in my party, so i didnt get ho-oh,lol;385;
where did u do this? and u were going to get ho-oh?


Well-Known Member
~*Jirachi~Chan*~ said:
i beat all 100 trainers but forgot to clear a space in my party, so i didnt get ho-oh,lol;385;
No, the Ho-oh would go straight to your box. You must not have snagged and purified every possible Pokemon. I don't really trade for keeps, just to get the Pokemon in the Pokedex, and trade back. So I didn't really have any good trades.


Hyper Coordinator
i got sweet deals like charmander egg for squirtle egg and charmander egg for bulbasaur egg

I got a milotic for something... and Latios for something... as well...

I got torchic and sceptile through trading as well... heck half my good pokemon are from trading... eventhough their natures suck

my dex wouldnt be this full is i didnt trade
Flying Tropius said:
The chances are that he traded it from a sharked cart, or used a shark himself because thier is no way that he could of got Celebi though ligitimet means. Exept if he used the Japanese bonus disk, but thats like gold-dust.
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