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one love
Depends. Ingame, as long as you don't have a moveset like Leer/Snore/Flatter/Helping Hand you should be good.

Competitively, it is suited best for the UU environment. A Choice Band set with Rock Slide/EQ/Megahorn/Sludge Bomb ought to wreak considerable havoc on anything not named Skarmory or Weezing (if playing in OU).
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<-Don't wake him up!
Question is answered by the Ez, and this thread should either be closed or moved to a different section of the forums. Doesn't really belong here dude. This thread is more suitable for FR/LG discussion or general pokemon discussion.
Nidoking is a great poke; one of my favs.
Another decent MS besides the one Ez stated is:
Earthquake(STAB 100 base power)
Sludge Bomb(STAB 90 base power, chance of poisoning)
Thunderbolt(Skarmory cries, as do water pokes)
Ice Beam(ground, and flying types cry)
^the last 2 is just b/c of the popular boltbeam combo, and it covers two of its weaknesses.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Tyranitar-Rex said:
Question is answered by the Ez, and this thread should either be closed or moved to a different section of the forums. Doesn't really belong here dude. This thread is more suitable for FR/LG discussion or general pokemon discussion.

Are you a moderator? Didn't think so. It's really annoying when people post this kind of time-consuming trash in their replies. You know, I didn't even read the rest of your reply because of this, so if you plan to add these kinds of things often, don't, out of consideration for the rest of the serebiiforums population. My reply has come very close to being spam, so my apologies to whoever has read this.
P.S. I've been tolerating these kinds of replies for quite some time; I had to voice my disapproval sooner or later, don't take it as personal, Tyranitar-Rex. :)


Magma Leader Maxie said:
Are you a moderator? Didn't think so. It's really annoying when people post this kind of time-consuming trash in their replies. You know, I didn't even read the rest of your reply because of this, so if you plan to add these kinds of things often, don't, out of consideration for the rest of the serebiiforums population. My reply has come very close to being spam, so my apologies to whoever has read this.
P.S. I've been tolerating these kinds of replies for quite some time; I had to voice my disapproval sooner or later, don't take it as personal, Tyranitar-Rex. :)

What, so no other than a mod is able to give advices, nor correct anyone?
Time... consuming? Heck, reading that small piece of advice took less than thirty minutes! Now how in the world is that time consuming?

And this question has been posted before, at the Pokémon polls, where it eventually got locked.

As to the guestion of is Nidking good, it depends what you are going to use it at. Eszett and Tyranitar-Rex already gave sets, but it would help if you told what kind of Nidoking, and in what purpose do you want.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
GoldenHouou said:
What, so no other than a mod is able to give advices, nor correct anyone?

I didn't say that. Sure, but isn't that one of the reasons why the PM function exists? Oh, and mods are here to give advice, but members that give mods advice might as well be talking to a cat beneath a tire. Moderators know when to close threads.

GoldenHouou said:
Time... consuming? Heck, reading that small piece of advice took less than thirty minutes! Now how in the world is that time consuming?

I'm guessing you wrote minutes by mistake?

If the subject of this thread is the the Moon, I'm near Proxima Centauri. I won't damage this thread any more.


<-Don't wake him up!
Magma Leader Maxie said:
Are you a moderator? Didn't think so. It's really annoying when people post this kind of time-consuming trash in their replies. You know, I didn't even read the rest of your reply because of this, so if you plan to add these kinds of things often, don't, out of consideration for the rest of the serebiiforums population. My reply has come very close to being spam, so my apologies to whoever has read this.
P.S. I've been tolerating these kinds of replies for quite some time; I had to voice my disapproval sooner or later, don't take it as personal, Tyranitar-Rex. :)
No, but I hope to be one one day :p. I will admit that in the 1st sentence that it did sound a little minimodish but, I'm saying it to help out the member, not to bash. You and I both know that this thread doesn't belong here. Even with all that said, I still answered the thread's question in the end.

Poke Freak

It does depend. Ingame it's pretty good.

Competativly however in the OU envirement it not the best choice, but I know some UU users that think it rules, so it does depend.


hey...i tink nidoking is a gd pokemon onli if u mak it 2 gd use...


Magma Leader Maxie said:
I didn't say that. Sure, but isn't that one of the reasons why the PM function exists? Oh, and mods are here to give advice, but members that give mods advice might as well be talking to a cat beneath a tire. Moderators know when to close threads.

I never spoke anything about closing a thread. I meant that others than mod can as well tell that the topic is in wrong place and where it belongs before they PM/report/whatever to a mod and ask to move it.

Magma Leader Maxie said:
I'm guessing you wrote minutes by mistake?

Uh, yeah, I did. Thirty minutes reading that XD

Magma Leader Maxie said:
If the subject of this thread is the the Moon, I'm near Proxima Centauri. I won't damage this thread any more.
Very true. For that, I´ll just leave and stop posting offtopic posts.


Heat Trainer
not that i want to add fuel to the fire here, but i agree with maxie here, it gets slightly annoying when people try and tell you what to do. Especially when technically he's not breaking the rules.

8) ANY threads related to movesets on Pokémon or choosing members of your team belong in the RMT forum. Also follow the RMT rules when you go in there as well. "Give me a team" threads arent allowed.

No rule as its writen has been broken, but for some reason you feel it necessary to interpret the rules as you see fit. Which i think you will find is a Mods right and not yours
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