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What's your take on Nidoking? Sure he only has average stats, but his ground/poison type comes in handy at the BF.

General Blaze

Not the face!
In my opinion, Nidoking is one of the best Poison types you can get. I had one in FR and it OWNED the Elite 4 and the Battle Tower. It can learn a wide varitey of moves, makeing it a great P.Sweeper. So if you are going with it to the BF, then you got a great team mate on your side!


Hyper Coordinator
1.This is against the rules (cant have threads based on just one pokemon)
2.If it was aloud this belongs in the General Pokemon Thread
3.Nidoking is a great pokemon


Jade Star Trainer
he is a pretty good pokemon, i recommend u using him


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to the RMT thread, so that maybe you can get better answers than "yeah he's good."
He's a cool Pokemon.

Nidoking @Choice Band/Leftovers:
-Rock Slide/Sludge Bomb
-Mega Horn
-Shadow Ball

great physical attacker imo.

Horn Drill

SapphireL said:
He's a cool Pokemon.

Nidoking @Choice Band/Leftovers:
-Rock Slide/Sludge Bomb
-Mega Horn
-Shadow Ball

great physical attacker imo.

The only thing you'd really use Shadow Ball on is Gengar, so Focus Punch is also usable. =/

Nidoking is pimptastic. 8D
Horn Drill said:
The only thing you'd really use Shadow Ball on is Gengar, so Focus Punch is also usable. =/
ingame though, Focus Punch isn't that great. Shadow Ball is also for the Psychic Pokemon.

Nidoking is pimptastic. 8D
he's cool. An awesome Pokemon really. lol
Besides, Focus Punch and STAB Earthquake are redundant.