Night Avenger
Rust In Peace
Now its time for MY future D/P Team:
Houndoom (Dark/Fire) @ Powerful Herb
252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
Modest (+Sp. Attack; -Attack)
Flash Fire (Prevents Houndoom from being attacked with Fire type moves, also boosts the Fire type moves)
-Dark Pulse
First Scheme. Then let your opponents die. Two STABs (Dark Pulse and Flamethrower) and one big weakness caretaker (Solarbeam) that combined with the Powerful Herb could make this dog rock! This combo can just take one Ground/Rock type but whatever, I still got Lapras and Dotaitos! The hellhound's back!
Lucario (Fight/Steel) @ Focus Band
252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
Modest (+Sp. Attack; -Attack)
Inner Focus (Prevents Lucario from flinching.)
-Pulse Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Calm Mind
Here we have a standard Lucario. Focus Band so he can last a little longer in battle. Pulse Bomb for STAB, Shadow Ball to neutrally hit everything along with Pulse Bomb, Psychic as a weakness caretaker for Fight, goes along well with the high Sp. Attack and Calm Mind for giving a Special boost to the Sp. Attack and Defense! Ninja dog time!
Electivire (Electric) @ Choice Band
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Defense
Adamant (+Attack; -Sp. Attack)
Electric Engine (When Elekible is hit with an Electric attack, its Speed increases)
-Brick Break
-Ice Punch
Electric sasquatch power! This Big Foot is here to stay! Just choose a move and with Choice Band, Adamant and Electivire's incredible attack you should be able to pwn everything. Just watch out for anyone that can counter your chosen move.
Lapras (Water/Ice) @ Leftovers
252 Sp. Atk, 129 HP, 129 Sp Def
Modest (+Sp. Attack; -Attack)
Water Absorb (Lapras is healed up to 25% of max HP when hit by Water type attacks)
-Ice Beam
A special Sweeper. A Starmie with STAB on Ice Beam. With the Leftovers she should be able to stay a little longer in battle. Psychic as a weakness caretaker (Fight) and Thunderbolt to make those Water types that dare to cross Lapras’ path die!
Torterra (Grass/Ground) @ Shell Bell
200 Attack, 200 Defense, 110 Sp Def
Impish (+Defense; -Sp. Attack)
Overgrow (When Dotaitos’ HP gets low, its Grass type attack’s power is multiplied by 1.5)
-Seed Bomb
-Rock Slide
OK this guy is my tank. Defense boosting Nature, Curse (Slow down… Like it’s gonna affect me!) and then pwn with STAB (Seed Bomb and Earthquake) or the big weakness caretaker (Rock Slide for Ice: 4x weakness)! Shell Bell to restore this hard to lower HP and we’re good to go!
Salamence (Dragon/Flying) @ Life Orb
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Adamant (+Attack; -Sp. Attack)
Intimidate (Upon Salamence’s entry on battle, all opponent’s Attacks are lowered)
-Dragon Claw
-Aerial Ace
-Dragon Dance
Here we have Salamence. Attack boosting Nature, Life Orb, a Dragon Dance or two and then hit your opponents with STAB (Dragon Claw and Aerial Ace) or just land a big hit on them with Earthquake. This dragon is here to pwn!
So, whaddya think?
Houndoom (Dark/Fire) @ Powerful Herb
252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
Modest (+Sp. Attack; -Attack)
Flash Fire (Prevents Houndoom from being attacked with Fire type moves, also boosts the Fire type moves)
-Dark Pulse
First Scheme. Then let your opponents die. Two STABs (Dark Pulse and Flamethrower) and one big weakness caretaker (Solarbeam) that combined with the Powerful Herb could make this dog rock! This combo can just take one Ground/Rock type but whatever, I still got Lapras and Dotaitos! The hellhound's back!
Lucario (Fight/Steel) @ Focus Band
252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
Modest (+Sp. Attack; -Attack)
Inner Focus (Prevents Lucario from flinching.)
-Pulse Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Calm Mind
Here we have a standard Lucario. Focus Band so he can last a little longer in battle. Pulse Bomb for STAB, Shadow Ball to neutrally hit everything along with Pulse Bomb, Psychic as a weakness caretaker for Fight, goes along well with the high Sp. Attack and Calm Mind for giving a Special boost to the Sp. Attack and Defense! Ninja dog time!
Electivire (Electric) @ Choice Band
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Defense
Adamant (+Attack; -Sp. Attack)
Electric Engine (When Elekible is hit with an Electric attack, its Speed increases)
-Brick Break
-Ice Punch
Electric sasquatch power! This Big Foot is here to stay! Just choose a move and with Choice Band, Adamant and Electivire's incredible attack you should be able to pwn everything. Just watch out for anyone that can counter your chosen move.
Lapras (Water/Ice) @ Leftovers
252 Sp. Atk, 129 HP, 129 Sp Def
Modest (+Sp. Attack; -Attack)
Water Absorb (Lapras is healed up to 25% of max HP when hit by Water type attacks)
-Ice Beam
A special Sweeper. A Starmie with STAB on Ice Beam. With the Leftovers she should be able to stay a little longer in battle. Psychic as a weakness caretaker (Fight) and Thunderbolt to make those Water types that dare to cross Lapras’ path die!
Torterra (Grass/Ground) @ Shell Bell
200 Attack, 200 Defense, 110 Sp Def
Impish (+Defense; -Sp. Attack)
Overgrow (When Dotaitos’ HP gets low, its Grass type attack’s power is multiplied by 1.5)
-Seed Bomb
-Rock Slide
OK this guy is my tank. Defense boosting Nature, Curse (Slow down… Like it’s gonna affect me!) and then pwn with STAB (Seed Bomb and Earthquake) or the big weakness caretaker (Rock Slide for Ice: 4x weakness)! Shell Bell to restore this hard to lower HP and we’re good to go!
Salamence (Dragon/Flying) @ Life Orb
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Adamant (+Attack; -Sp. Attack)
Intimidate (Upon Salamence’s entry on battle, all opponent’s Attacks are lowered)
-Dragon Claw
-Aerial Ace
-Dragon Dance
Here we have Salamence. Attack boosting Nature, Life Orb, a Dragon Dance or two and then hit your opponents with STAB (Dragon Claw and Aerial Ace) or just land a big hit on them with Earthquake. This dragon is here to pwn!
So, whaddya think?
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